March 24, 2024

Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion

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Jesus' Palm Sunday entry into His City of Jerusalem

Dear Friends in Christ,

I love religious art. I especially love this painting of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem because it depicts something we see a lot of today at events and parades. Notice the dad holding up his baby to the right so he can see Jesus! That really says it all as we are entering into the week of the Lord's Passion. Hopefully, we all desire to see Jesus. Parents are called to lift up their kids to see Jesus to fulfill this desire. Bishops, priests, deacons, and all of God's holy people are called to lift people up to get a glimpse of Jesus. Why? Because Jesus came to save us. That is what the week of the Passion is all about. It's the high point of the Church year because we literally enter into the Lord's Paschal Mystery: His suffering, death, and resurrection. Why is that important? It's important because it is the reason why Jesus came and why Jesus matters to us today. He came as the innocent one to freely save the guilty. And we, my friends, are the guilty ones. We are sinners and we are broken and wounded by the sin of the world and of others. Who doesn't need to be saved and restored? I certainly know I do, and I know a lot of others who do as well.  

It is the Paschal Mystery of the Lord Jesus that saves. Jesus went to the cross, died, and rose from the dead so that we might have the very life that He has. All we have to do is believe in Him, and salvation and new life is ours. We simply have to believe. Christianity is not that complicated. The Church can seem complicated to some, but at its core is this fundamental truth: Jesus came to save us, and He gave us the Church and the sacraments to enable us to encounter His grace, His divine life, and saving power.  

The coming week of the Passion is the opportunity for us to enter into the mystery, step by step, day by day. In the coming days, we literally travel the way of the cross, to Calvary, to the tomb, and to the upper room on Easter morning. We do this by celebrating these events in our liturgies. The liturgical celebrations this week are not just the recalling of past events. In the liturgy, these saving events are brought forward for us today so that the spiritual graces that come from Jesus' words and actions are made real in the here and now. We do this every year because each year, we need to be renewed by God's saving grace. We need His ongoing grace so that we can be hopeful in the promises made to us by Christ long ago, which become new for us today.

So, this coming week, I encourage you to literally live this Paschal Mystery by attending the celebrations of the Sacred Triduum, the holy three days of the Lord's Passion.

  • This Sunday, we celebrate the beginning: Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion. We recall the Lord's triumphant entry into Jerusalem and then take in the Passion account from Saint Mark's Gospel. Within the span of a week, a joyful entry turns to sorrowful death. How quickly do we turn on the Lord at times within our daily lives?

  • On Thursday, we celebrate the evening Mass of the Lord's Supper. We celebrate and live the reality that the Last Supper is made new every time the Mass is celebrated. On this day, we give thanks to God for the gift of the ministerial priesthood, the gift of the Eucharist, and the opportunity to adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament after Mass, as we keep watch with Him in the garden as He awaits His arrest. How do we appreciate this gift of His body and blood?

  • On Friday, we pray the Stations of the Cross and take part in the Good Friday Service, where we once again recall and live the Lord's Passion, this time from Saint John's Gospel. We come forward to venerate the cross as a reminder of the Lord's sacrifice for us. There is no Mass on Good Friday, but we do receive Holy Communion because we cannot live one day without the Lord's gift of the Eucharist. Do we appreciate all that Jesus went through to save us?

  • Holy Saturday is a day of silence and darkness as the Lord awaits resurrection in the tomb. But the darkness gives way to the light of the new Easter Candle at the Great Easter Vigil celebrated at Saint Patrick Church at 8:00 pm. The entire Church begins to awaken to the Lord's saving grace, especially for those who are baptized and received into the Church at this Mass 18 this year!  

  • Rejoice and be glad that the Lord is Risen… Easter Sunday Masses bring an end to the fasting of Lent and bring us to the feasting of the Easter Season. Jesus rose from the dead and offers joy, abundant life, and eternal life for those who believe in Him! This is our faith. This is what God has done for us. How will we rejoice and be glad in God's goodness this day?

My friends, like the painting above, it's important that we all get a glimpse of the Lord Jesus. For gazing upon him and celebrating His Paschal Mystery in our liturgical celebrations is what prepares our hearts to receive the gift of salvation He offers. Many people have the desire for faith. I see it all the time. Let's seek them out more and more and lift them up so they can see who we see: the Lord Jesus Christ!

Many blessings for Holy Week!

Fr. David Mulholland



Holy Week & Triduum

Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday and continues until Easter Sunday. It celebrates the Paschal Mystery, the passion and death of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and his victorious resurrection, his triumph over sin and death.

—Palm Sunday—

Regular Sunday Mass Schedules

—Holy Thursday—

Saint Patrick Church | 7:00 pm

Adoration until 9:30 pm

CRS Rice Bowl Collection

Holy Cross Church | 6:00 pm

Adoration until 8:00 pm

CRS Rice Bowl Collection

—Good Friday—

Saint Patrick Church | 7:00 pm

Holy Cross Church | 3:00 pm

Veneration of the Cross and

Holy Communion

—Easter Vigil—

Saint Patrick Church | 8:00 pm

—Easter Sunday—

Saint Patrick Church

9:00 am & 11:00 am

Holy Cross Church

8:30 am in English

10:30 am in Samoan

Please note:

  • No 9:00 am Mass on Holy Thursday or Good Friday.
  • No confession or 5:00 pm Mass on Holy Saturday.
  • No 7:00 pm Mass on Easter Sunday.

view flyer

Seven Churches Visitation

Join us for the 3rd annual pilgrimage of the Seven Church Visitation!

The Mass of the Lord's Supper is followed by adoration at seven churches within South King and Pierce County; times and locations are to be announced. To sign up for notifications once the route is finalized, please call or text Mackenzie Capaci at


The pilgrimage is a powerful way to spend time in adoration, meditating on Christ's sacrifice of love for the salvation of souls in preparation for the joy of Easter. 

The Eucharist is placed on a temporary "altar of repose" at the end of the Holy Thursday Mass. It is customary for the faithful to process together to this altar and spend time in quiet prayer and adoration.

The origin of the Seven Churches Visitation is practiced by Catholics worldwide. It's a powerful way to spend time in adoration, meditating on Christ's sacrifice of love for the salvation of souls in preparation for the joy of Easter.


Lent is a season of repentance, conversion, and penance. Prepare your heart for Easter.

Saint Patrick Church

Holy Cross Church


3:00 pm to 4:30 pm

Mass at 5:00 pm

This is the last opportunity for Confession before Easter—no Confessions on Holy Saturday.

view photos

Stations of the Cross

The Stations of the Cross is a 14-step Catholic devotion commemorating Jesus Christ's last day on Earth as a man. The stations are most commonly prayed during Lent on Fridays, especially Good Friday, the day of the year upon which the events occurred.

—Saint Patrick Church—

Fridays | 7:00

Good Friday | 9:00 am

Living Stations of the Cross

with Saint Patrick Catholic School

Good Friday | 3:00 pm


The following ministry groups will lead Stations of the Cross:

March 22

Deacon Bill & Barb Eckert

March 29

Stephen Ministry

—Holy Cross Church—

Fridays | 9:30 am & 7:00 pm*

*Soup Supper at 5:30 pm in the Parish Hall before Stations of the Cross

Good Friday | 7:00 pm


view photos

Sunday Vespers

Vespers is the Evening Prayer of the Church, known as the Liturgy of the Hours, prayed daily by priests, religious, and lay people throughout the world, using the Psalms and other scriptures.

6:00 pm on Palm Sunday

Mass at 7:00 pm

Saint Patrick Church


By gathering in the Liturgy to pray this evening prayer of the Church, we heed Saint Paul's call to "pray constantly" for the world and the Church!

Soup Suppers

Ministry groups at Holy Cross Church are hosting soup suppers and praying the Stations of the Cross, a traditional Lenten devotion, at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary.

Fridays | 5:30 pm

Holy Cross Church

Parish Hall

March 22

St. Peter Chanel Samoan Ministries

Fasting & Abstinence from the Archdiocese of Seattle 

For this penitential season, the Church draws on the wisdom of the Scriptures and tradition in suggesting a time of intense prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.

Catholics in the United States are obliged to abstain on all Fridays during the season of Lent. Catholics are also obliged to fast on Good Friday, March 29.


On a day of fasting, one full meal is allowed. Two other meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to each one's needs, but they should not equal the other full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted, but liquids, including milk and juices, are permitted. The obligation of fasting binds Catholics who are 18-59 years old.


On days of abstinence, eating meat is not allowed. The obligation of abstinence applies to those 14 years and older. The law does not oblige when health or ability to work would be seriously affected.

Bookmark for Lent reflections, resources, prayer suggestions, encouragement, and more, and for events and Mass times for Lent, Holy Week, and Triduum at the parishes of Saint Patrick and Holy Cross.

Lenten Devotional

Saint Patrick Catholic School created a special Lenten Devotional to share with your family. Inside is a collection of reflections— one for each day of Lent from the Saint Patrick Catholic School community members. 

Bookmark it and incorporate the devotional into your nightly meal time with the family during Lent.


Hit the play button to watch

CRS Rice Bowl

Through the CRS Rice Bowl, we have witnessed families in Uganda, El Salvador, and Indonesia working to overcome the impact of climate change so that they can stay healthy and thrive.

Thank you for your prayers and sacrifices this Lent to support these and other communities worldwide as we work together to end hunger and poverty.

CRS Rice Bowl is the Lenten program of Catholic Relief Services, the official international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States.

Nearly 13,000 Catholic communities across the United States participate in a transformative Lenten journey with CRS Rice Bowl.

75% of donations aid international hunger relief, while 25% returns to the Seattle Archdiocese through grants. 


Please turn in your CRS Rice Bowl donation on Holy Thursday.

Please do not return cash or coins, but make your gift online in PushPay by scrolling down to the PushPay article and choosing your parish giving link or a check payable to your parish with "Rice Bowl" on the memo line.

How to Sign Up for FORMED

FORMED offers all sorts of Catholic faith content on-demand, including thousands of movies, programs, audio, and books instantly.

Check it out. It's free— as our gift to you. FORMED is available on your desktop, phone, tablet, and laptop. For access to all FORMED content, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter zip code 98403
  3. Enter your name and email

You can get the free FORMED app for your phone or another mobile device by searching FORMED in the app store.

Walk to Calvary with Jesus

The Health Ministry's annual Meatless Fridays in Lent campaign starts on the first Friday of Lent and ends on Good Friday.

It's a beautiful way to improve not only your spiritual well-being but also your health. The Health Ministry invites you to try a new, tasty meatless recipe each week and recommends that you take a healthful walk of at least 1/3 of a mile each Sunday to commemorate the distance Jesus walked on his journey to Calvary and reflect on the Prayer for Sundays during Lent during your walk.

A Chance to Win

Everyone who goes meatless on all Fridays in Lent is eligible for a chance to win a $100 Metropolitan Market gift card courtesy of the Health Ministry.

Meatless Recipe

Check out the final recipe selected by the Health Ministry for Good Friday. Shop for ingredients this weekend to prepare for your Good Friday meal.

Crispy Cauliflower Steaks

Check out this meatless recipe for Sheet Pan Crispy Cauliflower Steaks, with easy-to-follow instructions and a complete list of ingredients.


Easter Egg Hunt

The egg can be seen as a symbol of the sealed tomb from which Christ emerged after his resurrection.

Bring your Easter baskets for an egg hunt on the parish grounds!

Holy Cross Church

March 30 | 10:00 am


Meet in the Parish Hall to enjoy coffee, juice, and baked goods and get directions about the egg hunt.

Saint Patrick Church

March 31 | Easter Sunday

after the 9:00 am Mass


Ages 4 and younger meet by the statue of St. Patrick and ages 5-12 in the Courtyard.

From ancient times, eggs have been seen as a symbol of new life. And since eggs were one of the foods from which people fasted in Lent in the early Church, people looked forward to eating them again.

Eucharistic Bread Recipe

Lent in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS)

In the atrium, the children and catechists celebrated the Last Supper.

Children take on the roles at the Last Supper and enter into the narrative, hearing the words of the great love that Jesus gave at this meal: "Take and eat. This is my body, broken for you. Take and drink. This is my blood, the blood of the covenant, poured out for you. Do this in memory of me," pondering what these new words meant. Why did Jesus not follow the usual script of the Passover Meal? Why the new words?

Atrium families bake the Eucharistic bread used in the Last Supper celebrations. Bake it with your family during Holy Week and have a Last Supper celebration at home.

CGS is an approach to faith formation where children 3-12 years old are formed in the Catholic faith in a sacred space called the atrium.

The Liturgy of the Light rehearsal date has changed, and the time of the event has shifted. Please see the updated calendar.

To learn more about CGS at Saint Patrick Church, visit the atrium, serve or train as a catechist, email Kim Ward, CGS Coordinator, or call 253-274-4108. 

For more information, visit the national CGS Association and the local consortium website, The Sheepfold.


Catholic Daughters of the Americas

CDA is one of the oldest and largest organizations for Catholic women in the Americas, providing local spirituality, sharing, and activity under the support of a vibrant national organization.

March 24 | 11:30 am

Holy Cross Church


Meetings are held on the 4th Sunday of the month.

St. Peter Chanel Feast Day

Celebrate the feast day of St. Peter Chanel, patron saint of the St. Peter Chanel Samoan Ministry at Holy Cross Church.

—save the date—

April 28 | 12:00 pm

Holy Cross Church

Archbishop Paul Etienne will preside at the Mass. A reception follows after Mass. Everyone is invited.

ALWAYS scroll to the bottom of The Cornerstone; you might need to click view the entire message if your email provider clipped it or view it as a webpage in the browser to stay informed about important news, events, and programs. You'll know you've reached the end when you see our photo highlight.



Congratulations to Henry, the son of Chad Olson and Jennafer Schweyen, who was baptized on March 16 at Saint Patrick Church with Deacon Steve Cano. The godmother is Kristina Schweyen. The godfather is Fr. Sabastin, who FaceTimed-in from overseas. Many were present, including grandparents, family and friends.

Email Meg Hannan, Baptism & Faith Formation Coordinator, or call 253-274-4112 to learn more about Sacramental Preparation for Baptism, First Holy Communion, Reconciliation, and Adult Confirmation.


Congratulations, Dayton Ericson and Emily Lowe. The couple had their marriage convalidated on March 19 at Saint Patrick Church with Fr. David Mulholland. Witnessed by Max Mitin, a friend of the bride and groom, and Arean Ericson, sister of the groom.

For more information about marriage convalidation, email Mary Leverson or call 253-274-4100.

The 3rd Scrutiny

Fr. David Mulholland celebrated the Third Scrutiny with the Elect in preparation for their full reception into the Church at the Great Easter Vigil.

The Scrutinies are three special rites that help prepare the Elect, those participating in the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA), to enter the Catholic Church.

The season of Lent involves a more intense examination and preparation for the Elect and those of us already living the Catholic faith.


Partners in the Gospel

Last month, the final parish families were announced across the archdiocese, and this month, all pastors and key parish leadership attended in-person regional trainings focused on the subsequent phases of the Partners in the Gospel journey. They learned about the key activities that should take place in each phase of the process.




Food Donations

We are not accepting food donations at Saint Patrick Church or Holy Cross Church.

Please deliver food directly to

Rides to Mass Needed

Occasionally, we receive requests for a ride to Mass from parishioners who cannot drive. These folks genuinely miss the opportunity to attend Mass and to receive the Eucharist. 

Would you like a ride to Mass?

Do you live within five miles of the parish and need a ride to Mass?

If you're interested in helping with transportation or need transportation, please email Laura Dougherty or call 253-274-4109. 


Weekly Offertory

Giving online using Pushpay allows you to make donations, payments, and pledges via your mobile phone, smart device, or computer. Your gift benefits sacramental preparation, liturgical programs, and religious education.

Prayerfully consider making a recurring weekly or monthly donation to the parish collection by creating an account. Thank you for your investment and continued support!

Weekly Collection Needed


3/17/24 Collection


Needed Year-to-Date


Actual Year-to-Date



Weekly Collection Needed


3/17/24 Collection


Needed Year-to-Date


Actual Year-to-Date



If you still need to update your giving in Pushpay to reflect your 2024 stewardship pledge, please do so now.


Leading Stations of the Cross

Saint Patrick Catholic School students continue to prepare their hearts for Easter during the season of Lent.

On March 15, ASB leaders led Stations of the Cross at Saint Patrick Church with the support of Mr. Braeden Neal, a middle school teacher with a 6th-grade homeroom class who teaches multiple grades in middle school and leads ASB.

Living Stations of the Cross

On Good Friday, 8th-grade students will lead us in prayer and reflection during the Living Stations of the Cross at 9:00 am at Saint Patrick Church, a Saint Patrick Catholic School tradition reenacting the Passion of Christ in a very moving Stations of the Cross. 

Do you know a student or an alum we should spotlight? Email us!

Apply for 2024-2025

Our heritage, your future— schedule a tour to learn more about Catholic Education at Saint Patrick Catholic School, especially for students entering PreK, Kindergarten, and Middle School.

Visit our newly renovated Early Learning Center for preschoolers and our recently renovated Kindergarten through 8th-grade classrooms.

Meet faculty and staff, view exceptional student work, and learn about admission and enrollment for the 2024-2025 academic year.

REACH 2024  Thank you (Postcard (US)) FINAL.jpg


Wow... what a night! Saint Patrick Catholic School, thank you for betting on us. To date, we've raised a record-breaking $643,000 and counting at the 2024 R.E.A.C.H. Auction!

The development team would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to auction chairs Andrew and Katy Madderson, the R.E.A.C.H. Auction Board, parish and school administrators, faculty, staff, students, parents, parishioners, donors, sponsors, community partners, vendors, and volunteers. Thank you for loving our community fully and abundantly. 

The 49th Annual R.E.A.C.H. Auction celebrated Saint Patrick Catholic School's 131 years of Catholic Education. We raised the stakes, upped the ante, and Bet on Brighter Futures, hitting the jackpot at Casino Royale.

There is still time to help us win big through March 31 by purchasing some of the following: in the Menu, click the Act Now tab, filter on Currently Open packages

  • movie night experience for your family
  • Glassybaby votive candle holder commemorating Saint Patrick Catholic School's 130th anniversary is perfect for an alum.
  • A Celtic cross-engraved bracelet would be an excellent gift for a child making their First Holy Communion in an April
  • trinket tray commemorating the Diamond Jubilee of Saint Patrick Church.


Upper Playground Replacement Project

Playground updates are coming soon; construction will begin after school lets out in June, so there is still time to contribute to the Fund-An-Item, our Upper Playground Replacement Project. Hit the play button below to watch our appeal video and learn more.

Together, we can do this! Please email us if you have questions about the Fund-An-Item project plan, fundraising, or timeline.


View photos from the event on our REACH Auction Facebook page, and like and follow the page while you're there.


40 Days for Life

The visible, public centerpiece of 40 Days for Life is a focused, 40-day prayer vigil outside an abortion facility in the community. It is a peaceful and educational presence. Those called to stand witness send a powerful message to the community about the tragic reality of abortion.

—Spring Vigil—

through March 24

Tuesday, Thursday, Friday,

Saturday & Sunday

8:00 am - 4:00 pm


public right of way at

Cedar River Clinics

1401 Martin Luther King Jr. Way

To sign up, email 40 Days for Life.

For more information, visit 40daysforlife/


Grief Support Group

When a loved one dies, you can feel isolated, lonely, sad, and that no one understands what you're going through.

GriefShare is a faith-based 13-week seminar and support group designed to provide support, education, encouragement, and comfort as you share your grief journey with others who understand how it feels to lose a loved one.

Grief support will be provided in a confidential, caring space where people can share their journey with others.

Thursdays through May 9

10:30 am - 12:30 pm

Saint Patrick Church

 Parish Center


We know grief has no timeline; please know that you are welcome to join us at any time after the death of a loved one, whether it has been days, months, or years since their death.  

Kristine Keough Forte, M.S., D.Be, has over 40 years of experience in a clinical setting caring for individuals and their families during serious illness and at the end of life. She believes a faith-based approach provides the best support for people on their grief journey. After retirement, she coordinated the Grief Ministry at St. Rose Parish for two years. Kris and her husband, Mario Forte, moved to Tacoma to be closer to their children and grandchildren and joined Saint Patrick Parish.


For questions, please email Kristine Keough Forte or call 360-430-4361

Wellness Wednesdays

Following Jesus Christ as our teacher, the Seattle Archdiocese Mental Health Ministry gathers wisdom and resources. It reaches out to parishes and schools to create welcoming communities of compassion, support, and education to reduce the stigma of mental illness.

Wellness Wednesdays Speaker Series about Grief, Trauma, and BIPOC Mental Health is free and offered in-person and online on April 10 and July 10. View the flyer to learn more.


Stephen Ministry

Are you physically, emotionally, or spiritually going through a tough time? Are you struggling with a personal crisis or challenge? Feeling isolated or lonely?

Consider inviting one of our parish's trained Stephen Ministers to walk alongside you during this difficult time.

Email Laura Dougherty or call 253-274-4109 to learn more.

Catholic in Recovery

Catholic in Recovery, blending 12-step principles and spirituality with the sacraments of the Catholic Church, is a supplemental group to your primary recovery program; confidentiality is protected.

Sundays | 6:00 pm

St. Francis Cabrini Church


Tuesdays | 6:00 pm

St. Charles Borromeo Church

Convent Chapel on the SW corner of the parish campus

Wednesdays | 6:00 pm

St. Andrew Church


Wednesdays | 6:30 pm

St. Nicholas Church

Gig Harbor

All are welcome— not just Catholics or other Christian traditions. Recovery meetings serve those afflicted with substance abuse, pornography and sex addiction, relationship attachment, gambling, overeating and other eating-related disorders, technology, codependency, and unhealthy attachment behavior. 

For more information, visit, email Catherine, or call 206-227-6737.


Women & The Word

Ladies of any age are welcome. Bring your coffee and join us as we reflect on God's Word.

Thursdays | 7:00 am

Saint Patrick Church

Parish Center

Need not be a parishioner or Catholic! Bring your friends.

Men's Prayer

Men of all ages gather to read the day's scripture and a reflection from the Word Among Us.


6:45 am - 7:30 am

Saint Patrick Church

Church Hall

They also read and discuss books focused on faith. Past reads include Weight of Glory by CS Lewis, Mercy: What Every Catholic Should Know by Daniel Moloney, and He Leadeth Me by Fr. Walter Ciszek, which Fr. David highly recommended.

Bible Study

Studying scripture in a group leads to more profound discovery. Join Deacon Bill Eckert in a bible study on the Gospel according to John. You'll get an overview of the Church's approach to scripture and interpretation.


4:00 pm*- 5:30 pm

Holy Cross Church

Parish Hall

*Start time changed

to 4:00 pm on March 19

No sessions on

June 18, June 25, July 9

Bring your bible. Liturgically themed refreshments are provided by a generous parishioner! Need not be a parishioner or Catholic! Bring your friends.


Eucharistic Adoration

Rest in the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist! It'll change your life. All are welcome.

—Saint Patrick Church—

Mondays | 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm

—CHAPEL at Holy Cross—

Perpetual Adoration 24/7

Sign-ups are required. To sign up

Holy Hour for Life

Join us for Eucharistic Adoration, prayer, and confessions.

April 5

every 1st Friday

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Stations of the Cross at 7:00 pm

Holy Cross Church

—save the dates—

May 3, June 7, July 5, August 2



Choir Rehearsals

Come love God through song with the Holy Cross choir.

—Saint Patrick Church—

Wednesdays | 7:00 pm

If you are new to the Saint Patrick Choir or want more information, please see the Cantor after Mass.

"He who sings praise is not only singing but loving Him about whom he sings." —St. Augustine of Hippo— 

—Holy Cross Church—

Wednesdays | 6:30 pm

If you are new to the Holy Cross Choir or want more information, please email or call Erica Minneman, Music Director, at 253-310-7508.

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is a global Catholic fraternal service order founded by Michael J. McGivney in 1882 for practicing Catholic men.

Knight of the Month

Tony Karabaich

Family of the Month

David and Cappri Boitano

March 2024 Knight Tidings

—standing meetings—

Meetings are held at 6:30 pm in the Church Hall at Saint Patrick Church or via Go to Meeting virtually.


2nd Thursday of the month

Stay tuned for changes coming soon.


3rd Tuesday of the month


4th Tuesday of the month

To learn more, call 253-380-4000 or email the Knights. Follow on Facebook.

Social Hour

Social Hour after Mass is not just about refreshments; it's a time for building, nurturing, and strengthening relationships by connecting on spiritual and personal levels and fostering community, support, and belonging.

Saint Patrick Church

Social Hour is hosted after the 9:00 am Mass. 11:00 am Mass-goers are encouraged to come at 10:00 to enjoy coffee and donuts before Mass and leave enough time for a one-hour fast before Holy Communion.

There is no out-of-pocket cost to host. The parish provides the donuts and coffee— your ministry or family picks up the donuts, sets up, serves, and cleans. Saint Patrick Catholic School families earn commitment hours; middle schoolers earn service hours.

March 24

Palm Sunday; no Social Hour

March 31

Easter Sunday, no Social Hour

April 7

Connelly & Manley Families

June 2

School Commission

If your family or ministry group is interested in hosting, email Laura Dougherty — dates not listed are available.

Holy Cross Church

Social Hour is hosted after the 10:00 am Sunday Mass as scheduled:

—1st Sunday—

St. Peter Chanel Samoan Ministry

—2nd Sunday—

Knights of Columbus Council 16667

—3rd Sunday—

Altar Society 

—4th Sunday—

Catholic Daughters of the Americas 

— 5th Sunday—

CDA or Knights

Holy Cross Sale (Square)).jpg

Holy Cross Sale

Holy Cross hosts a quarterly sale to raise funds for charitable works.

—save & share the dates—

June 7 - 8

September 6 - 7

December 6 - 7

Shop Friday and Saturday from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm with a $5 bag sale on Saturday from 2:00 pm - to 4:00 pm. Cash and credit cards are accepted.

Donations & Sale Preparation

Donations are accepted weekly, except for large furniture.


10:00 am - 2:00 pm 

Holy Cross Church

Volunteers are needed to accept donations and prep for upcoming sales during that time, too!


Middle School Youth Group

Grades 6-8 students are invited to build a relationship with Jesus.

High school students, young adults, and the young at heart are invited to support the Youth Group in leadership roles.

Youth Group is on hiatus until the retreat, April 13-14. Retreat information to those who have RSVP will be emailed soon.

Thursdays | 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Saint Patrick Church

Parish Center


The weekly schedule always includes:

  • Dinner
  • Games
  • Topic introduction
  • Small group discussion
  • Adoration

—save the dates—

Middle School Youth Group

April 18, 25

May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

June 6

Youth Group Retreat

April 13-14, 2024

Leaders Meeting

April 11-12

Youth Group for Middle Schoolers meets every Thursday except for the last Thursday of the month unless otherwise noted.

Youth Ministry leaders and high school volunteers meet on the last Thursday of the month, except in May.

Mass Consumption

Young adults are invited to delve into the Word and share faith while discussing the daily readings.


6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Saint Patrick Church

Parish Center

Facebook Group | Instagram

Learn More | Email


March 26 | 9:00 am

for the repose of the soul of

Joan Bruce

March 27 | 9:00 am  

Holy Wednesday

March 28 | 7:00 pm

Holy Thursday

March 29 | 7:00 pm

Good Friday

March 30 | 8:00 pm

Easter Vigil

March 31 | 9:00 am & 11:00 am

Easter Sunday

March 25 | 9:00 am

for the repose of the soul of 

John Messina

March 27 | 5:00 pm

for the repose of the soul of 

Susan Shensky

March 28 | 6:00 pm

Holy Thursday


March 29 | 3:00 pm

Good Friday

March 31 | 8:30 am & 10:30 am

Easter Sunday

We pray for our sick,

Kathryn Magoon, Mike Nolan, Kourtney Kuehlthau, Sharom De Vega, Angie Allen, Sharon Schmidt, Doug Jones, Ann Kormos, Millie McNerthney, John Bosse, Molly Cleary, Jerry O'Leary, Delores Glump, Dan Wombacher, Georgeann Cukjati, Dianne and Rob Rieder, Shirley Petrinovich, Erin Miller, Barbara Tomberg & Tom Tomberg, Nancy Oliver, Deacon Jim and Cindy Fish, Michelle Costanti, Jim Davis, Janet Mello, John Ruffo, Colleen Koval, Dee Diamond, Valerie Scholstein, Sandra Pearson, Catherine Scott, Dick Oliver, Andre Franco, Janet McIntyre, Norm Christenson, Toni Mineo, Patricia Smurro, Tim Hopkins, and Michelle Devettori

We pray for our dead,

Homer Oberst, Glenna Toledo, and Ron Van Eycke

1123 North J Street

Tacoma, WA 98403



—Mass Times—

Saturday Vigil Mass

5:00 pm

Sunday Mass

9:00 am | 11:00 am | 7:00 pm

Daily Mass

Tuesday - Friday | 9:00 am*

*except at 11:00 am on the first Friday of the month, October through May, for First Friday Mass with the Seniors

Mass with the Saint Patrick Catholic School every Thursday, September through June, unless otherwise noted


Saturday | 3:30 pm* - 4:30 pm

*3:00 pm during Lent

—Office Hours—

Tuesday - Thursday

9:30 am - 3:30 pm


5510 North 44th Street

Tacoma, WA 98407



—Mass Times—

Saturday Vigil Mass

5:00 pm

Sunday Mass

10:00 am

Mass in Samoan

12:00 pm | 2nd & 4th Sunday

Daily Mass

Monday | Thursday | Friday | 9:00 am

Wednesday | 5:00 pm


Saturday | 3:30 pm* - 4:30 pm

*3:00 pm during Lent

—Office Hours—

Monday - Friday

8:00 am - 3:00 pm


Mass Changes during Triduum

No 9:00 am Mass on Holy Thursday or Good Friday. No 5:00 pm or confessions Mass on Holy Saturday. No 7:00 pm Mass on Easter Sunday.

—Holy Cross Church—

No Bible Study with Deacon Bill Eckert on June 18, June 25, and July 9. Sessions now begin at 4:00 pm.


—Saint Patrick Church—

Source + Summit is on hiatus.

Women & The Word is no longer meeting on Mondays at 9:00 am; join us at 7:00 am on Thursdays.

Confessions start at 3:00 pm on Palm Sunday at both parishes.


Saint Patrick Catholic School Principal Barbara Bolaños captured the morning sunlight reflecting through the stained glass window at Saint Patrick Catholic Church before morning mass with the school children.

Do you have a photo, video, or story to share? Have you visited your hometown or another parish on vacation, business, or a day trip? Please email us a photo and story.


The Slavonian American Association is sharing Croatian cuisine with the community at their annual Daffodil Dinner on Sunday, April 14, from 1:00 to 6:00 pm for dine-in, take-out, or Daff-a-Dash Delivery—reservations required.


Scam Alert

Scammers pretend to be our pastor, Fr. David Mulholland, parish staff, and Saint Patrick Catholic School teachers.

They ask for your help, inviting you to respond to a text or email because they are in a meeting or can't talk on the phone. If you respond, they ask you for gift card contributions to a worthy cause. These scams are happening across the country.

When in doubt, contact the school or parish office directly to verify the legitimacy of any request you receive; do not respond to, forward the original message, or click on links in the message. Learn more

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How to Reach Us

Email [email protected] or leave a voicemail at 253-383-2783. Messages are checked daily and routed to the appropriate staff person. If you need the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, call 253-383-2783, extension 4102, and leave a message.