Follow bills with Texas Legislature Online (TLO)
Are you interested in tracking legislation in the Texas House and Senate? You can follow bills that have been filed from their introduction to signing or veto by using TLO.

Learn how to navigate bills and their progress
Michael Quinn Sullivan, publisher of Texas Scorecard, will be speaking at the March 2 Montgomery County Eagle Forum meeting in Conroe on how to navigate bills of interest and their progress through the 88th Texas Legislature.

Sign up for Legislative Alerts
You can receive emails from the MCRP Legislative Committee when action is needed on important issues! So as not to inundate your email inbox, we only send these alerts to those who sign up for them using the link below. Make your voice heard - sign up now!

Precinct Chair Training and Development Committee Announces Election Day Judges Training

One of the most common problems Election Judges face is all of the paperwork they have to complete. The Montgomery County Republican Party's Precinct Chair Training and Development Committee has been working with Election Central personnel to design a class to better prepare Election Judges.

Seating is limited
The class will be held Sat., March 4, 9-11 am, in The Woodlands. Click here for more information. Seating is limited - the last day to reserve your seat is March 2. There will be another class in a couple of weeks for Clerks (and Judges), so be watching for the announcement. If you are a Judge, please let your team know so they can plan to attend. 

Election Day Judges Training Outline
  1. Appointed by the County Commissioners Court
  2. Getting your team together
  3. Polling Location
  4. Paperwork
  5. Equipment Procedures
  6. Q & A

This class is being offered to supplement the required training conducted by Election Central. It does not replace the required face-to-face or online training. Donations to help cover the cost of printing would be appreciated. Election Day will be here before you know it. We hope to see you there!
Make your voice heard by submitting a resolution
Resolutions allow voters to present opinions on issues important to them for consideration by the party. If you're a registered Republican voter in Montgomery County, you can submit a resolution through a Precinct Chair.

Video update on dispute within the Montgomery County Republican Party

What's going on in the local party? Click here to watch the first in a series of videos explaining the dispute, the motivations of those involved, and how the Republican Party of Texas, Texas Secretary of State, Texas Supreme Court, and Texas Election Code are involved.

The majority of the local Republican Party is committed to bringing the party together for the mission of getting Republican voters registered and to the polls as was acknowledged in the Republican Party of Texas Mediation report

For more information on the progress of this situation, please visit for the latest video updates, subscribe to official communications from the Montgomery County Republican Party at, or visit To learn more about the Party’s new website, newsletter, and logo, click here. Contact the Montgomery County Republican Party Steering Committee with questions at
Local attorney shining light on judicial system corruption

Jonathan Hullihan, Texas Lead Attorney for County Citizens Defending Freedom, appears on Newsmax to explain how citizens across Texas and the nation are taking a stand against the revolving-door criminal justice system.

CISD launches bond planning committee

While it cannot be denied that the Montgomery County population is growing, it is incumbent upon CISD to utilize its resources wisely and for citizens to keep an eye on approaching sources of taxation.

Precinct Chairs are elected by Republican voters on the primary election ballot to represent each precinct as the voting members of the Montgomery County Republican Party County Executive Committee (CEC). If you have questions about the legislative process or how to get involved, your Precinct Chair would love to hear from you!
Bowling Tournament to benefit Get Out the Vote

The Fundraising Committee is planning its first fundraiser of the year! Save the date for a No Tap Doubles Bowling Tournament at Time To Spare in Conroe on April 30 beginning at 1:00 pm. More information and how you can help will be announced at the CEC meeting on March 6. Proceeds will benefit Get-Out-the-Vote efforts in Montgomery County.
Get to Know Your Local Officials
Robert Walker, Commissioner Matt Gray, Neda Henery, Jonathan Hullihan, Donna McAleer
Precinct 4 Commissioner Matt Gray

Commissioner Matt Gray, Precinct 4, was the guest speaker at the Feb. 23 Montgomery County Pachyderm meeting. Gray is the newest commissioner to join the court.
Jonathan Hullihan, Texas Lead Attorney for County Citizens Defending Freedom, introduced Gray, saying, “Matt does what is right when no one is looking. He has always done that. That is integrity and honor; and he brings that.” 

When asked about his number one goal, Gray responded, “To improve, create, and streamline the processes that are in place and address the drainage issues.“

In office only two months, Gray already has reduced the number of employees, reduced cell phone expenditures, and is reorganizing how equipment and parts are stored and maintained to reduce costs. He is a firm believer in being a good steward of taxpayer money and is determined to bring spending under control. 

MCRP Legislative Committee Lobbying for
Texas GOP Priorities

The Legislative Committee of the Montgomery County Republican Party (MCRP) has been hard at work preparing for activity in the 88th Texas Legislature. Chaired by Bonnie Lyons, their motto is to "Inform, Engage, and Mobilize."

The committee currently is focused on the Republican Party of Texas’ Legislative Priorities and has assigned each priority to a committee member, who then reviews legislation that falls under their respective issue. When a bill has important activity, such as hearings and votes, the Legislative Committee’s goal is to inform people and mobilize them into action, whether it be calls to legislators or showing up to testify.

Priorities are being headed by these Legislative Committee members:

  • Protect Our Elections - Luis Pedraza
  • Secure the Border and Protect Texas - Bob Bagley
  • Ban Gender Modification of Children - Audrey Warner
  • Stop Sexualizing Texas Kids - Audrey Warner
  • Abolish Abortion in Texas - Adrian Kaiser
  • Defend Our Gun Rights - Kent Frappier
  • Parental Rights & Educational Freedom - Brigetta Millen

Legislative Committee Chair, Bonnie Lyons, worked as a Legislative Correspondent and as Press Secretary for a Louisiana state representative's run for Congress. When he won his race, she continued to work for him for 13 years, alternately working in his district office and on various district and state-wide campaigns.

Get Involved

If you are interested in volunteering with the committee, please contact Bonnie using the link below. Interested in learning how to follow a bill in the Texas Legislature? Go to our article, Follow Legislation Using Texas Legislature Online (TLO), or go directly to the TLO website to start following legislation. 
New process for receiving
MCRP Legislative Alert emails

Our borders are open, confidence in elections is at an all-time low, and children are being exposed to sexually explicit materials. You can receive Legislative Alert emails when action is needed on these important issues! So as not to inundate your email inbox, we only send these alerts to those who sign up for them. Even if you're already on our email list, you'll need to sign up for Legislative Alert emails by clicking below. Make your voice heard - sign up now!
Obscene books in schools
All over Texas, parents are discovering library books in public schools that are completely inappropriate for children. How and when did this happen? The bigger question is, why are so many informed parents having difficulty getting these books removed, or at minimum, needing parental consent for children to check them out?

Ban gender modification of children
The Tennessee Legislature passed a bill on Feb. 23 banning the practice of gender transition for minor children. Meanwhile, here in the red state of Texas, our elected officials on balance seem reluctant to take up the banner.

State Legislators Progress Report
Senator Kolkhorst files parental rights in education bill
Texas Senator Lois Kolkhorst (SD 18) has filed SB 595 to enhance requirements for parental consent before psychological or psychiatric examination, testing, or treatment conducted by a school district employee. She also filed bills relating to election integrity, energy independence, vaccine mandates, Chinese purchase of Texas land, and more.

Check out the bills filed by your Texas lawmakers by visiting our State Legislators Progress Report!
The Continuing Fight Over the Debt Ceiling

by Bonnie Lyons, MCRP Legislative Committee Chair


Arguably the most consequential issue among many consequential issues currently before Congress is the fight regarding raising the debt ceiling. There is no shortage of articles, arguments, and hysteria that warn of the consequences if we do not again agree to allow our federal government to spend more and more, and ever more, of our hard-earned dollars.

Top five investigations planned by House GOP

The workload that faces the newly seated House of Representatives is overwhelming in terms of undoing the damage done by a dangerously leftist regime.

Senator Ted Cruz re-introduces term limits amendment

He also introduced a trifecta of energy-related bills and had choice words for US Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas.

Congressman Luttrell joins Border Security Caucus
"Securing our borders and protecting Texans from the drugs, cartels, and criminals pouring over our border will always be a priority," said Congressman Luttrell (Dist. 8).

Republican response to the slanderous State of the Union
President Biden’s State of the Union address contained so many falsehoods that even the New York Times fact checked it. Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders delivered the Republican response. Read more »
Pray for America
The Montgomery County Republican Party is committed to honoring God in all that we do. Join us in praying for a return to the Biblical values on which our nation was founded. We would be honored to pray for you if you are in need of intercessory prayer.

Every donation makes an impact. With your financial support,
we can continue to defend conservative values in Montgomery County.

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© 2023 Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas