We thank thee, Dear Father, for this season of the year, when it is our privilege to remember and to celebrate the birth of thy perfect son, Jesus Christ. We thank Him for his life, and for the example he set before us of how we should live our lives.

Father, we ask a blessing on our beloved nation. Wilt thou reach out thy hand and heal our country? Please remove all those espousing evil in our land and in our government offices. May our land once again be the land our Founding Fathers gave us which was inspired by thee. And may we keep the spirit of Christmas in our hearts every day of every year that we live.
 Montgomery County
Register to Vote or Verify Your Registration by February 5, 2024
America is in a spiritual war for revival and restoring our Constitutional Republic. This requires strategic ACTION including GETTING OUT THE VOTE in record numbers starting with the March 5, 2024, Primary Election.

Register to vote by February 5 - early voting begins February 20!
Early voting will be here before you know it. Visit our Voter Information page to learn how to register to vote, change your address, and more.

Register voters at your church
Click here for information from Joe and Cathie Locetta with Faith Votes - We the People Community Impact Team to learn how to set up a voter registration table in the lobby of your church and encourage your pastor to get involved. Cathie is also Precinct 71 Chair.
Mark Your Calendar for Local Candidate Forums
In preparation for the 2024 Primary Election, Montgomery County Eagle Forum (MCEF) will host their annual Candidate Forums every Thursday in January and the first Thursday in February at Grace Woodlands Church. The forums will include the Republican County Chair race.

This is a great opportunity to ask local candidates your specific questions about issues important to you. MCEF is partnering with Montgomery County Pachyderm Club and Grace Woodlands Church this year to provide a larger venue and audience for the forums. Mark your calendar today!
Shunned by the Republican Party of Texas, County Chairman Sues Political Opponents
After the Republican Party of Texas shunned Chairman Christ and his splinter group, Chairman Bryan Christ and two of his followers filed a lawsuit against his conservative political opponent and 17 other grassroots precinct chairs in the party he was elected to lead.

When challenged by the defendants’ attorney on the lack of merit in their case, Chairman Christ’s attorneys filed for nonsuit and the Judge dismissed the case. The counterclaims filed by the defendants for wrongful injunctive relief under the common law and frivolous injunctive claims attacking a political opponent are still active.

Among those named in the lawsuit is Chairman Christ’s opponent in the 2024 Primary, Gwen Withrow, who is the Precinct 72 Chair as well as the State Republican Executive Committee Member for District 4 and a member of the Republican Party Of Texas Officials Committee.
Situation at a Glance
Timeline: How Did We Get Here?
Across the state, more than 40 counties are experiencing similar disputes in the local Republican Party as County Chairmen seek to silence grassroots precinct chairs. How did we get here and how do we move forward?
Take Action!
Montgomery County has historically been a Republican stronghold that figured significantly in keeping Texas “red.” Chairman Christ has had two terms to bring the party together, but under his failed leadership, the party now is more dysfunctional than ever before.

  1. MAKE PLANS TO VOTE in the March 5 Republican Primary Election. Click here to learn more about the Primary and make sure you're registered to vote.
  2. SHARE our Two Terms Is Enough graphic with fellow Republicans as they prepare to vote in the Primary Election.
Upcoming Republican Party CEC Meetings
Please show your support for these hard-working Precinct Chairs who represent neighborhoods across Montgomery County by attending an upcoming Republican Party County Executive Committee (CEC) meeting. We'd love to meet you in person!
Precinct Chairs are elected by Republican voters on the Primary Election Ballot to represent each area precinct as the voting members of the Montgomery County Republican Party County Executive Committee (CEC). If you have questions about upcoming elections or how to help get out the vote, your Precinct Chair would love to hear from you!
 Texas Legislature
Border Security Legislation Passed, Education Bill Failed in Special Session 4
Border security legislation to create a state penalty for illegal entry into Texas has finally been signed by Governor Greg Abbott, as well as increased funding for border barrier infrastructure. Education legislation, including Education Savings Accounts, was killed in the House.

Governor Abbott has talked about calling a fifth special session, but there is no word on his final decision. Our Legislative Committee is keeping a close eye on the siutation and will provide updates if Governor Abbott calls a new legislative special session.
Gov. Abbott Signs Border Security Legislation, AG Paxton Secures Injunction
Governor Abbott signed three bills into law on Monday to deal with the Texas border crisis. The ACLU immediately sued. Meanwhile, AG Paxton secured an injunction stopping the Biden Administration from destroying border barriers.

Welcome to the Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas
We are a diverse group of volunteers dedicated to preserving the freedoms given to us by God, implemented by our Founding Fathers, and embodied in the Constitution. Republicans continue to be the party of hope and opportunity because we stand for freedom and liberty for all Americans. We support Conservative Republicans to allow Montgomery County to be a safeguard for the Constitutional principles and values upon which our great country and state were founded.
Every donation makes an impact. With your financial support,
we can continue to defend Conservative values in Montgomery County.

Questions? Visit our website or email
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Paid for by the Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.