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What’s at Stake for Montgomery County Voters in the March Primary Election?

A MUST-READ for Conservative Republicans.

The Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas County Executive Committee (CEC) is comprised of 113 elected Precinct Chairs, one for each voting precinct in Montgomery County. These Precinct Chairs advocate for the party’s Legislative Priorities and Principles, and strive to get Republican voters registered and to the polls within their respective precincts.

Democrats Crossing Over to Elect Republican Leaders

Because Texas is an “Open Primary” state, the leader of the CEC, also known as the County Chair, is elected at large during the Republican Primary and therefore Democrats are able to have a say in who will lead the local Republican Party each biennium. To address this glaring problem, Plank 248 of the Republican Party of Texas Party Platform was voted on and approved in a landslide by the elected delegates from each county at the 2022 State Convention.

Republican Party of Texas Plank 248: “Republican Party Operations: We support the election of Republican County Chairs by their respective County Executive Committees where they exist. We support removing the Republican Party of Texas from the Election Code.”

The delegates at the State Convention believed that the CEC should be able to elect their leader just as any board of directors of a company would elect their Board President and they included this idea in the official Party Platform.

Out of 254 counties in Texas and of the over 5,000 delegates who attended and participated in the State Convention, only one person testified before the Platform Committee against Plank 248, which would prevent Democrats from meddling in the County Chair Election. That person was Montgomery County Chairman Bryan Christ.

Outside Influencers Damaging the Republican Party

Having the County Chair elected by the CEC would make it more difficult for outside Influencers to take over a County Chair and abuse the Republican brand, damaging the party as Chairman Christ has done here in Montgomery County. Chairman Christ has:

  • Closed down the Republican Party Headquarters and liquidated all of the documents and keepsakes from the party’s long, storied history.
  • Been censured by the local party for violations of party rules and state laws.
  • Been called a “total failure” as a leader by the State Republican Party mediation team.
  • Filed frivolous lawsuits against members of the County Executive Committee.
  • Publicly defamed party officers.
  • Continued to mislead the public and divide the party by making false statements in his press releases.

An Election Integrity Crisis

With the Primary Election upon us and so much at stake for Texas, Chairman Christ and his political consultant wife have caused an election integrity crisis by recruiting 70 candidates to run against the Conservative Majority on the County Executive Committee (CEC). This means that 70 people who would normally serve as election judges or clerks are ineligible to serve because they are on the ballot. As is typical for Chairman Christ, he blames the crisis on the people who are now unable to serve because of his actions.

View the truth about Chairman Christ's deceptive claims

Questionable Recruits Running for Precinct Chair

Who have Chairman Christ and his wife recruited to run against the Conservative Precinct Chairs in Montgomery County? His recruit for Precinct 66, Mary Sandmann, was the Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) at her last job, which certainly doesn’t sound like something any Conservative Republican would ever do. Another recruit, John Nicks, is an LGBTQ activist and was charged with evading arrest in Montgomery County in 2020.

Bryan Christ with one of his recruits, John Nicks (at right), who is an LGBTQ activist and was charged with evading arrest in Montgomery County in 2020.

Take a look at this mailer that unsuspecting voters received this week, encouraging them to reelect Bryan Christ:

Voters should be aware that one of Bryan Christ's biggest supporters is James “Jim” Fredericks who has been lobbying to have gambling legalized in Texas. So, it was no surprise to find out that the Texans for Opportunity & Prosperity PAC (TOP PAC), which is supporting Bryan Christ and paid for the above mailer, is funded primarily by the Las Vegas Sands Corporation

That’s right, the gambling lobby is pouring thousands of dollars into Montgomery County via texts and mailers in an attempt to get rid of the Conservatives in the party. (Donor information for the TOP PAC can be verified at Another major contributor to the TOP PAC is an Austin-based organization called Texans for Lawsuit Reform, which was rumored to be behind the impeachment of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.

For the 2024 election cycle, this PAC and the pro-gambling lobby have donated $250,000 so far to work against Texas Conservatives and they have targeted Montgomery County since it is still the “reddest” of all of the large counties in Texas.

What Can Voters Do?

Voters need to understand that Texas Conservatives are under attack as the RINOs and their Progressive Democrat allies are desperately trying to flip Texas to “Blue.” The strong Conservative movement in Montgomery County has been able to hold them off for years, but we need your help to continue to lead the way.

Running against Christ for Chairman is State Republican Executive Committeewoman and Precinct 72 Chair, Gwen Withrow, who has earned the endorsements of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, Texas Conservative Icon Chad Prather, America’s Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Republican Party of Texas Chairman Matt Rinaldi, and many other grassroots Conservatives.

Other conservative organizations endorsing Withrow are Texas Patriot’s PAC, Grassroots America, and Montgomery County Tea Party PAC. You can read more about both candidates on our County Chair Candidates page.


You, the informed Montgomery County voter, are key to ensuring the future of our county, state, and nation. It is incumbent upon everyone to research the candidates and choose wisely. If Montgomery County falls, Texas falls, and without those electoral votes, President Trump will not have a chance. 

Conservative Voter Guides

Early Voting: February 20 - March 1

During the early voting period, registered voters may vote at any one of the Montgomery County early voting locations.

Application to Vote by Mail: Due February 23

All applications to vote by mail must be submitted to the early voting clerk's office by close of business day on February 23. Texans are eligible to vote by mail if they are age 65 or older, sick or disabled, expect to give birth within three weeks of Election Day, or will be out of their county of registration through both the early voting period and election day.

Click here to learn more about eligibility to vote by mail and to download an application.

Election Day: March 5, 7am - 7pm

On election day, Montgomery County registered voters must vote in the precinct where they are registered to vote.

What Will Be on the Ballot?


The March 5 Republican Primary Election is when Republican voters choose which candidate for each race will represent them on the November General Election ballot. Races in the Primary include the presidential election, Congressional representatives, state, and local representatives.


The ballot also will include 13 Propositions for Republican voters. These are questions being posed by the Republican Party of Texas to determine what Republican voters expect on key issues. Voters will indicate their agreement by selecting either YES or NO on the ballot. The outcome of these Propositions will be used to help guide the Party Platform and future legislative priorities that will be finalized by delegates to the State Convention in San Antonio in May 2024.

View Your Personal Sample Ballot

Click here for instructions on accessing your sample ballot. This will allow you to view the exact races in which you will be voting! You can print out your sample ballot, mark your choices, and take a paper copy with you into the voting booth.

Voter Information

My Vote Doesn't Matter Anyway, So Why Bother?

Does that statement sound familiar? Perhaps it describes exactly how you feel, but nothing could be further from the truth. Did you know some races on the “down-ballot” may be determined by a SINGLE vote? That's how important your vote is!

We all know that most voters usually focus on the “big” races and may not even be aware that there are several very important local elections taking place that will impact their daily lives.

Local contests are every bit as important as the Presidential race. Your choices at the local level often affect you and your family even more than the national races. Democrats have a national program of crossing over during Primary Elections to vote for weak, liberal, woke “Republican” candidates so they can get their Democrat elected in November. Don't be the "if I had only voted" Republican, because some races are won or lost by that one vote! Your vote makes a difference in every race.

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WARNING: Don't let PACs with ulterior motives fool you with their misleading mailers!

Montgomery County is GROUND ZERO in the battle to save Texas and big money Democrats and RINOs will stop at nothing to flip Texas “Blue,” including sending misleading mailers to unsuspecting voters in Montgomery County.

Remember: The Montgomery County Republican Party does NOT provide Republican voter guides or endorse candidates in Primary Elections. 

Beware of Political Action Committees (PACs) that are created with deceptive names in order to deceive voters. They may list Toth, Cruz, and Trump at the top of their voter guide but actually trick many voters into going against grassroots Conservative Republicans in down-ballot races! 

These are some examples of groups NOT associated in any way with the Montgomery County Republican Party, yet voters have been easily deceived by these titles: Republican Voters of TX, Montgomery County Republican Club, Associated Republicans of TX, Preserve The Woodlands (funded primarily by developers and contractors), and more.  

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Trustworthy Conservative Voter Guides

Precinct Convention - The First Step in the Political Process

A message from RNC National Committeewoman, Toni Anne Dashiell

Are you passionate about electing principled Conservatives? Do you feel called to advocate for specific policies? Would you like to be a delegate or alternate to the State Convention in May? The initial step in this journey is participating in your Precinct Convention.

Your Precinct Convention will take place after the close of voting on March 5 at your precinct voting location. You can find your precinct number here and your precinct voting location here.

Click here to learn more about Precinct Conventions and the Republican Party of Texas conventions process. As they say, you can't complain if you don't participate!

Trump-Aligned Leaders Get Behind Gwen Withrow for Republican County Chair

AG Paxton and Chad Prather the latest to announce Withrow endorsements.

Congratulations to State Republican Executive Committeewoman, Gwen Withrow, for her recent endorsements from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, conservative Texas icon and former gubernatorial candidate Chad Prather, and Grassroots America - We the People!

View all candidates endorsed by AG Paxton

"Montgomery County needs someone that puts Texas first and can bring the Republican Party together for effective change," said Prather. "Gwen Withrow is exactly who we need!"

"I have worked with Gwen Withrow for nearly three years on the State Republican Executive Committee and have appreciated her work as one of my closest advisors and a rock-solid conservative vote," said Republican Party of Texas Chairman Matt Rinaldi. "The Montgomery County Republican Party needs to be a grassroots party, and I am confident Gwen will make that happen."

Please Vote All the Way Down the Ballot

Towards the bottom of your ballot, before the Republican Propositions, you'll see the races for County Chair and Precinct Chair. Please make sure to vote in these important races to defend against Leftists trying to turn Montgomery County and Texas "Blue." Texas Eagle Forum PAC and the Montgomery County Tea Party PAC have endorsed these Conservative candidates based on an extensive interview process and transparent reporting.

Precinct Chairs are elected by Republican voters on the Primary Election Ballot to represent each area precinct as the voting members of the Montgomery County Republican Party County Executive Committee (CEC). They work hard all year to get Conservative Republicans elected in Montgomery County.

Why Is There Pushback Against Protecting Children in Montgomery County?

by Michele Nuckolls, Two Moms and Some Books

In the summer of 2022, a group of moms and dads met with a Commissioners Court member about the gender confusion content in our Montgomery County libraries, and they were asked to stand down. The library director was retiring. "Please let us hire a new conservative library director quietly. We can revise the library policy, and this will all be fixed." The parents went away quietly and trusted the process.

Fast forward to today. The content is still in the libraries. The "conservative" library director we were promised has called us a "radical group" for bringing attention to the fact that there is little to no conservative or Evangelical Christian representation in our libraries, but plenty of content sexualizing children. Commissioner James Noack talks like he wants to help but does nothing. I asked him for a timeline, and his office will not get back to me. At this point, I have no reason to believe that he will move forward to protect children.

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Does Community Impact Peddle Disinformation?

by Montgomery County Tea Party Secretary, Dennis Tibbs

Montgomery County Republican Chair Bryan Christ recently purchased substantial space in the Tomball-Magnolia Community Impact publication attacking the Montgomery County Republican Party and the Montgomery County Tea Party. Many of these oft-repeated statements are easily disproved and are used simply to create fear and disunity in the county. Community Impact made no effort to verify that the claims made by Christ bore any resemblance to the truth. In fact the editor, Jason Culpepper, stated that they do not review ads for accuracy or truthfulness.

Why does Christ attack the Montgomery County Tea Party even though it is the only outside organization longtime Montgomery County Chairman, Dr. Wally Wilkerson, ever co-sponsored an event with? We invite you to read more about what the Montgomery County Tea Party stands for by clicking below.

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Reminder: Don't Miss the Montgomery County Vote Red Rally!

TONIGHT! Join fellow Montgomery County Republicans at Citizens Grill for a Vote Red Rally! Featuring Texas House Representatives Nate Schatzline, Brian Harrison, Tony Tinderholt, and Steve Toth. Conservative icon and former gubernatorial candidate, Chad Prather, will also be there to help us kick off the Primary Election! Doors open at 5:30pm, rally starts at 6:30pm.

View Event


Welcome to the Montgomery County Republican Party

We are a diverse group of volunteers dedicated to preserving the freedoms given to us by God, implemented by our Founding Fathers, and embodied in the Constitution. Republicans continue to be the party of hope and opportunity because we stand for freedom and liberty for all Americans. We support Conservative Republicans to allow Montgomery County to be a safeguard for the Constitutional principles and values upon which our great country and state were founded.

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we can continue to defend Conservative values in Montgomery County.

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Paid for by the Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.