Election Recap
The November 7 Joint Election determined changes to the Texas Constitution, including the passage of Proposition 4, implementing property tax relief. Some voters also elected local government officials and approved bond proposals.

Grassroots Conservatives in Montgomery County were at the polls in force during early voting and on Election Day. Thank you to all of the hard-working volunteers who worked tirelessly to keep our county RED!
The Montgomery County Republican Party needs your help as we prepare for the March Primary Election. It takes many volunteers to help with block walking, educating voters in parking lots, and getting out the vote for strong Conservatives. Please take a moment to learn how you can get involved!
The Impact of Proposition 4 on Current Montgomery County Property Tax Statements
As part of the November 7 Election, statewide voters approved Proposition 4, the amendment implementing the property tax relief package passed by the Texas Legislature during the second special session. Five groups of taxpayers will be affected. Learn how the passage of Proposition 4 will impact your tax statement.

The Primary Election: Why Is It So Important?
Democrats and RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) are working together to defeat Conservatives in elections. The open primary method of electing candidates allows unscrupulous voters to “cross-over” and vote in the Republican Primary in an effort to prevent Conservative Republicans from winning and flip Texas "blue." What can you do to help ensure that Conservative Republicans are elected?

 Drive the Vote Golf Tournament Awards
The Montgomery County Republican Party held its third fundraising event of the biennium on November 6 at the Panorama Golf Club in Conroe. It was another great success thanks in large part to over 60 golfing participants, 20 sponsors, and 20 volunteers!

Proceeds from the tournament will be used to print and mail voter guides reminding Republican voters to not only exercise their constitutional right to vote, but to inform them about those all-important, down-the-ballot races such as judges and other local elected representatives.
First Place Team
Justin White, Ainsley Walker, Alex Novosel, Jake Saladin
Second Place Team
Tommy Gaskins, Cliff Williams, Alex Harrell, Bill Jackson
Third Place Team
Zach Wynn, Mike Devine, Ken Crouch, Don Nelson
Longest Drive
Zach Wynn
Closest to the Pin
Brandon Fleming
Putting Contest
Gabe Sanchez
Thank You to Our Generous Sponsors!
 Get to Know Your Local Officials
Melanie Bush, Montgomery County Treasurer
Melanie Bush was elected in 2018 with a goal of making the Montgomery County Treasurer's Office as transparent and accountable to the voters as possible.

“I am constitutionally bound to be the voters’ window to their tax dollars,” she says. “I take that duty very seriously.”

Learn more about your local elected boards and government by visiting our new Get to Know Your Local Officials page!
 Precinct Chair Spotlight
Why did you decide to become a Precinct Chair?
It is very difficult to make informed conservative voting decisions. The news, voter guides, and mailers do not provide the average voter with the information they need. Being a Precinct Chair helps me with finding and supporting conservative candidates and causes, which I in turn share as much as possible.

Precinct Chairs are elected by Republican voters on the Primary Election Ballot to represent each area precinct as the voting members of the Montgomery County Republican Party County Executive Committee (CEC). If you have questions about upcoming elections or how to help get out the vote, your Precinct Chair would love to hear from you!
 Montgomery County
Chairman Makes False Claims at October Shenandoah City Council Meeting
Chairman Bryan Christ made false statements and solicited votes during the Oct. 25 Shenandoah City Council meeting, including claims that the Republican Party of Texas is trying to keep people off the ballot and abolish the Primary Election.

Local and State Committee Members Respond to Chairman's Divisiveness, Stress the Need for a United Republican Party
Republican Precinct Chairs and State Committee members, along with concerned citizens, attended the November 15 Shenandoah City Council meeting to express concerns about Chairman Christ's false allegations against the Montgomery County Republican Party and the Republican Party of Texas in another example of Chairman Christ's unwillingness to unite the Party.

RINOs/Uniparty vs. Conservatives Comparison
Not everyone who claims to be a Republican is actually a Republican. The RINO/Uniparty hides behind the Republican brand, but they are more concerned with consolidating power and influence than protecting our liberty.

MCRP to Recognize Our Texas Senators at December Meeting
Join us on Dec. 5 for our County Executive Committee (CEC) meeting. We'll celebrate Christmas with refreshments and recognize our state Senators for their support of Attorney General Ken Paxton during the impeachment process. This is a great opportunity to get involved in defending our freedoms. We'd love to meet you in person!

 Texas Legislature
AG Paxton Impeachment: The Aftermath, Part 3
After Attorney General Ken Paxton was exonerated in his Texas Senate impeachment trial on September 16, it left many wondering what was going to happen next. The so-called whistleblowers immediately petitioned to reactivate their lawsuit before the Texas Supreme Court, and AG Paxton went to work recruiting people to run against Speaker of the House Dade Phelan, his so called “Dirty Dozen,” and any other House Members who followed Phelan over the cliff and voted for impeachment.

Texas Legislative Special Session 4 Updates
Finally, the House passed Senate Bills 3 and 4, which have been sent to the governor. These two bills provide funding for border barrier infrastructure and create a criminal penalty for illegal entry into Texas.

On Friday, a coalition of House Republicans and Democrats united to remove Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) from House Bill 1. Rep. Ernest Bailes (HD 18), who represents a portion of Montgomery County, voted in favor of removing ESAs. The Senate voted on November 9 to establish ESAs by passing Senate Bill 1 by Sen. Brandon Creighton (SD 4) just two days into the session.

Welcome to the Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas
We are a diverse group of volunteers dedicated to preserving the freedoms given to us by God, implemented by our Founding Fathers, and embodied in the Constitution. Republicans continue to be the party of hope and opportunity because we stand for freedom and liberty for all Americans. We support Conservative Republicans to allow Montgomery County to be a safeguard for the Constitutional principles and values upon which our great country and state were founded.
I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens.
President Abraham Lincoln, October 3, 1863
Every donation makes an impact. With your financial support,
we can continue to defend Conservative values in Montgomery County.

Questions? Visit our website or email
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Paid for by the Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.