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Texas Is Turning Blue, But We Can Stop It!

In the mid to early 2000s, Democrats very effectively executed their “Project Blueprint” to begin turning Colorado from Red to Blue. By 2010, Colorado was solidly in the Blue column where it remains to this day. Now they're coming after Texas with "Project LIFT." To stop it, we need all freedom-loving Texans to implement several key initiatives.

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Montgomery County GOP Endorses Local Republican Candidates, Fights Back Against "Project LIFT"

In consideration of local “shadow parties” publishing fake Republican voter guides to deceive voters and the Texas Democrat Party’s initiative, Project LIFT, which seeks to infiltrate local government in nonpartisan races, it is incumbent upon Republicans to perform due diligence regarding candidates and determine who will best represent Republican values in Texas.

On September 14, the Montgomery County Republican Party County Executive Committee (CEC) voted to endorse several candidates in accordance with Article XI of our bylaws. Additionally, the Republican Party of Texas has also established criteria for non-partisan candidates to seek an endorsement at the state party level. 

We are excited about these candidates' commitment to Republican principles and encourage you to vote for them in the upcoming election.

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Tomorrow: Montgomery County Election Commission Meeting

On Monday, September 23, 1pm, there is an emergency meeting of the County Election Commission at the Montgomery County Commissioners Court located at 501 North Thompson, 4th Floor, Conroe. This public meeting is an opportunity to show your support for election integrity and if you are so led, share your views on this important topic.

Download the Agenda »

Commissioners Court Website »

Become a Poll Worker!

The county is in need of poll workers for Early Voting and Election Day. Training is required, so it's important to click the button below or call (936) 539-7843 as soon as possible for more information.

Volunteer as a Poll Worker

The voter registration deadline in Texas is October 7th. Please complete the two simple steps below and share this information with as many freedom-loving Americans as you can!

🞂 Are you registered to vote at your current address? If you've moved or had a name change since the last time you voted, click below to update your information before October 7th.

Register to Vote - Texas
Register to Vote - Any State

 Texas Deadline: October 7, 2024 

🞂 Share this info: Many people forget to verify their registration until it's too late. Forward this email or send a quick text to your conservative contacts encouraging them to visit to confirm their voter registration by October 7th.

🞂 Share the video: Visit us on social media at the links below or on Rumble to share this informative video featuring Precinct 58 Chair Elizabeth Rickard. Be sure to like our pages and content while you're there!

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🞂 Help young adults get registered: If you have college-age or young adult children who haven't registered in their place of residence or need a mail-in ballot, be sure to help them take care of this now.

Go All In: Opportunities to Get Out the Vote

Montgomery County Republican Party

We need block walkers, volunteers to hand out voter guides in parking lots during the election, and more. Help us defeat the radical leftists who are destroying our country - volunteer at the link above or contact your Precinct Chair!

Voter Registration Information for Pastors

Share with your pastor to help encourage church members to get registered and vote biblical values

Swamp the Vote

Do your part to guarantee we win by more than the Margin of Fraud by casting your vote and taking responsibility for ensuring every Republican voter in your household casts theirs too.

Sen. Ted Cruz Campaign

Help Senator Cruz keep Texas red by calling voters and participating in block walking.

Mighty American Strike Force

Become a stay-at-home volunteer and call into one of seven swing states using a calling app that protects your identity. 

Montgomery County

Montgomery County GOP Makes History With First-Ever Lincoln Reagan Dinner

The Montgomery County Republican Party held its first-ever Lincoln-Reagan Dinner on September 13th at The Woodlands Marriott with 300 guests in attendance.

Keynote speaker, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, fired up the crowd to fight for Texas and our nation, along with Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and U.S. Congressman Dan Crenshaw.

Texas Senator Brandon Creighton served as Emcee for the evening. Other speakers included Texas Supreme Court Justice John Devine; Texas Representative Steve Toth; candidate for Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Place 7, Mrs. Gina Parker; and former Republican Party of Texas Chairman, White House Deputy Assistant to President Trump, and Principal Deputy Director of the Office of Public Liaison, Steve Munisteri.

We have so many people to thank for making this event a huge success - please click the button to read more and view pictures.

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Thank You to Our Sponsors!

“We are so thankful for each of our sponsors,” said County Chair Withrow. “Not only did they make this beautiful event possible, but they are helping us finance our crucial efforts to turn out Montgomery County big in November and push President Trump, Senator Cruz, and all of our Republican candidates to victory.”

Leadership Matters

Under the leadership of Montgomery County Republican Party Chairman Gwen Withrow, who took office in June, the local party is doing some amazing things, including opening a new Party Headquarters, organizing a Republican Women's Summit to rally the vote, and hosting a successful Lincoln Reagan Dinner to get out the vote in Montgomery County.

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We Can Do It!

A message from Montgomery County GOP Chair Gwen Withrow

Includes a recap of the new Headquarters Grand Opening, the Rally the Vote event showcasing the Montgomery County Republican Women’s Clubs, and election security efforts. "This upcoming election is the most important of our lifetime. The party stands ready to give all we have to the efforts to bring an additional 100,000 votes to the Trump and Cruz campaigns."

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Montgomery County Commissioners Court Votes to Reject Election Software Upgrade

Members of the Montgomery County Republican Party County Executive Committee (CEC) and several election integrity advocates attended the September 10th meeting of the Montgomery County Commissioners Court to voice their concerns about the integrity of the upcoming November election and security vulnerabilities in a new software upgrade that was slated to be approved by the court that day.

As a result of the concerns brought by the Election Integrity team, the Commissioners voted unanimously to keep the previous version of the software. The County Election Commission has called a public meeting for September 23 to delve more into the security of the election. Anyone concerned about election integrity in Montgomery County is encouraged to attend.

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Conroe ISD School Board Candidates: Books, Bathrooms, & Pronouns

Two incumbents and nine other candidates are competing for four CISD School Board positions on the November ballot. The Shenandoah Sentinel asked nine of the candidates to respond to questions focused on three issues: (1) sexually explicit books, (2) bathroom use by the opposite sex, and (3) pronouns.

Read Candidate Responses »

View Party Endorsements »

Congressman Luttrell Announces Passage of Veterans Compensation COLA Act

U.S. Rep. Morgan Luttrell (Dist. 8), who represents part of Montgomery County, explained that beginning December 1, 2024, "veterans receiving compensation for service-connected disabilities, along with certain survivors, will receive an increase in their benefits to match the rising cost of living. This adjustment aligns their benefits with the same cost-of-living increases that Social Security recipients receive, ensuring that they won’t be left behind by inflation and economic changes."

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Senator Cruz Says the Only Way to Secure the Border Is to Win in November

Congressman Crenshaw Addresses the Deportation of Illegals and Holding Cartels Accountable

Governor Abbott Designates Tren de Aragua as a Terrorist Organization

Governor Greg Abbott held a press conference in Houston on Sept. 16 announcing that Texas is launching a "comprehensive, statewide operation that will aggressively target the dangerous Venezuelan gang, Tren de Aragua, to disrupt their criminal operations and deny their foothold in the state." Tren de Aragua is operating in every major city in Texas and is known for aggression against law enforcement and the murder of Georgia college student, Laken Riley.

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Attorney General Paxton Launches Illegal Voting Tipline and Issues Election Integrity Advisory

Ahead of the November 2024 Election, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has issued a legal advisory on election integrity and launched an email tipline ( where the public may report suspected violations of Texas election law. The advisory is part of the Attorney General’s Election Integrity Initiative which leverages Office of the Attorney General law enforcement authority and resources to protect the integrity of every legal vote.

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Texas GOP Chairman's Update

A message from Republican Party of Texas Chairman Abraham George

An explanation of the Texas elections system and an update on the Texas GOP's Get Out the Vote and Election Integrity efforts, including Montgomery County Commissioners' rejection of a voting system software upgrade.

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Including Bible Passages in Public Education

A message from Dr. Audrey Young, State Board of Education (SBOE) Member, District 8

The desire for Texas students to excel in literacy is at a critical juncture. By failing to expose students to the single most referenced source in all of literature, we will continue to severely limit their opportunity for academic success. Including Bible passages in public education does not violate the separation of church and state.

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The State Board of Education (SBOE) has launched a new website, providing easier access to resources and information related to Texas education policies, updates on board actions, rules, regulations, and curriculum. Users can find meeting dates, agendas, contact information, and more.

Visit »

Mark Your Calendar!

  • Sept. 23: Montgomery Co. Election Commission Meeting
  • Sept. 24: Headquarters Volunteer Training
  • Sept. 25: Conservative Conroe ISD Candidates Fundraiser
  • Oct. 1: Party Meeting
  • Oct. 2: Rep. Metcalf's 40 and Fired Up: Red Wave Party
  • Oct. 7: Voter Registration Deadline
  • Oct. 10: Judge Mack's Annual Faith & Freedom Prayer Breakfast
  • Oct. 21: Early Voting Begins
  • Oct. 22: Sen. Creighton's Let Texas Run Texas Fundraiser & Rally
  • Oct. 25: Last Day to Turn in a Mail-in Ballot Application
  • Nov. 1: Early Voting Ends
  • Nov. 5: Election Day
  • Make America Great Again Rallies

Visit our calendar for details on these events and additional opportunities to get involved!

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Welcome to the Montgomery County Republican Party

We are a diverse group of volunteers dedicated to preserving the freedoms given to us by God, implemented by our Founding Fathers, and embodied in the Constitution. Republicans continue to be the party of hope and opportunity because we stand for freedom and liberty for all Americans. We support Conservative Republicans to allow Montgomery County to be a safeguard for the Constitutional principles and values upon which our great country and state were founded.

Our Team




Donate to Safeguard Our Freedoms

Every donation makes an impact. With your financial support,

we can continue to defend Conservative values in Montgomery County.

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Paid for by the Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.