The Primary Convention Process and How You Can Participate

The March 5 Primary Election is not just an election. It is much more than that. At the conclusion of the voting day, those who voted in the Republican Primary are invited to participate in the Precinct Convention at their local precinct voting location.

The Precinct Convention is the first in a series of conventions that define the Republican Party of Texas Platform and set the Republican Legislative Priorities for the next Texas legislative session. Read more to find out how you can take an active role in shaping the Republican Party by attending your Precinct Convention.

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Register to Vote by February 5!

Early voting will be here before you know it. Visit our Upcoming Elections page for more information about voter registration, changing your address, checking your registration status, early voting, election day voting, and more.

Upcoming Elections

Research the Candidates

Saving our country starts with citizens holding elected officials accountable at the county level. Researching candidates on the March 5 Primary ballot is key to voting for those who will represent We the People instead of their own personal interests.

Candidate vetting with U.S. Vote Smart

Upcoming Candidate Forums

More about researching candidates

Help Us Get Out the Vote!

We need your help electing strong Conservatives in the upcoming Primary Election! It takes many volunteers to block walk Montgomery County precincts, educate voters in parking lots, and get out the vote to elect Republicans who will defend our freedoms. Please take a moment to fill out our volunteer form so we can get you plugged in.


Voter Information

 Montgomery County

Meet the Candidates

Montgomery County Chair

Chairman Bryan Christ ran on a platform of bringing the Montgomery County Republican Party together, but after two terms, the party is more divided and dysfunctional than ever before. Democrats are working every day to turn Texas blue, and RINOs and Uniparty Republicans are putting their own personal gain above the needs of those they were elected to represent.

Montgomery County Republicans need a strong Conservative County Chair with the leadership experience to bring the party together before it's too late. Click below to view the differences between these two candidates who will be on the March 5 Primary ballot for Republican County Chair and please make plans to vote in the Primary Election.

Meet the Candidates

The Many Faces of Bryan Christ

Voters attend candidate forums to learn more about the candidates. But what do you do when a candidate inflates their résumé and changes the story of who they are every time you see them? Such is the case with Montgomery County Republican Party Chairman Bryan Christ. This has become so commonplace that people have started calling him “Lyin’ Bryan,” a name that is certainly well deserved.

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Take Action!

Montgomery County has historically been a Republican stronghold that figured significantly in keeping Texas “red.” Chairman Christ has had two terms to bring the party together, but instead has spent his current term breaking Texas Election Code, party bylaws, and party rules in an attempt to circumvent the Conservative party majority. If we lose Montgomery County, we lose Texas!

  1. Make plans to vote in the March 5 Republican Primary Election. Click here to learn more about the Primary and make sure you're registered to vote.
  2. Share our Two Terms Is Enough graphic with fellow Republicans as they prepare to vote in the Primary Election.

Upcoming Republican Party Meetings

Please show your support for these hard-working Precinct Chairs who represent neighborhoods across Montgomery County by attending an upcoming Republican Party County Executive Committee (CEC) meeting. We'd love to meet you in person!

View Calendar

Precinct Chairs are elected by Republican voters on the Primary Election Ballot to represent each area precinct as the voting members of the Montgomery County Republican Party County Executive Committee (CEC). If you have questions about upcoming elections or how to help get out the vote, your Precinct Chair would love to hear from you!

Find Your Precinct Chair

Beware of Fake Republican Organizations in Montgomery County!

Click for Answer

From the passage of bills protecting children in Texas to a lawsuit filed by Montgomery County Republican Party Chairman Bryan Christ against his political opponents, 2023 was a year of ups and downs. Grassroots Republicans were tested in ways we could never have imagined, yet emerged more committed than ever to safeguarding Constitutional principles and values in our county, state, and nation.

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Get to Know Your Local Officials

Sheriff Rand Henderson

Sheriff Henderson is a native Texan and lifelong public servant. He has served the Montgomery County community since 1994 and was sworn into office as Montgomery County Sheriff on January 1, 2017. He was reelected in 2020, and is running for a third term.

“We have added new facilities, increased pay and benefits, and brought new tools and technology to the agency,” he says. “Working with the community is our top strategy and partnering with our citizens to work together is something we strive for every day.”

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Learn more about your local elected boards and government by visiting our Get to Know Your Local Officials page!


For God and Texas: Honoring Jill Glover

The Montgomery County Republican Party is mourning the loss of a wonderful patriot and dear friend to many, Jill Glover. Jill passed away on January 14 after a battle with cancer. She was the State Republican Executive Committee Woman for District 12 and was appointed as chair of the Legislative Priorities Committee in 2020.

Among her many contributions to Texans, her dedication to protecting children and years of advocacy was instrumental in the ban of gender mutilation of children that was passed into law in the 88th Texas Legislature. Her emails to grassroots Republicans spurred us to action throughout the session and were always signed, “For God and Texas.”

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DeSantis Suspends His Presidential Campaign and Endorses Trump

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced earlier today that he is suspending his campaign and endorsing Donald Trump for president. He made the announcement on his X account, stating that he saw "no clear path to victory" after his second-place finish in the Iowa Caucus. He expressed great concern over the Republican Establishment's candidate, Nikki Haley, who he said represents corporatism and caving to woke ideology.

Governor DeSantis called out Democrats using lawfare to attack President Trump and stated that Republican voters made their choice clear in the Iowa Caucus. "We cannot succeed as a country if we allow our nation to be invaded, our currency to be debased, our cities to crumble, and our kids to be indoctrinated," he said before throwing his support behind President Trump.

Governor DeSantis has three years remaining in his second term as governor of Florida and may only serve two consecutive terms according to Florida law. He must step down for at least one term before being reelected.


Welcome to the Montgomery County Republican Party

We are a diverse group of volunteers dedicated to preserving the freedoms given to us by God, implemented by our Founding Fathers, and embodied in the Constitution. Republicans continue to be the party of hope and opportunity because we stand for freedom and liberty for all Americans. We support Conservative Republicans to allow Montgomery County to be a safeguard for the Constitutional principles and values upon which our great country and state were founded.

Our Team




Donate to Safeguard Our Freedoms

Every donation makes an impact. With your financial support,

we can continue to defend Conservative values in Montgomery County.

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Paid for by the Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.