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MARCH 2024


Grassroots Conservatives Increase Montgomery County Voter Turnout in the 2024 Primary

Democrat voter turnout down statewide.

When comparing statewide Texas Presidential Primary voting cycles (2020 vs. 2024), there was a notable decline in voter turnout this cycle with the entirety of the decline happening in the Democrat vote.

Not only was there little competition for Joe Biden at the top of the ticket, there also was less enthusiasm for Biden than in 2020. In addition, Democrat voters were encouraged to cross over and vote in the open Texas Republican Primary to try and select the most left-leaning candidates. Thankfully, enough Conservative Republicans voted in the 2024 Primary to counter this interference at the polls. It is vital for Republican voters to put pressure on their Texas Legislators in the 89th Texas Legislative Session to enact a Closed Primary system in Texas.

Montgomery County Increases Republican Turnout

While Montgomery County is the eleventh largest county in Texas in terms of population, our county far outpaced the voter turnout of all the other large counties in terms of voter percentages, making Montgomery County the “Reddest” large county remaining in Texas.

In 2020, Montgomery County Republicans had a 71.22% to 27.39% advantage over Democrats. In 2024, of the 92,450 votes cast in Montgomery County, 82,265 were GOP votes, meaning that 88.98% of the voters in Montgomery County were Republican. Although voter turnout across the state was down, in Montgomery County the GOP vote increased by 17,000 votes compared to 2020. So why is Montgomery County able to continue to turn out the Republican vote so consistently?

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Republican Party of Texas Chairman Issues Statement on Historic Primary Election Results

"[The Primary Election] marked a historic shift in Texas politics, as incumbent supporters of Speaker Dade Phelan and his Democrat coalition leadership team suffered unprecedented losses, while the Speaker himself was forced into a runoff. GOP voters sent an unequivocal statement in support of school choice, border security, and a new, Republican-only, governing coalition in the Texas House that does not award powerful committee chairmanships to Democrats."

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Chairman-Elect Gwen Withrow Shares Her Thoughts and Encouragement Post-Election

Election Day for the Republican Primary is officially behind us! It's time to look forward. Montgomery County is the RED STAR of Texas, and we must come together as one united front to keep Texas Red. We have a very important runoff coming up: the sheriff’s race. This elected position is supremely important to our county. Our voters need to pray for guidance, wisdom, and discernment as they make this critical choice. I urge voters to take the time to research this race thoroughly. When you make your choice, please consider helping that candidate.

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Volunteers Come Together to Educate Voters!

Grassroots volunteers worked the polls every day of Early Voting and on Election Day to advocate for the party and educate voters on the issues. They could be found throughout the county working hard to get strong Conservatives elected!

Upcoming Local Elections

Uniform Election

Early Voting

April 22-27

April 29-30

Election Day

May 4

What Is the Uniform Election?

Uniform Election dates are established by the State of Texas. This election will include local, non-partisan races such as school boards, MUDs, city officials, and the county appraisal board. Local boards and councils decide how much tax to collect and how that money will be spent. School board members make decisions that determine what your children or grandchildren are taught or exposed to in the school setting. The Texas Democrat Party's Project LIFT specifically proclaims a "special focus on winning local, non-partisan races." This is why your vote in these local races is so important!

Read More: Local Democrats Masquerading as Conservatives

How to Research the Candidates

With the exception of the Montgomery County Appraisal District Board races, most of the positions you will find on your Uniform Election ballot will be more localized to your city, school district, or neighborhood, so voter guides are not as readily available for these elections. This makes it more important than ever for you to do your research.

Montgomery County Eagle Forum will be dedicating their April 4th meeting to covering the local, non-partisan races and MUD elections included in the Uniform Election. This is a great opportunity to learn how to research for yourself and meet some of the candidates in person. Other local meetings covering the election or featuring candidates will be posted on our calendar as they arise. In addition, US Vote Smart vets many local candidates and also provides archived videos and questionnaires from past elections for you to review when researching incumbents.

Another strategy is to view your personal sample ballot and follow these tips for researching the candidates listed. For MUD districts, you may need to contact your MUD directly and then follow the tips for researching the candidates because many MUD elections are conducted by the individual MUD district instead of Montgomery County Elections; therefore, they will not be included on your Uniform Election ballot. See "More About MUD Elections" below.

Finally, beware of political action committees using “Republican” in their name. This does not mean they are affiliated with the Republican Party. Some of these groups print voter guides exclusively during election season to get their candidates elected.

Montgomery County Sheriff Runoff Election

Early Voting

May 20-24

Election Day

May 28


Sheriff Rand Henderson

Captain, Montgomery County Precinct 1 Constables Office, Wesley Doolittle

Why Is the Sheriff's Race So Important?

The county sheriff is elected by the people and reports to the people, not to the state or federal government. He has the power to defend county residents against unconstitutional mask mandates, gun restrictions, voting laws, immigration policy, and unlawful entry of our homes by the federal government.

As the federal government continues to trample on the rights of U.S. citizens, our choice for Montgomery County Sheriff has become paramount. Voters should look for evidence that the candidate will uphold our constitutional rights in this time of extreme government overreach. The sheriff is our last line of defense. Electing a sheriff who will protect our freedoms is one of the one of the most important decisions voters can make.

How to Research the Candidates

Visit our Conservative Voter Guides page for resources from the 2024 Primary Election or follow these tips to research the candidates for yourself.

Voter Information

More About MUD Elections

Some voters will have the opportunity to vote in Municipal Utility District (MUD) board elections during the May 4 Election. MUDs are taxing entities with notoriously low turn-out elections, so your individual vote can have a big impact on the election results and who is making decisions on your behalf! Some MUD boards are stacked with representation from big development companies and have little or no citizen representation.

Many MUD elections are conducted by the individual MUD district instead of Montgomery County Elections; therefore, they will not be included on your Uniform Election ballot. As we get closer to the election, Montgomery County Elections usually posts a list of voting locations and times for MUD elections that are being conducted by the MUD district or you can contact your MUD directly.

New County Appraisal District Board Elections

The May 4 Uniform Election will be voters' first opportunity to elect representatives to the Montgomery County Appraisal District Board of Directors. As part of last November's Constitutional Amendments Election, voters approved Proposition 4, which included a provision authorizing the election of Appraisal District Board members in counties with a population of 75,000 or more. Each of the newly elected board members will serve a four-year term that begins on July 1.

Until now, the board consisted of the county tax assessor-collector and five other members appointed by the taxing units that participate in the district in the manner prescribed by Section 6.03 of the Tax Code. This will be the first time voters will have a direct voice in selecting representatives to advocate for them on the board.

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Protect Our Kids by Electing Conservative School Board Members

Parents across the country have become increasingly concerned about indoctrination in the classroom, such as pronoun propaganda, Critical Race Theory (CRT), the transgender push, and teachers focused on political messaging instead of academics. Montgomery County has not been immune to these issues. 

For example, in Conroe ISD, conservative school board members are outnumbered and constantly under attack for opposing pornographic library books and standing against divisive "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion" (DEI) ideology. Because political party affiliation is not provided on the ballot for school board elections, it is essential to research the candidates by attending meet and greets, reading candidate websites, and answering the following questions:

  • Will the candidate emphasize academic skills over political or social issues?
  • Does the candidate want to protect students from the push towards transgender and alterative lifestyles?
  • Does the candidate believe in the importance of authentic American history?
  • Does the candidate believe in parental control of education?

See "How to Research Candidates" in the Uniform Election section earlier in this email for additional tips.

Conroe City Councilmen Challenged for Incorrect Filing of Candidate Paperwork

On March 15, the Ninth District Court of Appeals denied the Petition for Writ of Mandamus filed by Shana Arthur asking for her opponent in the May 4 Uniform Election, Councilman Place 2 Curt Maddux, along with candidate for mayor, Councilman Place 1 Todd Yancey, to be disqualified from the ballot.

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SD Conventions

Senatorial District (SD) Conventions Being Held Across the County on March 23rd

We're looking forward to seeing everyone at the upcoming Senatorial District (SD) Conventions on March 23! SD Conventions are meetings of delegates who were elected at their Precinct Conventions, held on March 5. Anyone may attend their SD Convention as a guest, but in order to participate in your precinct caucus at the convention, you must have been elected as a delegate at your Precinct Convention on March 5.

SD Convention Locations & Times

Find Your Senatorial District

If you don't know your Senatorial District, click here and enter your information in the “Voter Information” fields, then click “search.” Your Senatorial District will be listed in the “Your Current Representative Information” table.

Temporary Chairs

State Party Chairman Matt Rinaldi issued a letter on March 13 confirming that the correct Temporary Chairs for the Senatorial District Conventions are as follows:

  • SD 4: Dale Inman:, (281) 460-4900
  • SD 7: Dennis Tibbs:, (713) 898-4600
  • SD 18: Lauren Vickers:, (979) 820-3301

If you have questions about your SD Convention, please contact your Temporary Chair.

Read Chairman Rinaldi’s letter

Read more from Vice Chairman Jon Bouché

More Information

Nominations Committee: Making it to the State Convention

The Nominations Committee has the very important role of selecting at-large delegates and alternates to attend the State Convention. This committee determines how many spots are available for at-large delegates/alternates and chooses from eligible applicants to fill those spots.

Who Is Eligible?

Eligible candidates are voters in the most recent Republican Primary who (1) were not able to attend their Precinct Convention on March 5, or (2) do not get elected in their precinct caucus during their March 23 Senatorial District (SD) Convention to be a delegate or alternate to the State Convention.

How to Apply

If you'd like to apply to be an at-large delegate/alternate to the State Convention and the above conditions apply to you, or you are concerned you will not be elected in your precinct caucus at the SD Convention, click here to read more about your SD Convention's process for interviewing and selecting at-large delegates and alternates.


We know this process can be confusing, especially for first-time attendees. If you have any questions, please contact us at

Montgomery County Events

Attend Our April 2nd Meeting!

The County Executive Committee (CEC) is the decision-making body of the local Republican Party, made up of the County Chairman and one Precinct Chair from each county election precinct. Precinct Chairs are elected by Republican voters on the Primary Election ballot to represent each precinct as the voting members of the Montgomery County Republican Party.

Attending Republican Party CEC meetings is a great way to get involved in issues impacting Montgomery County and your precinct. Please join us - we’d love to meet you in person!

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Mark Your Calendar!

  • March 23: Senatorial District Conventions
  • April 2: Montgomery County GOP Meeting
  • April 22: Early Voting begins in Uniform Election (school boards, bonds, MUDs, city elections, appraisal district board)
  • May 4: Election Day for Uniform Election
  • May 20: Early Voting begins in Montgomery County Sheriff Runoff
  • May 23-25: Texas GOP Convention
  • May 28: Montgomery County Sheriff Runoff Election

Visit our calendar for details about events listed above.

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Welcome to the Montgomery County Republican Party

We are a diverse group of volunteers dedicated to preserving the freedoms given to us by God, implemented by our Founding Fathers, and embodied in the Constitution. Republicans continue to be the party of hope and opportunity because we stand for freedom and liberty for all Americans. We support Conservative Republicans to allow Montgomery County to be a safeguard for the Constitutional principles and values upon which our great country and state were founded.

Our Team




Donate to Safeguard Our Freedoms

Every donation makes an impact. With your financial support,

we can continue to defend Conservative values in Montgomery County.

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Paid for by the Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.