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July 3, 2019
Artificial Intelligence to Help Manage, Detect Alzheimer's

A team of researchers at FAU's College of Engineering and Computer Science, co-published in the Journal of Alzheimer's disease, their research on the theory that artificial intelligence could be a solution for testing and managing Alzheimer's disease. READ MORE .
Grant Awarded for Veteran's Program

The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) awarded a $1.5 million grant to Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing to form a primary care workforce of practicing registered nurses who understand the unique needs of military veterans and are practice ready and willing to serve rural and underserved communities. READ MORE .
HBOI Research Aims to Help Sea Turtles

Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute recently helped lead a team of marine scientists and combat veterans to study and save green sea turtles in the Florida Keys. This long-term effort will help the community and scientists understand the health of the sea turtle population and disease prevalence. READ MORE.
Biometric Invention to Enhance Data Security

The Office of Technology Development recently filed a utility patent application for an invention that addresses the problem of biometric data protection at different stages of collection, using simple and intuitive transformation techniques to enhance overall data security and resistance to fraud.

The patent for the invention, titled “System and Methods for Extending the Domain of Biometric Template Protection Algorithms from Integer-Valued Feature Vectors to Real-Valued Feature Vectors,” was filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on behalf of Koray Karabina, Ph.D., associate professor of mathematical sciences; Shoukat Ali, Ph.D, post-doctoral research fellow; and Emrah Karagoz, graduate research assistant, all of the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science. Research for this invention was funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation.
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The hub is a new web and mobile platform that connects researchers with students, collaborators and funding opportunities. Investigators are encouraged to post projects in just minutes. LEARN MORE.
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Recent Sponsored Research Awards
Investigator Name and Project
Sponsor Name and Total Anticipated Funding
Dale Gawlik
Evaluating Potential Genetic Adaptation and Increase Population Resilience in federal-listed wood stork
The Waterbird Society
Loisa Kerwin
2019 Conference Support Services for DEPs Public Land Acquisition & Management (PLAM)
Florida Department of Environmental Protections
Edoardo Persichetti
Young CryptograpHERs: a Cybersecurity Summer Camp for K-12 Girls
University of South Florida
$ 73,930
John Reed
Preservation of Historical Johnson-Sea-Link Submersible Video Tapes and Data for Research, Conservation, and Education
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute Foundation
$ 89,989
Muxin Han
Loop Quantum Gravity with Cosmological Constant
National Science Foundation
$ 152,344
Xaiver Comas
Geophysical Investigation of Potential Dissolution Structures at the Alexander Orr Water Treatment Plant, Miami FL
Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department
$ 7,162
2 to 3 p.m., July 18, Boca Raton Public Library
6:30 to 9:30 p.m., Sept. 25, The Addison, Boca Raton
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Funding graphic created by  Freepik.