Do you know the recommended daily amount of water you should consume?
In general, the average person should drink half their body weight in fluid ounces every day. For example, a 186 pound person should drink 93 fluid ounces.
This could vary by activity level, outdoor temperature and time spent outside.
How does water intake impact weight loss?
Dehydration can make you feel hungry when you are actually just thirsty.
Drink a glass of water leading up to or right before a meal to better assess your hunger.
Calorie-free options are the best options!
All beverages count toward your daily caloric intake and hydration goal but water, sparkling water and infused water are best. Try to minimize beverages with low-calorie sweeteners or sugar substitutes.
Bonus: Every cell, tissue and organ in your body needs water to work properly, according to the Mayo Clinic. Not only will water curb your appetite, your body will be "fully funded" with hydration, which makes it happy :)
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