October 17, 2020
"The surprising origins of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM) is a matter of the public record: NBCAM was founded in 1985 as a partnership between the American Cancer Society and the pharmaceutical division of Imperial Chemical Industries (now part of AstraZeneca, the maker of several anti-breast cancer drugs). If you don’t believe me, visit the NBCAM website, www.nbcam.org, and try to contact them. It will be the AstraZeneca corporation that you will required to connect with."
"Seasonal affective disorder is a combination of biologic and mood disturbances with a seasonal pattern, typically occurring in the autumn and winter with remission in the spring or summer. In a given year, about 5 percent of the U.S. population experiences seasonal affective disorder, with symptoms present for about 40 percent of the year. Although the condition is seasonally limited, patients may have significant impairment from the associated depressive symptoms. Treatment can improve these symptoms and also may be used as prophylaxis before the subsequent autumn and winter seasons."
What to do?

In the world of Big Pharma, October is "Pink Month."

Breast cancer awareness month.


While unsuspecting and well-meaning people come out in droves to "walk for the cure," the last thing those behind "Breast Cancer Awareness Month" want is a...


"Breast cancer awareness month" is the creation of AstraZeneca, a pharmaceutical giant that makes billions and billions every year from mammograms and from the blockbuster breast cancer treatment drugs.

While you think your "walking for the cure," you are not.

There is no one in the pharmaceutical industry out there burning the midnight oil to eradicate breast cancer or any cancer, for that matter.

Cancer is too far too profitable.

What are you walking for, then?

You are walking to raise money so EVERY WOMAN can receive her yearly mammogram; so people with financial difficulties can have access to the prescription medications used by the...

Breast Cancer Industry

Mammograms do not prevent breast cancer. They may detect breast cancer (many times "cancers" that aren't true cancers and would amount to nothing had they been left undetected and left alone), but they do not prevent anything and studies indicate they actually cause damage that can lead to cancer.

There are several ways to truly "prevent breast cancer."

When you go for your yearly, are you asked about:

  • Making sure you are getting a supplement of iodine every day?
  • Using glutathione and selenium daily (especially if you have BRAC1 mutation)?
  • Making sure you are sleeping through the night and have adequate melatonin?

Stop funding Big Pharma for a cause they say they support but really don't.

You have much more power than you know.

I'll also be talking about SAD - seasonal affective disorder.

Although it is only mid-October, many have been feeling the effects of this for two months now. What you can do if this describes you.

Call in with YOUR questions and comments...

Tune in from noon to 1 pm EST on WKBK radio...

FM 94.1, AM 1290, or join via the Internet:

Let's look deeper...
Increased Rates of Chromosome Breakage in BRCA1 Carriers Are Normalized by Oral Selenium Supplementation
"I am the Glutathione Girl!"
Melatonin and Breast Cancer
"Melatonin could be an excellent candidate for the prevention and treatment of several cancers, such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, gastric cancer and colorectal cancer."
With specific regard to breast cancer:
  • melatonin presented an anti-metastatic effect
  • demonstrated that melatonin might control tumor growth in advanced cancer patients
  • melatonin could inhibit aromatase activity in breast cancer cells
  • downregulation of oncogenic genes and upregulation of tumor suppressive genes
  • synergistic effect of melatonin with other treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation
  • control of metastatic breast cancer
  • reduction of tumor size and cell proliferation
  • Collectively, melatonin has exhibited inhibitory effect on both ER-positive and ER-negative breast cancers. Melatonin's anti-breast cancer effect was not only mediated by its interaction with both the estrogen receptors and the melatonin receptors, but also through activating various receptor-independent and estrogen-independent signaling pathways. Given the wide spectrum of melatonin's action on breast cancer, coupled with its low toxicity, it could be considered as a potential therapeutic choice for prevention and treatment of breast cancer.
Moving on to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Seasonal Depression
Wondrous Food!
Warm Autumn Salad
Looking for something I can bring to a lunch event tomorrow, and I need something that can be prepared ahead and served at room temperature. This looks perfect!
Proactive Health Collective of Keene
Yesterday we talked about...


How each of us came to be who we are in our professions.

What inspired us?

How did our paths continue from that initial inspiration?

I always love engaging with my Wondrous Colleagues.

We learn a lot from each other and know you will, too...

You can pick up previous sessions on the links below, and we'll catch up!

More important, we are live every Friday at 11 am. Use this link to follow on our Webinar:
Yours Truly
"Go to health!"
Listen Live Call in to talk 603-357-1290/866-357-1290
Saturday October 3, 2020  - Noon to 1:00 EST

WKBK - AM1290, FM 94.1 or live streaming from the Internet

Come on up and say hello... We are open Monday through Friday 9:30 am to 5 pm!