September 27, 2023 Edition | |
IN THIS EDITION...NEW! Customized Professional Learning Spotlight | MT Safe & Healthy Schools Project SCHOLARSHIPS | Co-op Food October Meetings | SSoM Programs Updates | SSoM Partner Resources featuring MTAA HEARTS Trauma-Informed Training 10/2 & 10/4 | Joke of the Week | Add'l Resources featuring MT PBS Parks of Montana | About SSoM | |
In August, SSoM Director of Professional Learning Genevieve Thomas led Noxon teachers in a math curriculum planning workshop. Teachers learned the steps for planning a guaranteed and viable curriculum using the four essential questions of learning as a guiding framework, reviewed their prioritized math standards, learned and applied a process for unpacking standards into learning targets, and considered structures for year-long contexts and curriculum maps.
“[After today's workshop] I feel more confident in using the standards to develop comprehensive and fluent instructional plans. I also enjoyed the tools that were provided for unpacking the standards and meeting the students where they are in relation to the standards at each grade level.” - Noxon Educator
For more information about Customized Professional Learning CLICK HERE, or contact:
Genevieve Thomas, Director of Professional Learning | | 406-300-2561
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School Services of Montana has been awarded a GRANT through the DOJ Bureau of Justice Assistance's STOP School Violence program. We are implementing a multi-faceted approach to preventing school violence through professional learning, coordinated school partnerships, and resources and training on whole child skill development. Implementation of the Montana Safe and Healthy Schools Project will include collaborations with schools and communities to proactively teach students and staff the skills to thrive with interpersonal relationships, self-and social awareness, and conflict resolution skills, including antiÂ-bullying techniques. Click here for details.
TAKE OUR SURVEY to join our email list of participation opportunities!
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Applications Now Open!
Schoolwide Scholarships, Gr. K - 8
One of our project goals is to provide resources and support for schoolwide programs focusing on whole child skill development. As part of these efforts, SSoM is offering Caring School Community Schoolwide Program Scholarships to MT schools serving grades K - 8. Collaborative Classroom’s Caring School Community program and professional learning supports schools with integrating whole child skills with an emphasis on the proactive teaching of social awareness, relationship-building, and problem-solving skills to build positive classroom and school communities.
Click here for complete details, plus resources to learn more, FAQ, & application instructions.
Melissa Tovaas, SSoM Executive Director | | (406) 272-0021
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Attention Food Service Directors:
If you like to collaborate with your peers, try delicious new foods, and get expert training on content specific to your nutrition program, these meetings are for YOU! If you have opted into the School Services of Montana Co-op Food Program, these meetings are for YOU! If you love FREE stuff, these FREE meetings are for YOU!
Miles City Oct. 17 - Great Falls Oct. 19 - Missoula Oct. 20
10am-2pm | Broker Presentations 10 & 11am | Training 12-1pm | Collaboration 1-2pm
Reply directly to this email or contact our Co-op Food Program Manager if interested:
Jennifer Brekke | | (406) 580-7547
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SSoM provides PD customized to the needs of your staff and students, both in-person & online, and will work with you to create a plan that fits your needs. Contact us for pricing, member discounts, and multi-day contract discounts!
23 - 24 SY SSoM Gallatin Valley IEFA Institute - stay tuned for details
PROGRAM CONTACT: Genevieve Thomas | | (406) 300-2561
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Get ready for an action-packed school year of captivating curriculum with our brand new Director of Curriculum and Assessment, Jake Chipps!
PROGRAM CONTACT: Jake Chipps | | (818) 481-6788
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CO-OP FOOD PROGRAM | 23-24 SY Details
This program features FREE ACCESS to all K-12 Schools & child-based organizations across the state. Districts who submitted a 22-23 SY Opt-in form are NOT required to re-submit for 23-24. Your participation in our program as been automatically rolled over with the US Foods / School Services of Montana contract roll-over, per bid contract language.
- Upcoming Meetings: Miles City 10/17 | Great Falls 10/19 | Missoula 10/20
PROGRAM CONTACT: Jennifer Brekke | | (406) 580-7547
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Over 900 providers currently log services online in the SSoM Service Portal. For program details and Program Manager Lisa Waterman's bio, click the link above.
Medicaid Service Portal Newsletter Sept. 2023
PROGRAM CONTACT: Lisa Waterman | | (406) 272-0073
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Did you know? You can make the switch to SSoM Infinite Campus Support at ANY TIME during the school year! Our dedicated support team works closely with OPI and understands Montana District SIS needs. Plus, your SUPPORT FEES WILL NOT INCREASE when you switch!
23 - 24 YES Series PD Oct 17 & 18 | Jan 9 & 10 | Feb 6 & 7 | Mar 6 & 20...
National Training Week: Nov 13 - 17, 2023
PROGRAM CONTACT: Mary Anne Skinner | | (406) 256-7306
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FALL 2023 ROADSHOW: HEARTS Trauma-Informed Training
Oct 2 and Oct 4 | 9am - 1pm both days | Virtual
Complete details & registration options | 8 OPI Renewal Units!
Please join us virtually for a transformative training grounded in the Healthy Environments and Response to Trauma in Schools (HEARTS) framework. This training provides staff with foundational understandings of trauma-informed practices and includes examples of strategies that can aid staff in creating a culture of belonging, improving mental health and alleviating behavior issues.
This is a 2-day virtual training, and both days must be attended. We encourage you to attend this training as a team - program directors with your front line staff. These strategies are most effective when the entire team is using them together. However, if you cannot all attend together, it's still beneficial for you to learn and use individually.
Questions? Contact: Bethany Wieferich, MTAA Quality & Support Lead |
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Seven FREE Zoom Sessions | 9/26 - 11/14
Variety of Language & Literacy Topics
Nov. 7 Featured Presenter: Genevieve Thomas
The Reading League of Montana invites you to join them for an exciting Teacher Tuesday Series discussing a variety of language and literacy topics! Presenters are experienced educators who will share impactful practices aligned with the science of reading. All Sessions Begin at 4:15pm MST; ZOOM LINK
- Sept 26 Small Group Instruction Using Backward Design
- Oct 3 Early Childhood Classroom Language & Literacy Routines
- Oct 10 Teaching the Most At-Risk Students in Tier 1 and a Walk to Read Model
- Oct 17 Small Group Diagnostic Prescriptive Instruction
- Oct 24 Early Childhood Language and Literacy Routines
- Nov 7 Bringing the Science of Reading to Special Education Services
- Nov 14 Literacy in the Upper Grades
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Brainstorms! September 2023 Edition
TEACHERS! Do you have any students at MSU this fall?
Please connect them to the Science Math Resource Center
Your students will be connected to cool STEM opportunities - even if they don't major in STEM - including our new Science Olympiad club, jobs and internships, citizen science, and other volunteer opportunities. Send their email addresses to and we will send a special welcome from MSU.
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FREE EDU 591 Competency-Based Education Graduate Level Course | Oct 16 - Dec 14 | Details
Last chance to learn about competency-based learning and earn FREE MSU grad credits this fall!
For in-service teachers & school leaders | Fill out interest form here
39th Annual Montana Science Olympiad State Tournament is April 19, 2024 at MSU
Learn more here | Registration opens soon!
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MentorMT is a program of the ASPIRE Project, housed in MSU's Center for Research on Rural Education | |
Mentoring is available for Montana's new & underprepared rural teachers! The MentorMT program offers FREE precision support by providing teachers with one-on-one mentoring, a focus on content, curriculum, and instructional support. Plus, there's no cost to schools and a $500 stipend each year for participating teachers. Apply today!
Details | Enrollment Form | Application Deadline: Sept 30th
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MSU MentorMT 2.0 Program Director Jennifer Luebeck | | |
MentorMT: August 2023 Mentor Training in Sidney, MT - Testimonial
"I was appreciative of the time and knowledge you shared with our rural teachers. Dedication to the mentoring content and support of mentoring in a rural area was a success. I truly found value in connecting small aspects about Sidney and other rural towns made the learning more meaningful - bike path, games, movie theaters... The truth is there are not many opportunities to train mentors, and mentors - as a supportive and beneficial component of our districts and communities - need to feel a sense of direction. The training will hopefully provide what our new teachers seek - to feel comfortable and supported in our rural communities, in addition to providing a thank you to our school boards and district administrators for maintaining advocacy for mentorships."
- Karen Polari, Sidney Public Schools
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Collaborative Classroom, a national nonprofit organization committed to ensuring that all students become readers, writers and thinkers who learn from, care for, and respect one another, is proud to partner with School Services of Montana. | |
OPI Energize! IEFA Monthly Gathering: Games, Lessons, and More
First Tuesdays Sept - June | 4 - 5pm | Registration not required | Earn 1 PD Unit | Details & Zoom
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NEW on PBS LearningMedia: Parks of Montana
Click Here for Details | Geared toward grades PreK-K, K-2, 3-5
Montana is home to 55 State Parks—each with its own unique wonders. The Parks of Montana project aims to showcase the amazing features of these public lands and to teach a variety of lessons from different content areas to elementary students. Within the collection are resources for teachers and students preparing to visit the park, reflecting an a previous trip or exploring the parks virtually. From caves, to lakes, to fossils, Montana's State Parks are magnificent places to explore at-home and on site!
- All videos were created by our Education team just for Montana students
- Each video is paired with lesson activities aligned to Montana Content Standards
FREE Asynchronous, Virtual PD for Teachers This Fall
No Deadlines | Earn OPI Credit | Details and Registration Here
Watch Montana PBS and PBS films Explore our menu of film options and pick the films that would help you build your content knowledge and inspire you to create engaging lessons for students. After watching the film you can complete a reflection activity for Montana PBS sharing your thoughts about the film and how you could use it with students. We have a catalog of films covering content areas such as Social Studies, Math, Science, English Language Arts, and IEFA.
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School Services of Montana commits to providing equitable support and services designed to leverage school resources, enhance curriculum and instruction, and offer economically sustainable solutions. Through collaboration with government, public, and local entities, SSoM provides personalized, innovative programs to empower and connect Montana’s diverse school communities.
SSoM Members educate nearly 60,000 students across the state. Membership is open to all K-12 school districts, public or private, and education-based organizations primarily serving Montana’s youth. While membership is not required to participate in the vast majority of SSoM programs and services, membership does have its perks. Click here : )
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