Welcome to this month's edition of “Special Delivery”, the monthly newsletter from Miracle Babies! Each month, we will share information about Miracle Babies events, news, and, most importantly, our impact. We are proud of our work and it is important for us to share these accomplishments with supporters like you!    

We welcome your feedback and suggestions:  admin@miraclebabies.org
Share a picture of your NICU baby to provide hope and
inspiration to others.
Make sure to follow us on social media! Email pictures to info@miraclebabies.org or post on our social media pages.
Congratulations to "Heaven Sent Triplets" for getting first place in the 2021 Miracle Babies Calendar Fundraiser. These beautiful triplets will be on the cover of our inaugural Baby Calendar.

The month of November is Prematurity Awareness Month
where we spread awareness about preterm births. 

Currently, 1 in 10 babies born in the US are born preterm and that rate is even higher worldwide. This translates to nearly 380,000 babies born prematurely in the US in 2018.
Thank You To These
Generous Phantom Gala Sponsors

Thank you Everett Harris & Co., for being one of our sponsors for the 2020 Phantom Gala. Everett Harris & Co. is an independently owned investment firm which has been operating since 1937. Their investment staff has an average of 20+ years in the financial industry.
Northern Trust is a financial services company headquartered in Chicago, Illinois that caters to corporations, institutional investors, an high net worth individuals. Northern Trust is one of the largest banking institutions in the United States and one of the oldest banks in continuous operation.
Thank you to San Diego Neonatology, Inc. for coming in as a 2020 Phantom Gala Sponsor! San Diego Neonatology, Inc. is an independent physician practice which helps families with babies in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). They make up some of the leading neonatologists in the SHARP healthcare system.
Miracle Babies had this impact in October 2020: 

  • Expanded transportation service in San Diego to the NICU's at UCSD and Sharp Mary Birch

  • The Miracle Babies Shuttle provided 39 rides totaling more than 2100 miles to NICU parents

  • Hosted 4 Virtual “Miracle Hours” connecting dozens of NICU parents to one another. Having a NICU baby can be isolating and overwhelming. Having a baby in the NICU during the COVID-19 pandemic adds a whole new set of stressors.

  • Distributed 48,000 diapers to 480 families
2020 Miracle Babies
Phantom Gala
Online Auction Closes
TONIGHT at 9:00pm (PST)
Click here to view online auction items.
Thank you to the following Facebook friends who “hosted” Facebook fundraisers in October to raise money for Miracle Babies: Lauren Elizabeth Beckett, Kate Kerrigan, Kali Thomas, Kim Handy, Mayra Carrera, Linda Wood, and Sameca Globe -we appreciate you!
If you are interested in “hosting” your own Facebook fundraiser for Miracle Babies, go to the Fundraiser section of the Miracle Babies page and click on “Raise Money” or click below.
Miracle Baby Lucian
Meet Miracle Baby Lucian (baby C), surviving triplet born May 20, 2020. Lucian was born at 24 weeks weighing 1 pound 9.8 ounces. Read more about Lucian's story.

Each month, “Special Delivery” will spotlight a “Miracle Worker” – someone who contributes to make Miracle Babies great!
Justin Wu
Meet Justin Wu, a long time volunteer for Miracle Babies and many other organizations. Read more about Justin Wu.
Remember! Choose Miracle Babies on AmazonSmile