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In this Newsletter:

  • TECCC & Ambassadors Meeting: November 8th
  • Upcoming Webinars
  • Randy's Roadshow - Where he is going
  • Significant Changes to the 2021 IECC: Houston Training
  • New Article: Life-Saving Energy Codes
  • Noteworthy + Previous Webinar Offerings

TECCC + Energy Ambassadors Meeting

The SPEER Ambassador program has been one of the premier code professional programs that our network of regional energy efficiency organizations across the country has implemented. We want to thank our current ambassadors for your commitment to building a stronger network of code professionals across Texas and Oklahoma.


We have scheduled an in-person Ambassador’s Meeting on Wednesday, November 8th in Round Rock, TX from 9:00 – 11:30 at the Hilton Garden Inn @ 2310 IH35, Round Rock, TX. This meeting will be held in combination with our Texas Energy Code Compliance Collaborative (TECCC) which will take place from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm.  This will be the first in-person TECCC meeting in 4 years and we are looking forward to hosting a face to face get together. Lunch will be provided and will begin at Noon with our TECCC meeting kicking off at 1:00 pm. We welcome you to attend the full day of code discussion through both the Ambassador meeting and the TECCC meeting. **Please register with the button below if you plan to attend!


The Ambassador Meeting currently has the following agenda (subject to change): If you have topics you would like for us to cover, please let us know.


  • Welcome/Introductions – Randy Plumlee
  • SPEER Mission for Ambassadors – Todd McAlister/Randy Plumlee
  • 2021 Updates through SPEER State Network (highlights) – Randy Plumlee
  • 2023 Code Related Texas Legislative Wrap-Up – Todd McAlister
  • Ambassador Updates – Local Areas
  • 2024 Code Outlook: PNNL Partnership & Federal Funding – Todd McAlister/Randy Plumlee


The TECCC has the following agenda (subject to change):


  • Welcome/Introductions – Randy Plumlee
  • SPEER Mission for TECCC – Randy Plumlee
  • 2023 Texas Legislative Wrap-Up: Code Related – Todd McAlister
  • Upcoming 2024 IECC Changes – Randy Plumlee
  • Local Area Updates - Attendees
  • New/Old Business


We hope you can join us for this ongoing partnership between code professionals and SPEER. As in the past, SPEER will cover mileage, one hotel night and meals on November 8th.

Sign Up Here

Upcoming Webinars

The 2024 IECC Residential: What we know so far (Part 1)

Quickly approaching is the final draft of the 2024 IECC. Let’s review what we know so far. We’ll review changes to each chapter and each table. Buckle up, it’ll be a fun ride!

When: Friday October 20th @ 10:30 AM: 1.5 hours

Register Now

Proper Insulation Installation and why it matter to the energy model

Energy models are constructed to ensure adherence to the energy code. They assess the proposed elements against a hypothetical (referenced) structure that meets basic code requirements. Beyond mechanical systems, a significant shortcoming in energy models often lies in the reduction of insulation effectiveness, attributed to substandard installation methods. We’ll examine various field images and delve into the nuances of insulation grading. We’ll also explore how Grades 1, 2, and 3 are defined, the criteria for their determination, and the impact each grade has on the overall energy model.

When: Thursday October 26th @ 10:30 AM: 1.5 hours

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The 2024 IECC Residential: What we know so far (Part 2)

Quickly approaching is the final draft of the 2024 IECC. Let’s review what we know so far. We’ll review changes to each chapter and each table. Buckle up, it’ll be a fun ride!

When: November 7th @ 10:30 AM: 1.5 hours

Register Now

For all upcoming webinars, trainings, workshops, and other educational events please visit or bookmark our calendar events page to stay up to date on our offerings!

Randy's Roadshow! Where I'm Heading

  • NTAEE Energy Conference – Oct 19th
  • InterNACHI Waco – Oct 27th
  • 2021 IECC Training in Tyler – Oct 30th
  • 2021 IECC Training for City of Houston – Nov 1st and Nov 2nd (more details below)
  • InterNACHI Houston – Nov 3rd
  • SPEER TECCC and Ambassador meeting in Round Rock – Nov 8th
  • RESNET Conference – Nov 14th â€“ 17th

Significant Changes to the 2021 IECC Training

Standing behind our mission to accelerate the adoption of advanced building systems and energy-efficient products and services in TX and OK, SPEER's Energy Code Manager, Randy, will be presenting on significant changes from 2015 and 2018 to 2021 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) on Nov. 1-2 at the Houston Permitting Center. 

  • On November 1st he'll provide a 3-hour presentation on 2021 Significant Changes in the IECC Residential Codes and REScheck.
  • On November 2nd he'll provide a 3-hour presentation on 2021 Significant Changes in the IECC Commercial and COMcheck.
  • There is also a one hour lunch and learn on November 2nd.
Save Your Spot

New Article: Life-Saving Energy Codes

Implementation & enforcement of stronger energy codes can enhance community resilience and safety. Modern building codes ensure greater structural integrity, safer wiring, and more adequate fire prevention. Read our recent article, co-written with our friends at the Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, focused on life-saving energy codes and see how modern building energy codes also contribute to the reduction of casualties, costs, and damages from disasters.

Read it now: Life-Saving Energy Codes: What Building Safety Officials Need to Know.


What We're Reading:

Range Hood Makeup Air: The Basics - Energy Vanguard

When do we need make-up air? What does the code say about it and when is it required? In this article Allison goes into when make-up is required and the different types of systems that can be used. He also discusses what the 2021 IRC says about where the make-up air system must be located.

In case you missed it, get a recap of our recent webinars:

IRA and IIJA For Energy Efficiency Teams

This webinar provided an overview of IRA and IIJA with a particular focus on customer facing programs including programs that can help promote the adoption of energy efficiency, building electrification, distributed energy resources, and electric vehicles. The presenter was Erica Larson, Senior Manager of Regulatory Affairs and Market Development for ICF.

The Energy Code and Residential Buildings: What every Homeowner needs to Know

During this presentation we demystified the complexities of the energy code and how they impact residential buildings. Whether you’re a homeowner, a prospective homebuyer, or a real estate inspector, this webinar provides you with invaluable insights into the basics of energy codes, their implications on home construction and renovation, and their influence on property value. Don’t miss the chance to learn more about the financial benefits of energy-efficient homes.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay informed on energy optimization, efficient building techniques + energy codes, local govt climate action, and more. We have over 150 previous recorded webinar offerings.

We Want Your Input

Is there something specific you would like us to dive deeper on? Are there topics that we have not addressed or questions that we can clarify and provide more insight on during a webinar or training? Please provide input on our request form so that we can better tailor building code and efficiency topics for upcoming webinars and training. 

SPEER is also seeking esteemed speakers and individuals with a passion for knowledge sharing. If you are or know an an Energy Conservation Code expert or related topic and would like to present on our energy codes webinars please constant us!

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