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Thank you, Montgomery County Republican Voters and Candidates!

Texas Conservatives found themselves in the crosshairs of a full-on assault from RINOs and their Progressive Democrat allies in the Primary Election. Thanks to grassroots, conservative voters, the tables were turned and Texas instead shifted considerably to the right. Read more in this excellent article from The Hill.

To the Voters...

Thank you to every Republican voter who made your voice heard! The voters of Montgomery County did their research and spoke loud and clear. We heard from so many of you who worked hard to understand the issues and make the best choices for our county, state, and nation. This is what it takes to defend Texas and save America.

To the Candidates...

Congratulations to all who won their elections. You fought hard and were determined to counter the vast amounts of money that poured into this election from left-leaning Political Action Committees funded by Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan, the pro-gambling lobby, and more. You prevailed against dirty election tactics that slandered strong Conservatives across the county and state, many of you personally by name.

To those who didn't win, we honor and thank you for putting your name on the ballot in the cause of liberty. You are just as much a part of the overall victory as those who won their elections. We need your help growing the Montgomery County Republican Party and know that your continued contributions will be crucial.

To the Election Workers and Volunteers...

Thank you to all the hard-working election officials, poll workers, and volunteers who made the Primary Election possible. Your sacrifice of time during Early Voting and at 113 polling locations on Election Day is so appreciated by Montgomery County voters.

Moving Forward

Now we turn to the task at hand - growing together as a united Montgomery County Republican Party, determined to defend our county and state, and save America from those who seek to destroy her. We invite all Montgomery County Republicans to attend our next meeting and join the fight. We need YOU!

Attend Our Next Meeting

A Message From the Chairman-Elect, Gwen Withrow

To the Republican Voters of Montgomery County,

Election Day for the Republican Primary is officially behind us! I can’t express enough how humbled and awed I am by the enthusiastic, sustained support of so many in this county. My campaign was funded by you. I did not have donations from big Political Action Committees (PACs) or gambling casinos. It was implemented by you with block walking, word of mouth, sign deployment, standing at the polls, and prayer

We are a band of brothers and sisters working to save our posterity, our liberty, our state, and our nation. There is a special bond created in such a fight. My husband, Bob, and I will cherish the friendships and memories from this campaign for the rest of our lives. Montgomery County is made up of really great people.

I would like to thank every single candidate who had the courage to run for office, as well as their families and loved ones, especially the Precinct Chair candidates. The winners of the Precinct Chairman positions will be the voting members of our Republican Party representing the voters of their precincts. So, they are extremely important. Running for office often means putting much of your life on hold, and win or lose, having solid Republicans run for office is critical to spreading our conservative message. Each candidate gave the voters a choice and we should thank them.

All of our election workers and volunteers deserve nothing but praise for working countless hours to uphold the integrity of our elections and doing everything they can to serve Republican Primary voters.

We have important work ahead to restore our party and establish a Republican headquarters. We are going to need the help of the entire county. We will get it done! The waste of resources in a circular firing squad will stop and we are going to focus on moving forward.

We have a very important runoff coming up: the sheriff’s race. This elected position is supremely important to our county. Our voters need to pray for guidance, wisdom, and discernment as they make this critical choice. I urge voters to take the time to research this race thoroughly. When you make your choice, please consider helping that candidate.

Now that most of our candidates have been nominated, it's time to look forward. Montgomery County is the RED STAR of Texas, and we must come together as one united front to keep Texas Red by expanding our majority at the national level and continuing to elect more Republicans at the local and state levels. 

Together, we will take back our country!

Gwen Withrow

Montgomery County Chairman-Elect

March 23 Senatorial District Conventions


Thank you to everyone who attended your Precinct Conventions after the close of voting on March 5! We know this was a new process for many of you and are grateful for your participation and willingness to submit resolutions and stand up for your values.

Next Steps for SD Convention Delegates

If you were elected as a delegate to your Senatorial District (SD) Convention, the next step is to attend your SD Convention on March 23. You will be hearing from your temporary convention chairman soon. (A permanent chairman will be elected by the delegates at the convention.)

Click here for the location and start time of your SD Convention.

The primary goals for each SD Convention are to:

  • Elect delegates to the State Convention to be held May 23-25 in San Antonio.
  • Determine which resolutions submitted will be forwarded to the State Convention.

Prior to attending your SD Convention, please check your schedule to determine if you will be able to attend the State Convention. If you are unable to attend the State Convention, please allow others who can attend to be elected as delegates. It's also important to read the current Party Platform prior to attending your SD Convention.

At the State Convention, delegates will vote on the Republican Party Platform and set the Texas GOP Legislative Priorities for the next legislative session.

If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected].

Mark Your Calendar!

  • March 23: Senatorial District Conventions
  • April 2: Montgomery County GOP Meeting
  • April 22: Early Voting begins in Uniform Election (school boards, bonds, MUDs, city elections, appraisal district board)
  • May 4: Election Day for Uniform Election
  • May 23-25: Texas GOP Convention
  • May 28: Primary Run-Off Elections

We will provide more information about upcoming elections in the March edition of the Republican Reporter. Visit our calendar for details about other events listed above.

View Calendar


Welcome to the Montgomery County Republican Party

We are a diverse group of volunteers dedicated to preserving the freedoms given to us by God, implemented by our Founding Fathers, and embodied in the Constitution. Republicans continue to be the party of hope and opportunity because we stand for freedom and liberty for all Americans. We support Conservative Republicans to allow Montgomery County to be a safeguard for the Constitutional principles and values upon which our great country and state were founded.

Our Team




Donate to Safeguard Our Freedoms

Every donation makes an impact. With your financial support,

we can continue to defend Conservative values in Montgomery County.

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Paid for by the Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas.

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.