Called to Worship. Sent to Witness. Led to Welcome.
Sunday, December 5, 2021 - Second Sunday of Advent (Mtr. Melanie Rowell, celebrant)
8:30 AM Low Mass, Rite II
Wednesday, December 8, 2021 - Nicholas of Myra (observed)
6:30 PM Healing Mass, Rite I
Current Worship Protocol
All Masses - Masks Optional (However, anyone who has particular health vulnerabilities or concerns--including those who have not yet received the coronavirus vaccine--is encouraged to wear a face mask while inside the church as a protective measure.)
Prayer Requests & Resources
The following people have been commended
to the prayers of the parish:
Barbara, Bella, Bill, Brett, Chuck, Debbie, Dick, Ephraim, Ginger, Jahnyah, Jane, Jennie, Jim, Jodi, Joyce, Ken, Leigh Ann, Levi, Lori, Margaret Lee, Marvin, Mary, Meredith, Mike, Miles, Nancy, Patt, Peter, Ray, Raymond, Sandy, Sheila, Steve, Susan, Theresa, Weesie, Winnie
To add someone to the Parish Prayer List, please contact the office.
To add someone to the Daughters of the King prayer list,
There is also wooden box in the Narthex where you can fill out prayer cards.
The Daughters will add your names to their prayers.
12/1 Cooper Banks
12/4 Wade Owens
12/5 Ellen Mays
12/6 Tracey Welborn
12/7 Leona Muhleman
12/9 Marla Thorburn
12/14 Mike Fitzsimmons
12/15 Roger Davis
12/16 Roberta Putman
12/16 Liam Boswell
12/18 Lamar Lehman
12/18 Gary Shamlin
12/19 Banks Gregory
12/24 Sandra Kelley
12/26 Michael Comer
12/27 Lendy Rhodes
12/27 Kurt Gandenberger
12/28 Bennett Cochrane
12/29 Ethan Cashwell
12/30 Lillian Lever
12/31 Maggy Hinds
Mother Melanie Rowell Presiding This Sunday
We will welcome Mother Melanie Rowell who will preside at both masses on Sunday. Father Gary is attending the baptism of his nephew at First Presbyterian Church in Greenwood. We are grateful to Mother Melanie for her continued participation in our worship life.
Thank You to Everyone Who Supported
Our 2022 Annual Pledge Campaign!
If you have not turned in your pledge yet, please place your completed pledge card in the offering plate or turn it into the Parish Office as soon as possible. Help us reach our goal of 100 pledges! (We have received 95 thus far--and have already exceeded our financial goal.) Thank you to all who have already submitted their pledges! The pledge card can also be filled out electronically by going to:
“Mittens and More”
Second Sunday Drive-Thru Food Harvest
December 12 | 2-4 PM
Saint Andrew’s ECW (Episcopal Church Women) is sponsoring the Second Sunday Food Harvest for United Ministries for contributions of children’s warm clothing as well as snacks for children. Contributions will also be accepted in the basket in the Narthex. ECW volunteers will be in the parking lot 2-4 PM to accept donations. Drive through and receive a treat as well as a cup of hot cocoa!!
Children’s clothing:
- Hats
- Gloves / Mittens
- Scarves
- Sweaters
- Socks
Children’s snacks:
- Individual packs of cereal, crackers, pretzels, or wheat thins
- Cliff Bars or Granola Bars
- Fruit Cups or Jello Cups
- Fruit Gummies
- Chips
- Juice Boxes
Poinsettia Orders for
Christmas Eve & Christmas Day
If you would like to dedicate poinsettias for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services, the dedication forms can be found in your Sunday bulletins. You can also email the Parish Office with your order and dedication. The deadline for orders will be Sunday, December 19.
Christmas Concert Fund-Raiser at Furman
for Mere Christianity Forum Student Ministry
Friday, December 10 | 7 PM
As many of you may know, Fr. Gary serves on the Board of Directors for Mere Christianity Forum (and previously served as their Executive Director), a non-profit student ministry that primarily serves the Furman community. Over the years, we have been blessed to have several Furman students active with Mere Christianity Forum attend Saint Andrew's (and hope to have more in the future!). We have also held several of our Vestry retreats in recent years at Mere Christianity Forum's Vista House. In case you are interested, below is some information about a Christmas concert fund-raiser that they are holding at Furman in December.
Christmas Concert at Furman featuring John Driskell
Mere Christianity Forum is hosting a Christmas fundraiser concert featuring John Driskell Hopkins from the Zac Brown Band, plus special guest opener - The Furman University Gospel Ensemble - on Friday, December 10 at 7 PM.
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Project Host's Nonprofit Holiday Market
Thursday, December 9 | 5 - 7 PM
Ordination to the Priesthood
Wednesday, December 15 | 6:00 PM
Saint James Episcopal Church
(301 Piney Mountain Road, Greenville)
Bishop Waldo will be ordaining Elizabeth Ann Prendergast Hendrix, Lathrop Hart Mosley, and David Andrew Rodrick to the Sacred Order of Priests in this diocesan service of ordination. All are invited to attend. (Click on invitation to the left for more details.)
Note that our Wednesday night healing mass will not be held on 12/15 due to the diocesan ordination service.
ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE is a $3 million grassroots Church-wide fundraising campaign dedicated to expanding Episcopal Relief & Development's global programs, improving the lives of children. JOIN US EACH WEEK IN ADVENT to create, learn and pray. ...
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Coffee Hour Is Back!
After the 10:30 AM Mass on Sundays
Please sign up to provide refreshments and set up by clicking on the link below and selecting a Sunday. We currently need volunteers for January 2, 23, and 30.
Parking at Saint Andrew's
Sunday Altar Flower and Presence Candle Dedications
On Sundays, we have the opportunity to offer a special dedication of the altar flowers or presence candle in honor, memory, or celebration of loved ones. The cost to the church for altar flowers is now $100 per Sunday, so we are suggesting that donations for dedicating altar flowers be in the range of $50 to $100 to help us cover those costs. The suggested donation for a presence candle dedication is $10.
If you would like to sign up for a Sunday, please see the sign up sheet on the bulletin in the Parish Hall or click on the button below. You may place a check in the offering plate with "Altar Flowers" or "Presence Candle" noted in the memo.
We will continue to only have Altar Flowers if someone has signed up and paid for the arrangements. As a result, we will need to know by the Tuesday prior to the upcoming Sunday if you would like to sign up. Also note that, during the upcoming penitential Season of Advent, we will only have flowers on the altar on the Third Sunday ("Gaudete Sunday").
Nursery During Worship to Reopen
We are hoping to reopen our nursery in the near future. We plan to have one staff member in the nursery during the 10:30 AM Mass, however we will need at least one parish volunteer each Sunday to serve as our second nursery caregiver. If you have gifts for working with infants and young children – and have “Safe Church” training (and are fully vaccinated), we could use your help! If you are interested, please e-mail More details to come!
Join the Choir!
Wednesdays | 7:30 PM | Parish Hall
Rehearsals have resumed for all fully vaccinated singers on Wednesday nights. Please be prepared to sing masked and socially-distanced in the hour-long rehearsal. New choir members welcome!
FTN continues to serve a hot breakfast to those who are the most vulnerable in our community every Saturday of the month. Saint Andrew's parishioners handle the third Saturday of each month, and Christ Church, Saint James, and Saint Peter's handle the other Saturdays--with volunteers from the Roe Cassidy Law Firm serving whenever there is a fifth Saturday in a month. Though it's not the usual hot breakfast under current circumstances, our guests continue to be very appreciative.