Called to Worship. Sent to Witness. Led to Welcome.
Worship Schedule & Links
Sunday, July 25, 2021 - Ninth Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 12B)
8:30 AM Low Mass, Rite II
10:30 AM Sung High Mass with Guest Preacher, Mtr. Mia McDowell, and Sending Forth of Dr. Tommy Watson, Rite I (also via Facebook Live) (lunch in Parish Hall following the Mass)

Wednesday, July 28, 2021 - Feast of Saint James, the Apostle (observed) Mother Mia McDowell, celebrant
6:30 PM Healing Mass, Rite II, followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
Current Worship Protocol - All Services

  • Masks Required Indoors for Unvaccinated Individuals
  • No Sign Up Currently Required for Any Services
Prayer Requests & Resources
The following people have been commended
to the prayers of the parish:
Aiden, A.J., Annie, Barbara, Bella, Bill, Brett, Chuck, Corinne, Darrell, David, Derrick, Dick, Easton, Ephraim, Ginger, Hailey, Hannah, Jane, Jim, Jodi, Justin, Ken, Leigh Ann, Linda, Margaret Lee, Marvin, Mary, Mendy, Meredith, Nancy, Peter, Ray, Raymond, Sandy, Theresa, Tommy, Weesie, Windell, Winnie
To add someone to the Daughters of the King prayer list, please e-mail There is also wooden box in the Narthex where you can fill out prayer cards. The Daughters will add your names to their prayers. 
July Birthdays
7/05 Amelia Trammell
7/06 Cheryl Banks
7/11 Merrill Brown
7/12 Charlie Shields
7/13 John Blackburn
7/14 Lila Armstrong
7/16 James Muhleman
7/19 Sara Conrad
7/20 Caroline Gosnell
7/22 Robert Powell
7/22 Anne Marie Currier
7/22 Jim Grunwell
7/27 Emily Shields
7/27 Chad Chisholm
7/27 Cindy Henry
7/29 Beth Daughtry
7/30 Tommy Watson
Sending Forth Sunday for Dr. Tommy Watson
with Former St. Andrew’s Seminarian
Mtr. Mia McDowell as Guest Preacher
This Sunday, July 25 

This Sunday, at our 10:30 Mass and with the Parish Lunch that follows, we will be sending forth our Postulant for Holy Orders, Tommy Watson, who is preparing to move to New Haven, Connecticut, next week to start his seminary studies at the Berkeley Divinity School & the Institute of Sacred Music at Yale. In recognition of this significant milestone in the life of our parish—and our continued work of calling, preparing, and sending forth faithful priests in service to the wider church, we have invited one of our former seminarians, Mtr. Mia McDowell (who is also responsible for helping to introduce Dr. Watson to St. Andrew’s), to preach at the 10:30 mass.

After the 10:30 Mass, we will gather in the Parish Hall for a parish lunch, which Patty Slay and Riley Owens have organized in honor of this historic occasion.

Upon his arrival at Yale, Tommy’s new mailing address will be:

Dr. Tommy Watson
352 Canner Street Apt 508
New Haven, CT 06511

Supply Priest Schedule During Rector’s Vacation

Father Gary will be away on a family vacation from Tuesday, July 27 to Sunday, August 8. Father Bob Chiles will preside at the Sunday masses on August 1 and August 8, and Mother Mia McDowell will preside at the Wednesday masses on July 28 and August 4. We are grateful to both Father Chiles and Mother Mia for their continued participation in our worship life. Father Gary will return to the office on Tuesday, August 10.
Saint Andrew’s Book Club
Sunday, August 1
After 10:30 AM Mass | Home of Kay Friddle & Lucy Walters 

We will discuss This Is How It Always Is by Laurie Frankel. Questions? Contact Kay Friddle at 864-505-2339.
Blessing of the Backpacks | Sunday, August 15
10:30 Mass (tentative)

We are hoping to be able have children and teachers bring their backpacks to church to be blessed on August 15—the Sunday prior to the start of school. Since many of the children of the parish are not yet eligible to be vaccinated, we will continue to evaluate whether community conditions warrant inclusion of the blessing in the 10:30 Mass versus offering it in another setting in the weeks ahead.
Save the Date! | Next Rebuild Upstate Workday | Saturday, September 11, 2021
8 AM - 4 PM

Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church is teaming up with Rebuild Upstate to create healthy, sustainable home environments for disabled, low-income, and elderly people. Any skill level and all ages are welcome. You may work for as long as your schedule permits on the work day. Sign up at
Vaccination Action Plan Update:

As a reminder, our action plan can be summarized as follows:
  • Get Vaccinated! (as soon as possible) - Under current rules, anyone aged 12 and older is now eligible to get vaccinated.
  • Ask for Help! (if you need it)
  • Let us Know! (once you are vaccinated) - A number of parishioners are getting their second shot this week! Thanks for letting us know!
  • Volunteer! (to help with this parish-wide effort)

Thank you to everyone who continues to let us know once they are vaccinated!
Sunday Altar Flower and Presence Candle Dedications
On Sundays, we have the opportunity to offer a special dedication of the altar flowers or presence candle in honor, memory, or celebration of loved ones. The cost to the church for altar flowers is now $100 per Sunday, so we are suggesting that donations for dedicating altar flowers be in the range of $50 to $100 to help us cover those costs. The suggested donation for a presence candle dedication is $10.

If you would like to sign up for a Sunday, please see the sign up sheet on the bulletin in the Parish Hall or click on the button below. You may place a check in the offering plate with "Altar Flowers" or "Presence Candle" noted in the memo.

We will continue to only have Altar Flowers if someone has signed up and paid for the arrangements. As a result, we will need to know by the Tuesday prior to the upcoming Sunday if you would like to sign up.
Service Opportunities
Summer Choir
Rehearsal on Sundays | 9:30 AM | Parish Hall

We always need additional singers to reinforce our sections, so please consider joining the Summer Choir. We gather on Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM (and not on Wednesday evenings), to prepare the music for each Sunday 10:30 AM Mass. With this limited time commitment the Summer Choir is an excellent opportunity for prospective new members of the choir to “try us out.” Questions? Contact the Parish Office--or just show up on Sunday morning! Mid-week rehearsals will begin on Wednesday, September 7, at 7:30 PM.
Feed Thy Neighbor
FTN continues to serve a hot breakfast to those who are the most vulnerable in our community every Saturday of the month. Saint Andrew's parishioners handle the third Saturday of each month, and Christ Church, Saint James, and Saint Peter's handle the other Saturdays--with volunteers from the Roe Cassidy Law Firm serving whenever there is a fifth Saturday in a month. Though it's not the usual hot breakfast under current circumstances, our guests continue to be very appreciative.

If you are interested in ways you can help support this ministry, please contact the office.