Connie Conway Productions
Producer to Los Angeles & the World!

Behind the Scenes with Connie

"The Miramar Affair"

Photographer - Director: Mark Humphrey

Xperience Factory

Fairmont Miramar Hotel, Santa Monica

Creative Director, Photographer, Designer: Mark Humphrey, Xperience Factory

Production Notes

Celebrating 100 years of the Miramar connection to Hollywood!

Fairmont Miramar - Stills, Motion & Drone: 1 tech, 2 shoot days.

Let's do this!

Location: Fairmont Miramar Hotel, Santa Monica

Call Time: 6:00 AM - 4:00 PM | 12:00 Noon - 10:00 PM

Talent: 2 Hero Talent, 7 Secondary Talent

Biggest Challenge:

The Schedule! The Schedule! The Schedule!

Providing the Miramar staff with an accurate timeline of hotel needs and locations.

Being aware of the guests.


Find locations that suit the creative vision for each shot.

Rent 1956 Porsche Speedster, sunrise shot day one.

Tom Ford tuxedo for Moose. Need a back-up tux for pool shot.

Moose is getting wet!!

Fine Jewelry for Laken.

Photographer - Director: Mark Humphrey

As always,

Our client enjoyed being involved in all aspects of the shoot and we enjoyed them!

Thanks to the crew, talent and Miramar staff for my making job easier!

All in a day's work!


Fun You Missed
Photographers - POV

Connie's exceptional handling of this ambitious shoot on multiple fronts truly deserves recognition. The primary objective was to seamlessly blend Old School Hollywood Movie Glamour with a contemporary and relevant touch, all while effectively showcasing a sprawling 5-acre property. It is worth noting that I was able to deliver my entire wish list of images despite the property operating at an impressive 95% occupancy over a challenging two-day period. Connie, your expertise and determination are truly commendable!


In addition to the remarkable achievements mentioned earlier, I had the privilege of casting a few old friends who held key roles in the production. Their exceptional performances not only brought their characters to life but also served as catalysts for the entire cast, driving each scene with perfection. Furthermore, my background in shoot-from-the-hip, lifestyle fashion, and reportage photography allowed me to navigate the set with ease and flexibility and agility, capturing the unfolding magic effortlessly.


I must commend Connie for her outstanding job in assembling a phenomenal team that displayed remarkable adaptability, enabling us to meet the demands of this ambitious shooting schedule. Bravo, Connie! Your efforts have resulted in a brilliant production, and I extend my heartfelt gratitude. Needless to say, our client is extremely satisfied. Looking ahead, we can aim for a three-day schedule next time, further enhancing the quality and scope of our work.



Mark Humphrey / Photographer / XperienceFactory.


Creative - POV

The task at hand was to create a captivating campaign for the Fairmont Miramar Hotel in Santa Monica, highlighting its rich Hollywood history and simultaneously presenting a modern interpretation of glamour. This was skillfully achieved through the use of a diverse and talented cast who exuded elegance while also embracing their individuality and playfulness. The concept aimed to convey that true glamour today is about feeling comfortable in one's own skin, regardless of the surroundings or attire. This concept resonated with the Fairmont Miramar's essence of providing a casual elegance and a home away from home experience.

As both a creative voice for the Fairmont Miramar and a photographer, Connie seamlessly navigated the intricacies of the hospitality industry. She effectively collaborated with the various departments, recognizing that a hotel is a dynamic environment where changes can occur at any moment. Connie and her team's ability to adapt swiftly to the ever-changing landscape of a hotel operating at 95% occupancy was highly commendable.

Bravo, Connie! The flawless attention to detail and effective communication with all the departments in the hotel resulted in a successful campaign. The Fairmont team expressed their utmost satisfaction not only with the final product and images but also with the enjoyable process. We extend our gratitude to you and your team for a job well done. Thank you.


Mark Humphrey / Creative Director / XperienceFactory.


Connie Conway Productions

213.712.3236 mobile

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