We’ll be celebrating this year’s “Week of Thankfulness” from November 20-22, starting at 5pm each day. Each day, we’ll have a special dinner and giveaways for our clients. This event is more than just a gathering; it’s an opportunity to show our neighbors that they are loved and cared for. We’ll rejoice with them as we thank the Lord for all He is doing in their individual lives.

Our annual Christmas Gala will be held on Thursday, December 8 at 6PM. You're invited to join us for an evening of fellowship with great company, dinner, a special message, an extraordinary silent auction featuring art and experiences, and more!

Mark your calendars for our Annual Christmas Banquet on December 21st at 6pm! As the festive season dawns, we’re thrilled to host a special restaurant-style dinner at our mission. Celebrate the joyous spirit of Christmas with us as we come together to share laughter, memories, and a delicious feast.

Explore our website to discover the many ways you, or your church, can join hands with Western Carolina Rescue Ministries. We have numerous opportunities for you to serve, and we would be truly blessed by your invaluable gifts and time. Your partnership can make a lasting impact. Join us in our mission and witness the transformative power of Christ’s love through you.

We are so grateful to Church of God for your unwavering commitment and dedication to serving at WCRM once a month. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for being such an integral part of our mission. 

We are profoundly grateful to Koontz Intermediate School for your outstanding effort in collecting socks for our cause. A remarkable 700 pairs! These socks will provide much-needed warmth and comfort to many during the colder months. Thank you for making a significant difference and for standing with us in our mission to serve.

We extend our deepest thanks to each and every volunteer who joined forces with us for this year’s Coat Drive and Giveaway. Your dedication and service have woven warmth into the lives of many, echoing the generosity and enduring support we cherish so deeply. Just like the coats you’ve helped to collect and distribute, your kindness wraps our community in comfort and care. Your commitment to braving the chill alongside us, not just with donations, but with hands ready to serve, is the kind of compassion that truly changes lives. Thank you for being an essential part of this heartfelt mission.

We are thrilled to share the wonderful news of graduation for four remarkable members of our community: Kastidy and Kaytlin from Abba’s House, Terri from Women of Worth, and Douglas from the Men’s Recovery Program. Each has reached a pivotal milestone on their path, marking not just the end of a phase but the beginning of a promising new journey. Their hard work, steadfast dedication, and spiritual growth stand as powerful testimonies to God’s work in the lives of those who seek Him. We eagerly anticipate the amazing futures that unfold for them.

Our heartfelt thanks go out to Swannanoa Cleaners and Home 2Suites for your invaluable assistance in collecting coats and winter gear for our “Coats for the Cold” giveaway. Your combined efforts have been pivotal in ensuring that many will stay warm during the chilly months. It’s partnerships like these that truly exemplify the spirit of community and compassion. The tangible difference you’ve made will be felt by countless individuals this winter. From all of us at WCRM, thank you for your dedication and for standing beside us in this meaningful endeavor. Your generosity will be remembered and appreciated by all those who benefit.

We are thrilled to acknowledge Second Gear for their generous donation of $1,771.69 to Western Carolina Rescue Ministries. This donation, representing 1% of their October sales, is a significant boost to our ongoing efforts to provide crucial services to those in need. Second Gear’s partnership amplifies our ability to offer hope and assistance to the homeless and individuals fighting addiction in our community.

In this month of reflection and thanksgiving, we are especially mindful of the multitude of blessings that your generosity has cultivated. Each day, we witness transformative stories of hope and renewal, stories that are only made possible by your kindness and belief in our mission. 
Your partnership reminds us that together, we are more than just a collective force for good—we are a Christ-centered community bound by the spirit of giving, sharing, and uplifting the most vulnerable among us. 
Thank you for every prayer, every donation, and every moment you’ve dedicated to enriching lives and souls and to share the love of Jesus. May the Lord return to you tenfold, and may God’s love embrace you, as it has embraced those we serve through your acts of love and kindness.