Join us in raising awareness, promoting education, and providing or participating in opportunities for interaction for patients, family members, and health care professionals concerned about lymphedema.

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You still have time! Take advantage of this opportunity to read Pathways with complimentary access and share with your professional colleagues, health care team, family, and advocates.

Visit to learn more about Canada's only lymphedema magazine.

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Order our new Lymphedema Education Pamphlet, today!

View Online | Download a Copy

This pamphlet is available for bulk order at a very low cost that includes shipping anywhere within Canada.*

*Limited time special offer while supplies last.

Order Now

The Canadian Lymphedema Framework, in a 2018 collaborative education project with our volunteer Education Working Group, Medical Advisory Committee, and generous funding support from the Alberta Lymphedema Association, developed and printed patient education materials to increase public awareness and patient care of lymphedema. There is a pamphlet and a 24-page booklet available. In January 2024, the pamphlet was reviewed and newly updated. Order print copies above. You can view and download the 24-page booklet from this link.

Join your Provincial Association

If you are living with lymphedema, you are not alone. You have access to information, resources, contacts, and support from people who know what you’re going through from their own personal experiences. 

These provincial lymphedema associations can put you in touch with the local resources in your area. If you’re not already a member, consider joining your local association. Membership pricing is very reasonable and includes a subscription to Pathways magazine.

Join Here

Stay up to date with all March Lymphedema Awareness events and activities around the world with our events calendar.

Events will take place throughout the month of March, so be sure to check back frequently to learn about what is happening closest to you.

March Events

Complete our 2024 Pathways Readers Survey for a chance to win a prize!

In an ongoing effort to increase the value of Pathways, we encourage all of our readers to participate in a short survey.

On completion of the survey, your name will be entered into a draw for a chance to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card. The CLF will select and announce the winner on April 1, 2024. 

Fill Out Survey Here
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