Membership due November 15!


Don't wait! Submit your membership by the deadline to determine Area allocations for the State Career Development Conference and your voting delegates. The more members by Area, the more allocations!  

Students are NOT submitted unless it shows "Pending" or "Member" next to their name. If a little box is next to their name, it will need to be checked and then click the red Submit Membership button. Keep an eye on your total membership submitted using the Membership Information dropdown in the upper righthand corner of your screen!

Reach out to if you have membership questions. 


Jackson High School SBE is featured in DECA Direct!

Read About the Paw Print Laser Engraving SBE

Washington DECA's official DECA Diamond Hand Sign poster is live! Download for your classrooms today.


DECA ICDC Registration Guide

The membership deadline for competitor eligibility is now February 15.

The early bird registration fee is now $100.

There is a registration fee for all spouse/family members this year - $105.

Attraction packages and rates will be updated once rates are confirmed with the parks. 


DECA Membership Assistance Program - DUE NOVEMBER 15

The membership assistance program will provide financial support to help students who cannot afford to participate.

Please complete the application and you will be notified if approved. Note that the % of support is based on F/R lunch and will be paid to the chapter after November 15, 2022. 


Pumpkin Contest Winners

Thank you for sharing this opportunity with your members!

View Winners

DECA Ethical Leadership Challenge

In teams of up to four DECA members, develop a public service announcement to educate your community about the importance of ethics. Submissions are due by November 22, 2022 .

Learn More

Global Entrepreneurship Week

This November 14-20, Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) will rally almost every nation in the world to empower entrepreneurs and encourage citizens to become starters - finding new and better ways of doing things. GEW 2022 is also a call to action for societies to be resilient and come together in leveraging the power of new ideas and innovation for the benefit of all.

Access activities

EIP and ESB in the Classroom

This unit includes materials needed to teach a lesson utilizing the ESB and EIP written events through the use of Design Thinking and Lean Canvas Business Model. It is advised to spread the actual rough draft submissions over a period of weeks in order to accommodate grading and feedback. Classroom projects can then be submitted for DECA competition if completed in mid-late fall timeline.

Teach DECA / Unit 2.3:


SBE Updates


Chapter Certification 

Just a reminder that guidelines for chapter certification and chapter recertification are available at submission site will open on Thursday, December 1, 2022. All projects have a submission deadline is 11:59 p.m. on January 12, 2023.  

SBE Individual Certification Exam

DECA also offers the SBE Individual Certification program for individual DECA members. Through this program, members can achieve an SBE individual certification through the successful completion of an online exam. This is a great opportunity for DECA members to add an additional level of recognition for their mastery of small business management instructional areas. The SBE individual certification exam has been updated for 2023. The specific performance indicators that will be assessed and sample exam questions can be found in the SBE certification exam study guidePlease review the SBE individual certification exam updates DECA Direct Online article for additional information or visit

SBE Survey 

We are looking for your input to help us tailor resources for SBE advisors or those looking to begin an SBE. We would appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to fill out the below survey.

SBE advisor survey

Practice Testing Instructions

Students (must be registered DECA member to access site-need not be a paid member)

Site: 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. | 7 days a week


ID: DECA Membership Number

Password: Launch2022

Members are uploaded each Sunday evening or early Monday morning. Students can then log into Practice testing.


Case Study of the Week

Episode 4: Fortnite


As of December 2021, Fortnite had amassed 400m players and the title of the most successful game of all time. Notably, Fortnite is free to join/play. And yet, in early 2022, the company was valued at $32 billion dollars. How have they done it? Largely through micro-transactions which leverage the social element and a subscription model that somehow doesn’t annoy the players.

Read More
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