Reminder: A signed Form B from each Advisor is due October 3!

Get Started

Fall Leadership Conference

November 6-8 | Hyatt Regency, Bellevue

Registration opens October 10!

Promotional Flier


Awarded based on financial need and will cover the conference registration fee.

Apply Now

Keynote Speaker:

Linda Bonnar

Master NLP & PCC Coach, Author & Trainer

Linda’s mission has always been to make a positive difference in the lives of others. This led her into a 16- year teaching career, to establish her own coaching business, write three personal development books (PRESS PLAY, The START 30-day Journal, and Just Three Things) and to become the Co-founder & Director of Content for the wellbeing app for schools and businesses, Upstrive. 

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What's New!

District Instructional Areas Announced

DECA provides the primary instructional area(s) assessed in each of the district-level scenarios to help advisors and members prepare for district competitions more effectively. 


SBE Week 2022

This year's #DECASBEWeek takes place on October 3-7. Show off your chapter's school-based enterprise by sharing photos or videos corresponding to daily themes. 

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NEW! DECA at the Bell

DECA has partnered with BusinessU to create a new

role-play prep series! “DECA at the Bell” is an interactive,

video-based series. It includes role-play prompts aligned to Performance Indicators. DATB is now live and free to all DECA advisors. 

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DECA Membership Assistance Program

The membership assistance program will provide financial support to help students who cannot afford to participate.

Please complete the application and you will be notified if approved. Note that the % of support is based on F/R lunch and will be paid to the chapter after November 15, 2022. 


FLC Business Pitch Competition

Students eager to begin the competition season are encouraged to participate in the Business Pitch Competition at FLC! Teams of 1-3 will present on their proposed business, product, or service, to a judge.

Get Started

Piper Sandler Survey Extension!

Piper Sandler has extended the deadline for the Fall Take Stock with Teens Survey to this Friday, September 23. We encourage you to utilize this in your classroom, the survey should take ~30 minutes to complete. Your students’ participation is very important as Piper Sandler would love to gather more data from the great state of WA!

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September is Careers in Retail Month

Enroll your students in the RISEUP Credential Program and give them the skills they need for a life-changing career in the retail industry.

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On August 4, Governor Inslee signed his fourth proclamation declaring September as Careers in Retail Month. 


This month is a time to recognize the importance of the retail workforce, a diverse industry employing over 400,000 Washingtonians, and its contributions to helping our state's economy thrive.


Legislation supporting careers in retail (HB 2019) also passed this year, increasing educational and training opportunities for retail workers around the state. This law will help to promote successful long-term career pathways within the retail industry.


Join WR in thanking Washington retailers and our retail workforce for their vital service to our communities!


Advisor Resources

SBE Ready!


Plan ahead to highlight and showcase your SBE on campus and in your community. 

Looking for Certification and Competition Guidelines? Look no further:



Re-Certification Guidelines





DECA Direct articles to get your started:

 - SBE Chapter Certification Guidelines

 - A Student's Guide to Starting a School-Based Enterprise

Leadership Resources: One-Day Officer Retreat!


In Unit 2.2 of Teach DECA, there is a complete toolkit for hosting a Chapter Officer Retreat. Use this one-day event to get your officers revved up and ready to lead!


Practice Testing Instructions

Students (must be registered DECA member to access site-need not be a paid member)

Site: 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. | 7 days a week


ID: DECA Membership Number

Password: Launch2022

Business Operations

Research Events

Competition Expertise and Support for Advisors

The Business Operations Research Series will take advisors through:

1) Integrating the Business Operations Research events into a Marketing Information Management

instructional unit for a grade.

2) Strategies for conducting both primary and secondary research based on this year's topic.

3) Developing each section of the project according to the DECA guidelines.

Join Now!

Each virtual workshop is 15-20 minutes and will be posted to Teach DECA.


Case Study of the Week

To Open or Not to Open... on Sundays


Step into the role of general manager at Johnson Family Elite, a local automobile dealership that sells both new and previously-owned Elite vehicles. The owner of the local dealership is considering a change to the days the business is open and would like you to analyze the benefits and consequences of the change and make a final decision. 

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Past Updates

Learn DECA

Password Change


Learn DECA is a competitive event resource exclusively for Washington DECA members and advisors.

Access Learn DECA using this password: Launchwadeca

Password is case sensitive

SBE Guidelines


The chapter certification guidelines and competition guidelines for the 2022-23 school year are now available.

Learn More

Nutritional Standards


The USDA released a tool to help school staff determine if certain foods meet the nutrition requirements to be sold in school fundraisers and students stores on campus.

View Standards
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