Hello Friends!
We are so excited to give you this very special news:
We Bought the Seth House!
It’s true! It’s real! It happened! We signed the final documents on Dec 27, 2021. It’s official. The Seth House, Inc, 501c3 Non-profit Organization is now the official caretaker, steward and owner
of The Seth House in Elmira, New York, USA ... OMG!
This is the actual building where Jane Roberts and Robert Butts lived for 15 years and this is where Seth channeled most of the books, recordings and information that comprise the Seth Material.
When we say "WE" bought the House - We mean all of you who love this place, donate, and support Seth's House and know how important this project really is.
A whole new era begins now for this project and we are so excited to be embarking upon it with you! This is for Seth readers all over the world. This is for new people who will be inspired by Seth's message. This is for the City of Elmira. This is to honor what happened in this house not so long ago. This is to enrich each other's lives.
We did it folks, and we did it together. All of Seth's friends all over the world who pooled your money and positive beliefs together to make this a reality. We did it. We thank you. We love you.
To honor this place and acknowledge its significance has been a dream come true for Seth Readers around the world. It will be beautified and open to public and it will benefit people from every culture and nation, by sharing freely the love and wisdom of Seth.
We need to thank our DONORS over and over again. We have listed each and every one by name on our website. You took the risk to invest in this project, so it’s because of you this day has come. Joyful and tearful hugs to you all...