Get out the vote
Help ensure your fellow conservatives make it to the polls on November 8. Block walking and other activities are taking place in every precinct in Montgomery County. Even one day of volunteering can make a difference.

Election Clerks needed
New voting machines will be used for this election and additional clerks are still needed to help voters through the process. Click below if you'd like to serve as a clerk working inside the polls on November 8.

New voter-focused website
The Montgomery County Republican Party County Executive Committee (CEC) recently voted to replace our old website with an updated site focused on informing voters. The new site has everything you need to know about the Nov. 8 Election - all in one place. Be sure to bookmark it for easy reference!

Contact your Precinct Chair
If you have questions about helping at the polls, getting out the vote in your neighborhood, or other election-related questions, your Precinct Chair would love to hear from you! Click the image above to read about Precinct 110 Chairman, Luis Pedraza, who serves in Conroe.

Did you know?
A political party's platform serves as the guiding document for the party. Studies show that elected officials vote in line with their party's platform more than 80 percent of the time.

Legislative priorities meeting with Senator Creighton focused on key issues facing Texans
On October 4, 2022, a meeting was held at the office of Senate District 4 Senator Brandon Creighton to discuss priorities for the upcoming legislative session, which begins in January 2023.

The discussion centered on the eight Legislative Priorities of the Texas Republican Party, and also established property tax reform and relief as a major focus for the next legislative session. With a record $67 billion in credit card debt, rising inflation, and rising interest rates, Texas needs tax relief right now more than ever. 

When asked about energy issues in Texas, Senator Creighton gave assurance that reforms were made to energy policy in the last legislative session to secure the energy sector

"We will continue to pursue these key issues until the legislative session closes," said Jon Bouché, Montgomery County Republican Party Vice Chair.

The training will coincide with the beginning of the new Texas legislative session. Topics will include effective communication with elected representatives, understanding the legislative process, and testifying at a hearing. The workshop will focus on state legislative issues, but also will include discussion of local government engagement. Bookmark the event page on our website and watch for registration details to come.

Research the candidates
Step up to learn more about the candidates who will be on the November 8 ballot. Visit their campaign websites, attend meet and greets, and candidate forums. Look for conservatives who will fight for your values.

Beware of deceptive voter guides
It is very important to do your own research, and not just rely on a handout at the polls. Although the voter guide may say “Republican” or “Voter PAC,” some of these groups are not officially sponsored by the Republican Party and print flyers exclusively during election season to get their candidates elected.

Questions to ask: Who paid for the voter guide or flyer? Who is on the organization's board of directors? How often does the group meet? Is the group led by grassroots citizens or is it driven by campaigns to elect specific individuals?

Montgomery County introduces new voting machines
Montgomery County has an updated voting system with a verifiable paper trail. The new touchscreen system is easier to use than the old dial machines, and the process is similar.
Using the new voting system
  1. Check in with your voter ID - You will receive a 3-digit code and a piece of ballot paper. TIP: Do not crumple or fold the ballot paper.
  2. Proceed to the voting booth - Follow the instructions on the touchscreen. TIP: Press firmly on the touchscreen when making your choices.
  3. Print your completed ballot - Check it over for accuracy.
  4. Go to the tabulator - Enter your ballot into the tabulation machine. TIP: Don’t walk out of the polling location with your printed ballot or it will not be recorded.
Voting schedule & locations
Early voting takes place Oct. 24 - Nov. 4. Montgomery County Elections lists all of the early voting locations on their website.

Election Day voting takes place at your precinct polling location on Nov. 8.

Maximize your influence
Forward this email to your friends to help them prepare to vote.

Don’t go to the polls alone! Offer to take others with you to help deliver conservative victories in November.

Don’t forget to print the official Voter Guide to take with you to the voting booth!

Every donation makes an impact. With your financial support,
we can continue to defend conservative values in Montgomery County.
Early Voting Oct 24 - Nov 4 ★ Election Day Nov 8

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Paid for by the Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.