February 2024 eCommunication


CLF WLD 2024

As part of the CLF's annual awareness and advocacy activities to coincide with World Lymphedema Day on March 6, we are pleased to offer complimentary digital access to the upcoming Spring issue of Pathways.

We encourage you to invite your professional colleagues, health care team, family, advocates and others to also sign up.

The digital edition will be released on March 1.

Request access by February 29 to receive an email notification with a direct link to read the issue online.

Request Access Here

World Lymphedema Day Across Canada

Stay informed about WLD and lymphedema awareness events happening throughout Canada by exploring our events page and your local provincial association's website.

Be sure to check back as events will be taking place throughout the month of March.

CLF Events Calendar

British Columbia Lymphedema Association - BCLA

March 2 - Lymphedema Education Day

Lymphedema Association of Manitoba - LAM

March 1 - Bridge the Gap Symposium

Lymphedema Association of Ontario - LAO

March 6 - World Lymphedema Day: Raising Awareness

March 6 - World Lymphedema Day: Raising Awareness (Barrie Area)

March 14 - Dr. Keast: Lower Extremity Lymphedema and Skin Breakdown, A Growing Problem

Introducing our new Educational Pamphlet, What you need to know about Lymphedema

Order yours today!

The CLF is excited to announce our newly updated educational pamphlet just in time for World Lymphedema Day on March 6 and Lymphedema Awareness Month.

View Online | Download a Copy

This pamphlet is available for bulk order at a very low cost that includes shipping anywhere within Canada.*

*Limited time special offer while supplies last.

We wouldn't have been able to do this without you. All proceeds that were donated to our Education Fund were used to help offset the costs of printing and distributing this educational tool across Canada.


The Canadian Lymphedema Framework, in a 2018 collaborative education project with our volunteer Education Working Group, Medical Advisory Committee, and generous funding support from the Alberta Lymphedema Association, developed and printed patient education materials to increase public awareness and patient care of lymphedema. There is a pamphlet and a 24-page booklet available. In January 2024, the pamphlet was reviewed and newly updated. Order print copies above. You can view and download the 24-page booklet from this link.


Connected 2024 Virtual Conference

March 4, 2024 | 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM EST

The Connected 2024 public conference is another way individuals living with obesity can engage with leading experts in the field of obesity management in an interactive and informative way.

To learn more and register for FREE, visit: https://obesitycanada.ca/connected

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