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Awareness Is Power®

Living Your Best Life...

Thriving Not Just Surviving!


Hello Pat,

If you could have your own crystal ball and it told you all about yourself, your own unique talents, the things you need in life to make you happy and how to live your best life... to thrive and not just survive, would that be of value to you?

If so, attend the

Awareness Is Power® Living Your Best Life...Thriving not just Surviving Seminar.

Crystal Ball

With Your Crystal Ball discover: 

•How to be an effective Person, Team Member and Leader

• The importance of a team

•Awareness of the interpersonal & Negotiating skills needed to live your best life.  

•The role of positive attitude & problem solving and creative thinking

• Motivate yourself to become your best self and ultimate member of the team

• How to manage conflict

• Ways to improve oral communication & listening skills

• The Secret Traits of Thriving & Not Just Surviving

Awareness Is Power®

Living Your Best Life...

Thriving not just Surviving

Awareness Is Power®


  • Individual Power Traits
  • Unique Talents
  • Unique Talents to the Team
  • Powerful Communication
  • Communication Power Drain
  • Ultimate Environment
  • Individual Style
  • Individual Adapted Style
  • Powers of Want
  • Powers of Need
  • Areas for Development
  • Action Plan
  • Intensity of Behavior
  • Graphical Representation

Awareness Is Power®

Living Your Best Life...

Thriving Not Just Surviving

17 week Virtual Zoom Seminar

Plus 1 hour private coaching with Pat Bender

Begins 9/7/22

Register Now

Awareness Is Power®

Living Your Best Life...

Thriving not just Surviving!

Includes Your Awareness Is Power®  


Leadership & Values Reports

The Deeper Waters of Human Behaviors..

The Next Step of Effective & Efficient

Living Your Best Life..Thriving Not just Surviving


How deep is the Atlantic Ocean? What are the deeper waters of human behavior? This session offers the opportunity to understand the undercurrents and reasons we do what we do and how we react to different situations. Gain insight into what the deeper reasons are that drive team members to swim in different directions or try to fire hose each other with their beliefs.


Attend this seminar to delve into the deeper waters of those around you. This session includes:


  •  Understanding yourself to better relate to others
  •  Discovering the deeper waters of your team members
  •  Excavating what your passion is and how that effects you
  •  Uncover what drives people to act the way they do


Discover the ultimate shore that is awaiting your arrival across the deeper waters of human behavior.


Receive your own crystal ball and discover the ultimate secret treasures that are involved in Living Your Best Life...Thriving not just Surviving.  



What is the length of this seminar?

18 Hours Total

Once a week - one hour each week- Virtual Zoom Interactive

One hour private coaching session with Pat Bender 

What can I expect in 16 sessions? 

  • Brainstorming
  • Buzz Group Networking
  • Story Telling
  • Object Lessons
  • Carry Over Activity
  • Action Planning 

After attending this interactive Virtual Zoom seminar, listed below are the Benefits. You will:

  • Have a greater awareness of yourself & others and discover the ultimate secret treasures that are involved in Living your Best Life...Thriving not just Surviving.
  • Gain insight into the "why" you do the things you do and why others do what they do. 
  • Identify areas to improve and build on your strengths
  • Understand yourself on a deeper level, being aware of how others deal with problems, people, procedures and the environment.
  • Self awareness and better understanding of the Awareness Is Power®  language. 
  • Believe that your attitude is "Power". Your energy will be supercharged.  
  • Have greater awareness of how you react and respond to Live your Best Life...Thrive and not just survive.  
  • Have a great appreciation for how and why you think and behave the way you do. 
  • See things differently and why people do what they do. 

Who is the audience this seminar is geared toward?

This course is for you if you want to take your relationship to the next level. What is a relationship? What type of relationships do you have?

  • Is it a personal relationship, member of a team, work, family, friends, board members, coworkers, partner?
  • Are you perplexed when conflict strikes?
  • Do you feel distressed, blocked or stuck when Change takes you by surprise?
  • Do you ever feel like you have a black cloud over your head?
  • Do you question what happened to that moment of trust?
  • Do you want to understand How and Why that incident just happened and it took you down the path of doom and gloom?
  • Do you want to be able to read someone's behavioral style in 60 seconds or less?

What would be the Value of discovering answers to these questions?

Well - if you are in a board meeting, relationship, or a situation and someone on your team is fire hosing your idea with their negativity,

  • Awareness is Power® gives you the power to see yourself, which means you will know yourself inside out and backwards & uncover your blind spots.  
  • Awareness is Power® gives you the power to identify, understand and appreciate the people who are different than you. 
  • You will know how to adapt your behavioral style to what the situation is calling for.
  • You will identify how to get your energy back when you are under distress.
  • You will know how to turn this situation around. 

If you want to understand how and why you do the things you do and how and why others do the things they do, this is the investment you want to make for yourself. Putting things off, eventually will come back to you and this relationship will need to addressed.

What are the Biggest Benefits you will gain from this seminar?

  • You will receive your customized Awareness Is Power® Leadership Report.
  • You will learn the magic that there are no right or wrong behavioral styles. 
  • This report is 85-95% accurate and you will feel like someone crawled inside your heart, soul and mind and put it on paper.
  • You will be able to figure out what makes your partner tick in 15 minutes instead of taking years to figure this out. 

That's 50% of the puzzle and the other 50% is Why they do what they do. 

  • You will receive your customized Awareness is Power® Values Report
  • Learn what happens to you when your values are not met.
  • This is the secret ingredient to Living your Best Life...Thriving and not just Surviving.

You will learn the Awareness is Power® Language and when you start speaking this language, it gives you the power to have, be and do whatever you want in life.

Yes - this is the Science with the Art!  


The Time is Now!

Awareness Is Power® Living Your Best Life...Thriving and Not Just Surviving Seminar, is the next step for you! Don't put off this opportunity. This is the missing piece that you have been searching for to reach your goals.  

"In the end the only people who fail, are those who do not try. Taking Pat's Awareness Is Power® course has given me the courage to go forward."   

~Bruce H. Williams, Vice President Integrated Technology Services,

Federal Sector, IBM

Awareness Is Power®

Living Your Best Life...

Thriving Not Just Surviving

17 week Virtual Zoom Seminar

Plus 1 hour private coaching with Pat Bender

Begins 9/7/22

Register here

2024 Powder Mill Road ▪ Silver Spring, Maryland 20903

Phone 301.439.8317 ▪ Fax 301.434.3317 ▪ aip@awarenessispower.com

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