Jill’s House is a place that makes me feel truly useful and part of a community! I love Jill’s House because every single time I volunteer, I am reminded about gratitude, compassion, and kindness. I am incredibly thankful that Jill’s House welcomes volunteers because Jill’s House is a beautiful, meaningful part of my life, and volunteering here is an experience that I will be forever grateful for.”
–Julie, Group Buddy Volunteer
Summer Camp is in Full Swing
Jill’s House is buzzing with activity as campers enjoy scavenger hunts, pool time, outdoor sensory water play, story time, crafts, games, and more. One of the most popular activities is brushing or walking Java, the therapy dog who brings a smile to the face of each camper and staff member. New for this year is a weekly theme, starting with the Olympics, Disney, 4th of July, and superheroes. On Fridays, campers and staff get in the spirit and enjoy dressing up in costumes to go along with the week’s theme.
Jill’s House Blue Ridge
Jill’s House Blue Ridge campers recently enjoyed their first weekend of the summer! Their adventures included horseback riding, ziplining, an extended hayride, and of course, the pool was very popular, with everyone joining in for games of Marco Polo.

Jill’s House summer interns Sophia and Josslyn offered their perspectives on working at Jill’s House Blue Ridge.

Sophia shared, “I love being able to be with the same child for several days and watching as they come out of their shell, overcoming obstacles such as ziplining or getting on a horse for the first time. I also loved watching the other interns with their kids. It seemed like they were paired perfectly and were able to use their skills—like humor—to work together.”

“Blue Ridge gives children with intellectual disabilities the freedom to be who they are without limits,” Josslyn explained. “It’s also cool getting to hear the Gospel from their perspective and see how engaged they are with the Word. Also, all the kids know each other and are friends.” Both interns shared their joy at working at Blue Ridge and said, “We wish we could go every weekend!”
Moms’ Bible Study Retreat
Jill’s House had the privilege of hosting seventeen Jill’s House moms the weekend of June 16–18 at beautiful Meadowkirk, a retreat center nestled amid rolling hills in Middleburg, VA. This retreat provided them with much-needed rest, a chance to connect with other moms, and a reminder of who they are in Christ.

Two counselors from the Curo Consulting Group attended the retreat, speaking, running workshops, and encouraging connection and community. They shared that “we are intended for life in relationship with other humans,” and that we “require intimate connection with other brains and bodies to flourish.” The moms shared that they had a wonderful time and were thrilled to “be able to park our vulnerabilities outside and let it flow.”
Staff Volunteering is a Win-Win
The Family Support team recently hosted a family retreat in White Sulphur Springs, which allowed Jill’s House families to enjoy time away while seeking support and building relationships with others who understand the challenges they face raising children with intellectual disabilities. Such a retreat would not have been possible without our dedicated staff who offered their time on the weekend to help coordinate activities for the kids while their parents attended support or worship groups.

Mary Cho, Administrative Assistant, shared her thoughts on volunteering during the weekend.

“I absolutely loved working at the family retreat. It was by far my favorite thing that I have done here because you see a more holistic way of supporting these families because you are enriching the parents so that they can care for their families better, work on their marriages, and have time for their typical siblings... I love seeing the family members interact… The parents were overflowing with gratefulness. As staff at Jill’s House, we love [our jobs], we enjoy the kids and spending time with them. The parents could see that we love their kids, that they are not a burden, and this is not just a job to us.
Windy City Dads Retreat
Windy City’s first dads retreat welcomed five dads for a weekend of faith, friendship, and relaxation. It also reunited Mike Stralow with the Jill’s House Retreat Ministry. The dads were able to connect with others who understood the challenges of raising a child or teen with intellectual disabilities, and there was free time for boating, rock climbing, relaxing by the campfire, and…axe throwing?!

At the end of the retreat, one participant remarked, “Relaxation and deeply meaningful conversations meant a lot to me this weekend. The session content was outstanding. We avoided easy answers and instead, grappled honestly with life’s challenges. I loved the relaxed pace with ample free time. This was the best experience: sharing with other fathers. It was perfect for me.”
Paddling in the Windy City
Jill’s House Windy City campers tried something new! For the first time, they paddled around Lake Geneva in canoes, taking advantage of the beautiful weather. Campfire songs and s’mores were the bookends to their fun, which included archery, the giant swing, and a relaxing pontoon boat ride.
Windy City Volunteering is a Family Affair

Windy City is fortunate to have many volunteers who return for camp after camp, happily reuniting with campers for playful weekend adventures. There are several parent-child volunteer pairs who spend the weekend together at Jill’s House. Some parents have been waiting for their child to turn 16 so they can volunteer together, while others use these weekends as a shared activity when their child is home from college. Sometimes, grown children meet their parents at camp for a weekend together. Serving together is a great way to keep family bonds strong through the years, and Jill’s House campers absolutely love it!

“Volunteering with my daughter, Ava, has significantly strengthened our relationship. I have loved watching her let her guard down with these campers; be playful, silly, and compassionate. I loved walking beside her as she leads, serves, and engages. We debrief every night after camp—challenges we had, how we have seen the campers grow through the years—fun and endearing stories. These weekends allow us to support each other and reflect on how great it feels to connect with these campers and ultimately serve their families. After every camp, we are reminded that Jill’s House is where we were called to be that weekend, even when there are busy schedules to balance.” —Jenni Weber

Pictured: Ava Weber with Mom, Jenni Weber; Calvin Anderson with Mom, Cherith Anderson (Local Program Manager, Windy City); Dave Anderson with son, Tommy Anderson
Jill's House Golf Classic 2023
There’s still time to register for the 2023 Jill’s House Golf Classic, but don’t delay—there are only a handful of foursomes left! Don’t miss your opportunity to support children with intellectual disabilities and their families while enjoying a great day of golf at International Country Club. Can’t attend? Check out our Friends of Jill’s House or hole sponsorships.
To register or find out more, please visit our website.
Family: A Bond Like No Other
A similar relationship can grow between us and the organizations we believe in. When you resonate with the mission of a particular charity, you may choose to donate your money…and when you do, their mission becomes yours too.
Some people who share the mission of Jill’s House have chosen to include a gift to our organization in their wills. By doing so, those individuals:

Commit out loud. When someone notifies us of a planned, in-will gift to Jill’s House, they make a statement of their dedication to our mission and those we serve.

Create impact. Every dollar you give to a charity you care about is an investment that lasts. There may be tax savings and benefits associated with your gift, but even more than that, your investment ensures people’s lives will be changed for good.

Build a legacy. Everyone wants to know their life counts for something. When you leave a charitable gift in your will, you design a legacy that will long outlive your time on this earth.

If you are interested in learning more about creating a legacy of giving with Jill's House, please email 2010society@jillshouse.org or visit the Jill's House 2010 Society page for more information.