Hello everyone,
A warm welcome to this month’s World Wednesday! My name is Megan Norman, and I’m a Ph.D. student in Mass Communications at Penn State. I have strong research interests in environmental and science communication and have been thrilled to join GTAN this summer for a communications internship. This month, as usual, we have numerous exciting opportunities to share with you.
This month’s layout includes:
- GTAN Poem of the Month
- Upcoming opportunities available to you
- Resources crafted by educators for educators
- GLAG22 Community highlights from Whova
This month, we invite you to join us for a GLAGcreates coaching session on August 3rd, where you can chat with and share project ideas with experts. August 10th promises an exciting event with the University of Maryland about extension and leadership abroad. Join us on August 17th for an event about fostering global-mindedness among college students with New Mexico State University, and don’t miss Gazelle International’s event on SDGs on August 24th. Finally, on August 31st, we’re hosting a GLAG22 Special Event about applying GLAGreads to the fall semester.
This month is packed full of great content; we look forward to seeing you there! Remember, you can also view the recordings of past events in Whova.
Global Teach Ag Network’s main goal is to foster a community of educators. If you have ideas, suggestions, and/or questions about how to build a stronger community, please reach out to globalaged@psu.edu. We want to hear from you!
To lifelong learning,
When/Photo Op
By: Sistah Joy, Poet Laureate of Prince George's County, Maryland and Author
When will it become innate instinct Natural reflex, impulse without variation
To respond when we see others in need?
When does that part of humanity’s DNA Finally say “I will do this
Because it’s right
Because it’s reprehensible not to?” When will age, race, region or religion No longer be deciding factors?
For all the pleas on late-night TV,
All the bloated bellies,
Skeletal shoulders and limbs
So graphically portrayed
Those piteous scenes
Of starving children
Who must, at best,
Wait until photographers
Capture their shots
Before they can eat,
The point seems
To have been missed
Or perhaps, it’s more
One of marketing choice
That starving children
Standing, squatting, crying
Make more evocative photos
Than those of starving children
Being fed.
Sistah Joy is the inaugural Poet Laureate of Prince George's County, Maryland and has served as President of the Poetry Ministry of the Ebenezer A.M.E. Church Poetry Ministry in Fort Washington, Maryland for 18 years. She is the author of 3 collections of poems, Lord I'm Dancin' As Fast As I Can; This Garden Called Life; and From Pain to Empowerment - The Fabric of My Being. She can be reached at her website, https://www.sistahjoy.com.
TeachAgUganda Applications are due this Friday, August 5th! Be sure to apply or seek more information via the button below!
GTAN Social Media Highlight
Donna Guerin on Twitter: "Thank you Drew...
Thank you Drew @bigpicturemedia for filming our introduction for our documentary series we are going to be filming this fall in Africa. Stay tuned for more details about how you can get involved and for our film screening and discussion around...
Read more
Educational Resource Spotlight
Asia Society: Global competence Outcomes and Rubrics
In the course of developing global competence, students investigate the world, learn more about where people come from and how they live, and come back to reflect on their own lives with honesty. Recognizing different perspectives, communicating and defending ideas with respect and empathy, and accounting for the thoughts and opinions of others are the roots of effective leadership and collaboration. The seeds of action—identifying a local, regional or global issue, researching questions about its causes and possible solutions, and taking responsibility for personal action in response—may be sown in a class or in an afterschool program, but in a globally-focused curriculum, those seeds germinate everywhere in school, at home, and in community life. Check out these outcome resources created by the Asia Society Center for Global Education to foster a better understanding of global competence in students of any age!
For more details on any of these events, just head to the GLAG22 space
August 2022
August 3 at 7 p.m. EDT; 11 p.m. UTC - GLAGcreates Coaching Session: Experts Available on Any Project
August 10 on-demand - the University of Maryland: Cultivating Extension & Leadership Abroad
August 17 at TBD- New Mexico State University: Engaging College Students at Home and Abroad: Creating Educational Opportunities to Strengthen Global Mindedness
August 24 at 10:00 AM-12:00 PM EDT; 2:00 PM-4:00 PM UTC - Gazelle International
August 31 at TBD: GLAG22 Special Event: GLAGReads Revisited Applying to the Fall Semester!
September 2022
Sept. 14 on-demand - Growing Hope Globally: Classroom Resources from Growing Hope Globally
Sept. 21 TBD - Journey 2050: Gaming to Global Learning
Sept. 28 TBD - PoetryXHunger: Poetry as a Pathway to Food Security
Community Member Spotlight: Ms. Jenna Kibbe
Who: Ms. Jenna Kibbe, New and Beginning Teacher at Cumberland Valley High School
Where: Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, USA
“From a very young age, I have always been interested in other languages and cultures from around the world. Throughout elementary and high school, I was fortunate enough to take a variety of Spanish classes which sparked my passion for global learning! As I worked my way through college, I not only wanted to earn my Spanish minor but also a minor in International Agriculture to help prepare me for my future. One exciting opportunity that could combine all of my passions was through joining the Global Teach Ag Network!
Whether it was helping pack the boxes for the GLAG Conferences or participating in various workshops to learn about global agriculture, I could not be more thankful for the experiences I have gained through GTAN. I am a firm believer that purposeful networking and building meaningful connections with others can take you far in life. Being active in the Global Teach Ag Network has been a great way for me to enhance my knowledge and build my global network! I would encourage everyone to join the GLAG Community and I am looking forward to continuing to stay involved in the future! ”
Connect with Jenna in the GLAG22 Whova Space!
Supplemental Program Updates
More information on all programs is available in the "Exhibitors and Sponsors"
section of the GLAG22 Whova space
Have questions?
Contact program manager
Ms. Darla Romberger,
GLAGjr Update
The 2022 GLAGjr Modules are officially available for your use. Start out with one of our Challenge Level modules like Peace Keeper.
Through this module, students can work through how to interact in conflict situations. As well, the module highlights how conflict can affect agriculture in different ways.
Have questions?
Contact program manager
Dr. Robin McLean
New Jersey Agriculture Teacher
GLAGreads Update
As we kick off a new academic year, join us for our next GLAGreads event! On August 31st, join Action Team leader Dr. Robin McLean and the GLAGreads team for "GLAGreads Revisited: Applying GLAGreads to the Fall Semester"! This event will provide fresh inspiration and excitement related to reading and education, and we welcome all GLAG22 members to join us for this exciting time.
Have questions?
Contact program manager
Ms. Nicole Weaver
Pennsylvania Agriculture Teacher
GLAGcreates Update
GLAGcreates coaching sessions are designed for teachers to get feedback on any form of art used in the classroom. Since our last meeting, have you created any art with your students? Some photographs, poetry, or ideas for Kreative Koalas? Are you stuck? Do you need someone to share ideas with or get feedback? Well, join us TONIGHT at 11:00 PM UTC (7:00 PM EDT). We'll be there to help!
Can't make it? Check out the recording of the event in the GLAG22 Whova artifacts space.
Yes! You can still join the
GLAG22 Community
#GLAG22 launch week may be over, but the celebration is not! Don't miss out on joining a community of educators from around the world that shares specific resources on connecting your students to the world and preparing them for global agriculture opportunities.
Join the GLAG22 Community
for just $25.00 US
Global Teach Ag Network | https://globalteachagnetwork.psu.edu/