Hey friends! So great to see so many of you hopping on Zoom! We just wanted to go through all the steps to attend a Zoom class so everyone is set for their first class.

SIGN UP: Go on our website and sign up for any class labeled ONLINE ZOOM. You'll need an active membership, class card, or Intro Month pass. We also have Zoom Drop In or Zoom weekly passes if you prefer to strictly take Zoom classes.

ZOOM LINK: 30 minutes before class starts our online sign in will close. At that time we'll email you a unique link to your Zoom class. If you're not receiving these emails please make sure we have your current email address. Great to check if our emails are ending up in your junk mail too. You can always tag our email address as "safe" and that should clear things up.

LOGGING ON: 5 min before class the teacher will start the "Zoom meeting". This gives the teacher a chance to say hi to everyone and give some suggestions for your set up etc. If you try logging in before the teacher is there you'll see a message saying the host has not signed in yet. Just wait a few minutes and try again.

SUPPORT: We'll be monitoring our main email address info@modoyogaeastvancouver.com throughout sign in and the first few minutes of class. If you haven't received the link or have any other issues that's a great place to send us a message.

LATE IS OK: If you're a few minutes late to class no problem. Unlike regular classes it's not as disturbing.

RECORDINGS: To honour our Be Accessible pillar we'll also be sending out a recording of the class about 30 min after the class ends. These recordings will be available for 24 hours after class starts. To receive the recordings you need to be signed into class. So say you want to do the 7:30am class but aren't free until 10am just sign in to the 7:30am and you'll receive the recording around 9am.

Also have a look at the video below for more of a visual introduction. You've got this! And if you don't we're here to help!
You may not have a yoga studio at home but you can create a calm inviting space for yourself to practice.

Setting up your space
Find a spot at home where you can move without distractions. That might mean closing a bedroom door and telling your family this is my yoga studio for an hour. Turn your phone on silent or better yet leave it in another room. If you're watching class on a computer turn off any notifications that might pop up.

One thing a lot of us are missing is the heat in the room. You might want to bring a small heater into your space or wear a few extra layers to start class. Keep a blanket or sweater near by to use in savasana.

If you don't have props like yoga blocks or straps at home improvise! A cushion or a few big books can work well as blocks. A belt or tie can be used as a yoga strap. If you're practicing without a yoga mat you might want to do the standing series just on the floor and then move to your bed or lay a comfy blanket on the floor for floor poses.
Modo Yoga East Vancouver | 560 East 15th Ave, Vancouver, BC
info@modoyogaeastvancouver.com | modoyogaeastvancouver.com