Together, we proclaim and embody God's unconditional love for the sake of the world.

November 21, 2024

published the first and third Thursday of each month

Bp. Meghan

A Message from Bishop Johnston Aelabouni

Dear friends,

In this season of giving thanks, as we remember the gifts of the land and the people who have lived and given thanks here for hundreds and thousands of years, I’m thankful for the place my family and I have found ourselves. As time goes by, we feel more and more at home: in our house and neighborhood, in work and school, and in the sense of community we feel among the people and ministries of this synod.

As you know, this has also been season of transition for our life together as the Rocky Mountain Synod. I wanted to offer some key updates about our ongoing work of discernment in the office of the bishop:


·      Three open positions have now been posted on the RMS website: Synod Minister for Transitions and Healthy Ministries, Synod Minister for Rostered and Lay Leadership, and Synod Minister for Strategic Communications and Events. All who discern a call to one or more of these positions are welcome to apply. Two additional positions, for Directors of Evangelical Mission, will be posted on the ELCA Churchwide job board soon, and interested candidates will be invited to apply there. Please note that applications are being reviewed as they are submitted, and interviews are beginning. Feel free to contact me with questions!

·      Three current staff in the office of the bishop have discerned that they will conclude their service in our office: Peter Severson (Director of Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Colorado), Deacon Katie Kline (Acting Director of Transitions), and Deacon Sarah Bjornebo (Assistant to the Bishop for Communication and Innovation). Please join me in offering heartfelt gratitude to these staff for their faithful and dedicated ministry on behalf of our synod! I am deeply grateful for their willingness to remain on staff for this time of discernment and uncertainty, and to generously offer their gifts and effort to ensure that the ministries they shepherd have continued well during these first months of my time as bishop.


·      After many months of discernment, the RMS synod council voted at our October meeting to list Messiah Mountain Center for sale. This decision was not made lightly; but we recognized that the synod is no longer able to best steward and manage this property. The sale of the property will allow financial resources to be reinvested in our synod to strengthen our sustainability. We will do our best to update the synod on the process of this sale as well as synod council decisions as to how proceeds will be directed.

·      At our October meeting, the synod council also approved the creation of a Lutheran Center discernment committee to begin strategic conversations about the future of the Lutheran Center in Denver, currently home to the office of the bishop and to Highlands Lutheran Church. This discernment committee, with representation from synod council, office of the bishop staff, and Highlands, will be examining whether it is feasible, and faithful to our stewardship and mission, to remain in this property long-term, or to explore other options for the office of the bishop and for Highlands. 

You may be asking…

What will happen to the synod ministries led by the departing staff in the transition period? Who do we contact? 


For the position of Lutheran Advocacy-Colorado director, our current plan is to spend 2025 in a time of strategic planning for our synod advocacy ministries; therefore, we will not be staffing this position until we know the conclusions of that strategic planning. We will work to identify new synod liaisons to our social ministry organizations and partnerships. For our transition ministry, our coaches will continue to work with congregations in transition; and we are working on a plan to cover any potential gap between the end of Deacon Katie’s work (Dec. 13) and the arrival of the new Synod Minister for Transitions. For communications, events, grants and the 3E Lilly Grant following Deacon Sarah’s departure Dec. 31, we will also identify bridge support if and as needed. When in doubt, you are welcome to reach out to me ( or to Yvonne Wilken ( with general inquiries. 


Request for Prayers and Grace: As this time of transition continues, as your bishop, I am asking you for your prayers. In the decisions before us, I believe with my whole heart that your synod council, staffing team, office of the bishop staff, and I are all striving to discern the guidance of the Holy Spirit and to make decisions that are faithful, wise, transparent, collaborative, and compassionate. Please pray for us—and especially for our staff, whose vocational futures and livelihoods have been so connected to this transition time. Please pray for those who remain, for those who depart, and for those who are still uncertain—as well as for all those who are now discerning or applying for positions. 

Also, please offer us your patience and grace as you are able. We have been operating in an in-between space for several months, and we will likely be working at diminished capacity in the coming weeks. While we discern who God is calling to serve on our synod team going forward, and work to build this team and clarify our roles and work together, please don’t hesitate to reach out with needs, questions, ideas, or concerns—but please also bear in mind that response times, schedules, and planning for our shared work will all be affected by being a team “under construction.” 

Finally, thank you for your support and trust. This is truly an amazing part of the body of Christ, and I am deeply hopeful and excited about the season of ministry we are entering together. I believe that with God’s help, these times can call out from us the gifts of the Spirit in ways that strengthen our witness to the Gospel, for the sake of our neighbors and the world God so loves. 

In Christ, Bishop Meghan

Gratitude for Synod Staff

Please join us in giving thanks for the ministry of Peter Severson, Director of Lutheran Advocacy Colorado who will conclude his service in the Office of the Bishop on November 30th. Email Peter HERE

Please join us in giving thanks for the ministry of Deacon Katie Kline, Director of Transition Ministry, who will conclude her service in the Office of the Bishop on December 13th. Email Katie HERE

Please join us in giving thanks for the ministry of Deacon Sarah Bjornebo, Assistant to the Bishop, who will conclude her service in the Office of the Bishop on December 31ist. Email Sarah HERE


A message from Peter Severson

Dear Rocky Mountain Synod community,


With immense gratitude, I share with you this important news: after 10½ years of service as the Director of Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Colorado, I will be stepping down from my position at the end of this month. Although I was honored that our new Bishop invited me to stay on, I have decided that this is a good inflection point for me to explore a new phase in my life and career. My last day will be November 30.


This position has been a great joy for me, in large part due to my excellent colleagues in advocacy (especially Ruth Hoffman and Kurt Rager), my colleagues in the Office of the Bishop, and all those across our church who I’ve gotten to know and work with for so many years. I feel immensely grateful when I consider all that we have accomplished in Colorado through our faithful advocacy work over the past decade, and it has been my honor to steward this ministry into its 40th year of existence.


As an avid skier and hiker, it feels right for me to think of this moment as the time to seek new adventures. Thanks to all of you for your collegiality and kindness over the years. The experiences I've had leading this ministry and your faithful support of this work throughout the years will remain with me always. May our God of grace and mercy, who shows up in our midst as the hungry, the stranger, the sick and the imprisoned (Matthew 25:34-40), guide your feet and give you peace in the days that are to come. Thank you all.


A message from Deacon Katie Kline

Dear Rocky Mountain Synod community,


Having served the past year as the Interim Director of Congregation Transition for the Rocky Mountain and Grand Canyon Synods, I am concluding my service.


I have spent this past year both stewarding transitions within the synods (this has been a shared position with Grand Canyon Synod) as well as doing the interim work of evaluating the ministry and helping to strengthen how the Office of the Bishop accompanies transitions in congregations and for pastors and deacons. I am especially grateful to have worked alongside the Transition Coaches: Pr. Mandy Achterberg, Pr. Christine Higueria-Street, Pr. Will Johnson, Pr. Barb Martens, Pr. Libbie Reinking, and Pr. Pam Stofferahn. Together, we have strived to ensure continuity in ministry, foster growth, and cultivate connections across our synod. Thank you for this opportunity!

A message from Deacon Sarah Bjornebo

Dear Rocky Mountain Synod community,

One of the privileges of ministry in a synod office is the opportunity to meet so many of you. As we strive to support you in your ministry, we get a window into your work and world. Thank you for sharing your stories with me. I am honored by your trust and connection.

I began working with the synod as a contract liturgical artist in the spring of 2016 creating liturgies, banners, art installations, and dance for Synod Assemblies and Theological Conferences. In 2021, I was officially welcomed as a member of the synod staff as the Director of Events. In 2023, I moved into a full-time position as Assistant to the Bishop and 3E Lilly Program Director. Serving you in these capacities has been a joy!

At Theological Conference, Pastor Kristin Schultz (All Saints, Albuquerque, NM) gave me a book: I'm in Charge of Celebrations by Byrd Baylor/art by Peter Parnall. It's a story of a young woman who creates celebrations from everyday beauty. Ordinary things are made extraordinary by her attention to detail and thoughtful preparations -- this is how I have approached my work for the synod.

As a child of the Rocky Mountains, whatever is next for me will not pull me too far away from home. Know that I cherish your prayers and please be in touch. Thank you!

Open Synod Staff Positions

Bishop Meghan Johnston Aelabouni and the RMS synod staffing team invite applications for the following open positions on the staff of the Office of the Bishop of the Rocky Mountain Synod of the ELCA:

  • Synod Minister for Transitions and Healthy Ministries
  • Synod Minister for Rostered and Lay Leadership
  • Synod Minister for Strategic Communications and Events


These synod ministers will work in collaboration with one another, and with the rest of the team in the Office of the Bishop, to accompany and support the people, ministries, and communities of the Rocky Mountain Synod. Full job descriptions with more details are listed below.


We encourage all who discern a sense of calling and possess the gifts, skills, and experience for one or more of these positions to apply by completing the form below. If you wish to apply for more than one position, you will need to complete the form for each application. Applications will be received and reviewed on an ongoing basis, and we expect the application window to close approximately 40 days from the initial posting date. Please note that two additional open positions for Director of Evangelical Mission in the Rocky Mountain Synod will be posted by the ELCA Churchwide Organization on the ELCA job board; to apply, visit


Questions may be directed to Bishop Meghan Johnston Aelabouni All inquiries, as well as the candidate process, will be kept confidential by the staffing team.


Thank you for your discernment of these potential ministry calls; and please feel free to share with interested and qualified candidates!


Rocky Mountain Synod staffing team:

Bishop Meghan Johnston Aelabouni, Ruth Hoffman (Synod Vice President), Matthew Weber (Synod Executive Committee), Stephanie Lord (Conference Dean), Jeff Carlson (Conference Dean), Susan Sharkey (Synod Finance Team)


Synod Minister for Rostered and Lay Leadership

The Synod Minister for Rostered and Lay Leadership directs the synod’s strategy for accompanying rostered and lay ministry leaders during candidacy, first call, and continued formation, education, and support. In collaboration with the Office of the Bishop team and committees, coordinate key aspects of rostered and lay leadership development within the synod. This called rostered minister position offers a part-time (.75 FTE) to full-time schedule, with a base salary range of $48,420 to $84,710, equating to an hourly rate of $31 to $40. Final salary is to be determined by factors such as work status (part-time or full-time), education, and work experience. Position requires residence within RMS area. Current option for remote and/or in-office work location; travel required for in-person meetings with synod staff and people served by the synod. View the job description HERE

Initial posting: 11/7/2024. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis until position is filled or closed. Application window expected to close approximately 40 days from initial posting date.

Synod Minister for Transitions and Healthy Ministries

The Synod Minister for Transitions and Healthy Ministries directs the Rocky Mountain Synod’s strategy of accompaniment and guidance for synod congregations as they navigate transitions between called leaders and/or times of viability discernment, conflict, or crisis. This called rostered minister (pastor or deacon) position offers a part-time (.85 FTE) to full-time schedule, with a base salary range of $54,876 to $84,710, equating to an hourly rate of $31 to $40. Final salary is to be determined by factors such as work status (part-time or full-time), education, and work experience. Position requires residence within RMS area. Current option for remote and/or in-office work location; travel required for in-person meetings with synod staff and congregations served by the synod. View the job description HERE

Initial posting: 11/7/2024. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis until position is filled or closed. Application window expected to close approximately 40 days from initial posting date.

Synod Minister for Strategic Communications and Events

The Synod Minister for Strategic Communications and Events is a brand ambassador and event planner for the synod. This position involves three key aspects: Coordinate strategic communications on behalf of the Rocky Mountain Synod (RMS) Office of the Bishop through multiple communication channels, oversee creation and promotion of storytelling for synod ministries and initiatives, convene and direct teams to design and implement all aspects of key synod-wide events, including the annual Theological Conference and the Synod Assembly. Called minister status not required. This position offers a part-time (.5 FTE) to full-time schedule, with a base salary range of $30,330 to $71,060, equating to an hourly rate of $29-$34. Final salary is to be determined by factors such as work status (part-time or full-time), education, and work experience. Position requires residence within RMS area. Current option for remote and/or in-office work location; travel required for in-person meetings with synod staff and events within the synod. View the job description HERE

Initial posting: 11/7/2024. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis until position is filled or closed. Application window expected to close approximately 40 days from initial posting date.

RMS online application form

Sanctuary Church

Is your congregation interested in becoming a Sanctuary Church or supporting RMS immigrant communities and border ministries?

Get involved!

Learn - Volunteer - Give - Pray


ELCA Sanctuary Denomination Resources

ELCA Church Council Sanctuary Guidelines

AMMPARO Migrant Ministry

Become a Welcoming Congregation 

Learning Communities

The Rocky Mountain Synod Immigrant Accompaniment Network is a group of individuals from across the synod engaged in accompanying immigrants in their community. The network meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month from 2-3 p.m. MT to ask questions, share resources, and support one another. If you are interested in participating, please contact Rev. Kim Gonia.

Offer Community Resources

The ELCA's AMMPARO Network encourages ELCA congregations and ministries to host "Know Your Rights" presentations for our immigrant neighbors. If you are interested in hosting a presentation, please contact a local immigration lawyer or the ACLU to request a presenter:

Volunteer & Give to one of our congregations or border ministries

The witness of this church in society flows from its identity as a community that lives from and for the Gospel. Faith is active in love; love calls for justice in the relationships and structures of society. It is in grateful response to God’s grace in -2- Jesus Christ that this church carries out its responsibility for the well-being of society and the environment.  

-- ELCA Social Statement: Church in Society

Malagasy Presidents

Malagasy Lutheran Church Companion Synod Visit 

A big thank you to everyone across the synod who helped make the visit of our Malagasy Companion Synod Presidents a big success. Between September 28th and October 6th we were blessed to host our companion synod presidents from the Malagasy Lutheran Church in the Rocky Mountain Synod – President Tsiri from Mahajanga, President Eugne from Sofia, President Jocelyn from Antsiranana, and President Fidéle from Sambava. 

The trip was coordinated by ELCA Churchwide and all ELCA synods with companion synods in Madagascar brought their presidents (i.e. bishops) to visit. The trip began with 3 days of orientation at the ELCA Lutheran Center in Chicago. The RMS group then flew to El Paso where we began our journey. Traveling in a Suburban loaned by Bethlehem Lutheran in Los Alamos, Pastor Diana Linden-Johnson, Assistant to the Bishop; Terry Cole, RMS Global Church Network representative; and Patrick Rabezanany, originally from Madagascar who served as translator, visited 8 locations across the Rocky Mountain synod before ending our journey in Denver for the installation of Bishop Meghan Johnston Aelabouni. 

Our visitors experienced many aspects of our ministry, including the contributions of ordained women in ministry, partnerships with local non-profits, ecumenical partnerships, and even how to keep your church going without a called pastor. Along the way, our companion synod presidents shared their ministry successes as well as their hopes for the future. Throughout the journey, relationships were built and strengthened. Please keep our companion synods in Madagascar in your prayers and stay tuned for future opportunities to connect with our companion synods. 

Campus Ministry Stories: Questions

Alex Godfrey loves wrestling with big questions of meaning, purpose and ethics. After forays into pre-med, microbiology, and philosophy, he found himself at home in moral philosophy and legal studies at the University of Northern Colorado. Beyond the classroom, he’s passionate about student affairs and is a wizard at parliamentary procedure. Alex’s family didn’t attend church, but when he came to college, he found himself full of questions about religion. He quizzed his roommates of different faith backgrounds, and while he appreciated learning about their traditions, his experience remained intellectual rather than personal. During a particularly challenging winter in his second year at the university, something shifted and he felt a desire to “do church in the proper way,” which led him to cautiously start researching churches within walking distance of campus. He was particularly looking for an LGBTQ+ affirming community that would fully and

wholeheartedly welcome him. Vaguely aware of Lutheran churches from his years at Lutheran preschool, Alex found his way to Lutheran Episcopal Campus Ministry.

Read the rest of Alex's story:

Our Journey: Stories From The Open Table Connection from Luther House

Ammi has always loved spirituality and a wide variety of religions and faith traditions. Growing up, they (singular pronoun) explored Buddhism, Southern Baptist Christianity, and Paganism. Their love for all things spiritual led them to major in Religious Studies at the University of New Mexico. Like many college students, Ammi was lonely and began visiting campus organizations at UNM, looking for a place to connect with other like-minded folks. “On campus, I visited a lot of campus ministries,” Ammi shared. “Most of them were very friendly and welcoming. But I noticed that some of them seemed uncomfortable when I dressed femininely. One time, when I wore eyeliner to an event, the minister told the group that he could tell that ‘in the eyes of God, some of you are not on the right path,’ and he split the groups into male and female. “I felt targeted,” Ammi said. “I asked the LGBTQ Resource Center for suggestions for an LGBTQ-affirming ministry. They told me about

Luther House.” “At Luther House, I found a community of Christians who didn’t just tolerate my queerness, but celebrated me as a queer person, ”Ammi shared excitedly. “Pastor Rhonda was radically affirming and welcoming. I felt like I finally found a place where I could be my authentic self, my whole self.” Ammi continued to bring their whole self to dinner church at Luther House for the next two years. Ammi’s experience of community and belonging led them to explore the sacrament of baptism. “I thought about baptism for a long time,” Ammi shared, “but I never could commit. Then I found a community where I belonged. I felt like my presence was honored and valued in this community.” In June of 2024, Ammi was baptized into the Christian faith in the waters of the Rio Grande River by Pastor Rhonda. Naturally, Ammi’s baptism was an ecumenical celebration that included clergy and guests from the Unitarian Universalist Church as well as the Luther House community.

Ammi currently sits on the Board of Directors of The Open Table Connection and is in the discernment process for seminary. “I’m no longer lonely. I am trusted to be in leadership and to co-preach here,” Ammi said. “My gender identity doesn’t make me less worthy ‘in the eyes of God’. I am valued, celebrated, and I belong.”

Learn more about Luther House Campus Ministry HERE

CW MS Stories

Churchwide November 2024 Mission Support Memo 

In this month's memo we share a story about how the Accident-Friendsville Parish, in our West Virginia - Western Maryland Synod, was able to equip their rural congregations with digital technology and stream to reach out to members near and far.

Find all our 2024 memos from Living Lutheran here too! 



December 10, 2024

Colorado Gives Day is an annual day of giving to non-profit organizations all across Colorado. Whether you live in Colorado or not, you can donate to Rainbow Trail on Tuesday, December 10th. Each donation helps RTLC receive additional funds from Community First Foundation through a sum that's divided among all participating non-profit organizations and prizes at the end of the day. You can even make your CO Gives Day gift NOW so you won't forget to donate! Gifts made in the month of November on the CO Gives website will count toward Rainbow Trail's Colorado Gives Day total on December 10. 



2024 LSM Musical Advent Calendar

Experience the anticipation and hope of the Advent season with Lutheran Summer Music's fourth-annual Musical Advent Calendar. From December 1-24, immerse yourself in a daily moment of music and reflection shared on our Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube pages and archived on our website at

To have these daily videos delivered straight to your inbox, sign up at


A Big Band Holiday

December 19th 7-8:30pm

When the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting colder, come inside to feel the warmth of the holiday season. Augustana Arts presents the Denver Jazz Orchestra in a big band holiday show. Infused with jazz and swing, Denver Jazz Orchestra’s 19 musicians, including a vocalist, will present a festive performance of holiday tunes, ringing in the height of the holiday cheer. This concert will be the perfect way to ring in the height of the holiday season with your friends and family.

You can expect that the music will sound festive, lively, nostalgic, cheerful, and warm.

Purchase Tickets TODAY!

Peter Mayer

Peter Mayer's "Stars and Promises" Tour is coming to Denver! Tuesday, December 3rd @ 7:00pm

Join us for your first Christmas concert of the season @ Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Wheat Ridge Colorado! For the first time ever, Peter Mayer and his Tour, “Stars and Promises,” are coming to Denver. This is a night you don’t want to miss. Peter and his band will sing and play all your Christmas favorites and tell the Christmas story with new and familiar sounds. 

Find out more about Peter, his band and “Stars and Promises,” and purchase your tickets on Eventbrite. Event Location: Holy Cross Lutheran Church, ELCA, 4500 Wadsworth Blvd, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

A couple fun facts: 

1 – Peter grew up in India with his family as Lutheran missionaries

2 – Peter was the lead guitarist for Jimmy Buffet’s band!

Purchase Tickets TODAY!


New Excellence in Leadership beginning this January!

Excellence in Leadership (EiL) has opened enrollment for a new, 13-month leadership training cohort. This cohort will begin in January and meet on Monday nights from 6:00pm-9:00pm MT. 

Over the past five years, EiL has walked with leaders seeking skills to meet the future of the church – a future we cannot fully understand yet. As we live in the liminal time of the church today, Excellence in Leadership is poised to walk with you, with leaders from across the country and from multiple denominations, in order to engage courage, resilience, and faithfulness in the midst of the unknown.

Register Today!
Are you a leader in children, youth, young adult or outdoor ministry? If so, this conference is for you!
Extravaganza 2025 - January 23-26, 2025 - Louisville, KY
More information & Registration
Holy Land

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Greek Islands

June 16-25; 25-29, 2025

A Multicultural and Ecumenical Spiritual Journey Experience

Experience the origins of your Christian faith. Walk the land where it all began, walking and visiting the

fields and holy places where Jesus was born, where Jesus preached and instructed his disciples,

where Jesus suffered, died, and was risen. The holy places where Jesus inaugurated his Church and

commissioned his apostles to spread the Good News of God’s unconditional love throughout the

whole world.

Explore the ancient wonders of Athens, embark on a wonderful 3-night cruise to the Greek Islands and Turkey, experience the picturesque Greek Islands, where history and spirituality intertwine. Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Greek culture, dive into the footsteps of biblical narratives, and deepen your faith alongside fellow pilgrims. Let the beauty of Greece's landscapes and the wisdom of its heritage inspire your soul and renew your spirit on this unforgettable journey.

Be immersed, spiritually and culturally, in the unique blend of holiness, history, and modernity as we also connect with the ecumenical Lutheran and Episcopal ministries in the Holy Land. You will return with a deeper faith, a clearer understanding and connection with Biblical places, a deeper connection with the universal church, and many memories that will last a lifetime.

Trip Leaders:

Margarita Reyes, Mission Developer and Vicar of the Latino Ministry Cristo Rey in Denver, Colorado.

For more information Please contact:

The Rev. Quirino Cornejo, Pastor for Multicultural Ministries and Witness

Recreation & Revelation Continuing Education

February 9-14, 2025

If you love winter activities (downhill skiing, snowboarding, cross country skiing, snowshoeing, tubing, and more), and you are looking for some "R&R" while engaging with amazing theologians and speakers, as well as other clergy and ministry leaders, join us for Recreation & Revelation. R&R is an annual winter theological retreat that takes place every February at Winter Park, Colorado, and has a rare approach to continuing education. This year, our speakers are Dr. Barbara Rossing and Dr. Ben Stewart. 

For information and registration, head over to 

or contact Joel Pancoast

or Chad Kohlmeyer 

Learning Beyond Your Living Room with Urban Servant Corps

First Wednesday of every month from 11am-1pm

1660 Ogden St. Denver, CO 80218

Suggested donation of $20 for lunch, provided

Why join this on-going social justice lunch group?

This is an opportunity to expand your understandings of the world (and city!) around you. An invitation back to servanthood and social justice. A way of engaging with other like-minded folks for a better community.

During the Year we will address:

December 4: Affordable Housing/Homelessness

January 8: Racial Justice 

February 5: Immigration

March 5: First Nations

April 2: Advocacy

May 7: Creation Care/Environment

June 4: LGTBQIA+

July 2: Israel/Palestine

August 6: TBD

Save the Date: 20th Annual Thomas H. Lake Lecture Featuring Dr. Willie James Jennings

Join us for the 20th Annual Thomas H. Lake Lecture on Friday, April 11, 2025, at 4:00 PM ET featuring renowned theologian Dr. Willie James Jennings from Yale University. Dr. Jennings will offer deep insights on faith, race, and philanthropy, drawing from his influential work, The Christian Imagination: Theology and the Origins of Race . Join us via livestream - RSVP HERE - by April 1.

The Lake Institute on Faith and Giving.

"Faster Pastors" raise over 10K for Lutheran Disaster Response

Enjoy a fun video created by Pastor Kate Davidson

mark your calendars


Thania Drake (TEEM Candidate)

New Hope, El Paso, TX

December 1st at 4:00 p.m.

The color of the day is BLUE

Barbara Berry-Bailey

Our Savior's, Denver, CO

December 8th at 3:00 p.m.

The color of the day is BLUE

Nicolé Ferry

Trinity, Monument CO

December 14th at 11:00 a.m.

The color of the day is BLUE

Martin Lettow

Westview, Boulder, CO

December 15th at 2:00 p.m.

The color of the day is BLUE

Synod Assembly

May 22-24, 2025

Embassy Suites

Albuquerque, NM


We pray for clergy that are not assigned a conference, serve in specialized calls or are on-leave-from-call

Pastor Carmen Retzlaff

Mission Funding Director, Region 2

Office of the Presiding Bishop, ELCA

Pastor Gabi Aelabouni

ELCA Area Desk Director for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

Pastor Thumba Mkhabela

West Africa Regional Representative

Bishop Meghan Johnston Aelabouni

Office of the Bishop, RMS

Deacon Sarah Bjornebo

Assistant to the Bishop

Office of the Bishop, RMS

Pastor Diana Linden-Johnson

Assistant to the Bishop

Office of the Bishop, RMS

Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber

RMS Public Theologian

St. John's Episcopal Cathedral, Mountview Presbyterian, and New Beginnings Worshipping Community

Pastor Courtney Balmer

US Army Chaplain

Fort Eustis, Newport News, VA

Pastor Christian Nisonger

US Army Chaplain

Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz, Kaiserslautern, Germany

Pastor Kelsey Fauser

US Navy Chaplain

Pearl Harbor, Oahu, HI

Deacon Kellie Lisi

Director of Community Life and Candidacy

Wartburg Theological Seminary

Deacon Kristen Saathoff

RMS Specialized Call for Innovative Confirmation Ministry

Pam Stofferahn

RMS Transition Coach

Pastor Barb Martens

RMS Transition Coach

Pastor Mandy Achterberg

RMS Transition Coach

Pastor Nathan Blom


Pastor Deborah Cote


Deacon Ryan Cronshaw


Pastor R. Daren Erisman


Deacon Brenda Fleagle


Pastor Karen Gibson


Pastor Sonja Pancoast


Pastor Rachael Powell


Pastor Scott Thalacker


Pastor Jeff Zust


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Deacon Sarah Bjornebo

Assistant to the Bishop

Rocky Mountain Synod
