eWord &

Order of Worship

Dear Friends,

Sunday we'll explore one of the stranger, fantastical stories of Jesus' life, the Transfiguration. In view of three terrified disciples, Jesus is somehow transfigured into a larger than life visage, in conversation with Moses and Elijah at the top of a great mountain. From a logical perspective, what happens seems to make no sense. Which you could also argue about our faith sometimes: it makes no sense in the literal meaning of that phrase. But what if faith isn't supposed to make sense? Sunday we will celebrate Christ’s Transfiguration and ponder just what it might mean to have faith. See you soon. 

Peace, Pastor John

This Sunday!

Souper Bowl of Caring & A Place To Turn Food Drive!

Every Super Bowl season, youth in the church (this year MSYG) celebrate and serve in two ways, all as a part of a nationwide ministry, “The Souper Bowl of Caring.” Please bring all of your donations to “A Place to Turn” to Fellowship Hall and then stay after worship for fresh soup, made by Frank Villa and served by MSYG members and friends. Soup pots around the hall are there so you can make a cash donation too, if you like. Thanks

Still have time to shop? This is what is most needed… Individual drinks (Gatorade, Snapple, Minutemaid, etc.), Evaporated milk, Spaghetti, Pasta sauce, Canned fruit, Grape jelly. 

New Member Welcome

Please join us to welcome our newest member joining this Sunday, February 11th,

during our 10 AM service!

Sunday, March 10th,

Powell Fund for the Creative Word speaker, Rabbi Dr. Ruth Langer, will give a talk during the service and conduct a workshop after a complementary luncheon, "Lent and Easter through Jewish Eyes." Dr. Langer is a Professor of Jewish Studies at Boston College as well as Associate Director of BC's Center for Christian-Jewish Learning.

Register for the luncheon by March 4th.

Use the link or the QR code provided below.

Luncheon RSVP
View PDF flyer

Second Annual Pilgrim Church Mid-Winter Trivia Night!

Saturday, March 2nd, 7 PM

at the church; coffee and dessert served, and a fun night is planned for all! Form a team!

Test your wits!

Trivia Sign Up

Sunday School Corner

What is this vibrant play doh art? Are they rainbow sea slugs, or models of microscopic organisms? No, it is the class response last Sunday to the Parable of the Sower, a story Jesus told to talk about what the Kingdom of God is like. This Sunday we will hear the Parable of the Mustard Seed!

We still need volunteers in Sunday School. No prep required to assist!

Sign Up to Volunteer

Victoria Gaisford, Director of Christian Education [email protected]

If you are in grades 6-8 or 9-12 and not yet a part of the Pilgrim Church Middle or Senior High Youth Groups, you are always welcome! New members are encouraged to jump in and try it out any time of year. It's a great way to serve our community and beyond, and to have a lot of fun too!

Just reach out to our church office if you'd like more info about our Middle School and High School Youth Groups or any of their activities.

[email protected]

(508) 655-1667

Our Middle School

Youth Group Coordinator: 

[email protected]

Our Senior High

Youth Group Coordinator: 

[email protected]

MSYG's next meeting is Sunday, February 25th for a game night from 5 to 6:30 p.m., right here at Pilgrim Church.

SHYG meets this Sunday night at the Dover Church, from 7 - 8:30 p.m.

(Pictured above, by Eric Brooks) MSYG members and Victoria Gaisford prepare Valentines for members of the Pilgrim Church community at a recent meeting.  

Family Promise Metrowest Support Week

—Helping to Fight Homelessness—

Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to provide a meal, buy a gift card, or shop for shelter necessities during our upcoming February support weeks. We are happy to say that all meal slots are full!  


Grocery gift cards for the shelter are always needed, and still welcomed. You can drop them off at the church office labelled "Family Promise" and we will deliver them for you.

Here is a note from our friends at Family Promise:

"When you give someone facing homelessness a grocery gift card, you give them a gift of choice. They can select food items that represent their culture, their history, and their comfort. Please consider donating gift cards so our families can focus on their new path, while supporting other basic needs in a dignified way. We are always grateful for gift cards to Stop and Shop, Market Basket, Walmart, Target, or VISA/MasterCard gift cards so families can shop for other needed items themselves." 

Would you like to be a part of our Family Promise ministry group, to learn about upcoming opportunities for our support week at the shelter? Please email us to be added to our ministry list and we will be sure to reach out directly. New members are always welcome! 

See the Sign Up

Thank you!

Janet Walsh, Volunteer Scheduling Co-Coordinator

Jennifer Searle, Volunteer Scheduling Co-Coordinator

Hands to Work, Hearts to God

There are many opportunities in the next few weeks for lay leaders, coffee hour hosts and flower donations. Find a date that works for you! You can sign up in person on our bulletin board, website or through the SignUp Genius link, or by emailing Janet at [email protected] 

Our Journey Into Lent

Lenten Reminders

The Lenten season begins THIS Wednesday, February 14th, with our joint Ash Wednesday service in partnership with Bethel AME, our brothers and sisters in Christ from Boston. Service is here at Pilgrim at 7:30 p.m. Pastor John will be distributing “Ashes to Go” in the drive thru line at the Dunkin’ Donuts next door to the church,

from 6:30 am to 8:30 am. Stop by! 

Our 2024 All Church Lent Book and Preaching series is based upon “Ordinary Grace” by William Kent Krueger. It tells the story of growing up into faith and this life through the eyes of a Methodist preacher’s teenage son in 1961 central Minnesota.

Copies of the book are available in the church office for $10. Recommended for those in 9th grade and above. 

From the book notes:

“Winner of the 2014 Edgar Award for Best Novel and a School Library Journal Best Book of 2013—'Ordinary Grace’ is a brilliantly moving account of a boy standing at the door of his young manhood, trying to understand a world that seems to be falling apart around him. It is an unforgettable novel about discovering the terrible price of wisdom and the enduring grace of God.” 

Download Our Lenten Activities Brochure

Worship is both in-person and streamed live starting at 9:50AM on Facebook and on our

Pilgrim Church Website - Watch Our Service

Join us!

Order of Worship

Download Bulletin


Pilgrim Church, Sherborn, MA.

Transfiguration Sunday

February 11, 2024

  10 AM Order of Worship

 (Streaming begins at 9:50 AM; prelude at 9:55)

Words for Reflection………Maya Angelou

I believed that there was a God because I was told it by my grandmother and later by other adults. But when I found that I knew not only that there was God but that I was a child of God, when I understood that, when I comprehended that, more than that, when I internalized that, ingested that, I became courageous.


Lighting of Candles


Call to Worship: Psalm 50:1-6 responsive (pew Bible pg. 451)

*Opening Hymn: We Have Come at Christ’s Own Bidding (insert)

Confession of Sin and Assurance of Pardon 


The Lord’s Prayer 

Our Father, who art in heaven, 

hallowed be thy name. 

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, 

on earth as it is in heaven. 

Give us this day our daily bread, 

and forgive us our trespasses, 

as we forgive those who trespass against us. 

And lead us not into temptation, 

but deliver us from evil. 

For thine is the kingdom,  

and the power, and the glory forever. Amen. 


Message for the Young and Young at Heart

New Member Ritual

Questioning of Candidate

Leader: As a sign of our oneness in Christ and this church, let those that are able, please stand and join together in a unison reading from “The Covenant of the Evangelical Church of Sherburne, alt.” (1835)

*In the presence of God and this assembly, we now solemnly vow the Lord Jehovah, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, to be our God, the object of our supreme affection, and our portion forever. We cordially acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ as our only Savior; and the Holy Spirit as our Sanctifier, Comforter, and Guide. We humbly and cheerfully devote ourselves to God, in the everlasting covenant of his grace; and we consecrate all our powers and faculties to his service and glory. That we will give diligent attendance to his word and ordinances; and that we will seek the honor and interest of his kingdom. We join ourselves to this Church of Christ, to walk with its members in charity, meekness and love, and to strive for its edification and purity. Amen.

Scripture Mark 9:2-9

Sermon: Faith Doesn’t Make Sense

Video Reflection 

Pastoral Prayer 


(Traditionally, the time for offering is when most members and friends in church contribute financially to the church. Now, many people, give with a mailed or electronic check, or other methods. Yet we retain this ritual to teach us that we are asked by God to respond to God’s generosity with our generosity. Thank you!) 


Offertory Anthem


Praise God from whom all bless-ings flow 

Praise him all crea-tures here be-low 

Praise him a-bove ye, heaven-ly host 

Praise Fa-ther, Son and Ho-ly Ghost. Amen. 


*Prayer of Dedication 


*Closing Hymn #43 - Christ Whose Glory Fills the Skies

Extinguishing of Candles 


Closing Congregational Song: Lord Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing,

Attr. to John Fawceet

*=Those who are able, please stand


Pilgrim Church is an Open and Affirming congregation and a member of the

Southern New England Conference of the United Church of Christ

The altar flowers this week are given by Kitty Sturgis as a Thank You to all the Pilgrim Church volunteers who add to our religious experience.

Coffee Hour will be hosted by the Deacon Committee and the Middle School Youth Group will help serve soup. Please join us downstairs in Fellowship Hall after the service for a time of fellowship and refreshments.

Today’s Worship Leaders 

Senior Pastor: John Hudson

Lay Leader: Alexis Madison

Deacons: Rae Dearborn, Marilyn Marlette

Music Director: David Tiedman

Director of Congregational Ministries: Janet Walsh

Director of Christian Education: Victoria Gaisford

Videographer: Doug Ambos

Streaming Host: Saul Mendoza

For Visitors and Parents of Children and Youth

Our Nursery offers loving care for infants and toddlers while parents are in worship. It is staffed by a professional child-care provider and student assistants from our congregation.  Children from Pre-K through 7th grade are welcome upstairs in the sanctuary for the beginning of the service. After the children’s message they will be invited to go downstairs with our teachers. We will have a lesson, do a craft project and have time to be in fellowship together.  The Nursery is on the first floor of the Christian Education (CE) wing; toward the back of the church. Please go through Fellowship Hall and continue through the narrow hallway. Once you’ve entered the CE wing, the Nursery will be on the left. Sign in your child and leave your name and cell number in case we need to reach you. The Nursery is available September thru June from 9:30am – 11:30am and during the summer from

8:30am – 10:30am. 

Pilgrim Church, United Church of Christ

25 South Main Street

Sherborn, MA 01770

Tel: 508-655-1667

Online offerings may be made through our website:


or by mail: PO Box 322, Sherborn MA 01770

God is Here!

Electronic Check (ACH) and Credit Card available through our online donation page. Automated donation plan available.

Make it easy - set it up for whatever schedule works for you!


*New Recurring

Payment Instructions

(Email [email protected] if you have a prayer you'd like included here.)

Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. -- Philippians 4:6

Joy and gratitude for a productive and positive Annual Meeting. God: keep us on the move and doing your work and seeking your way into 2024 as your Pilgrim people! Gratitude that our church friend who was unemployed has found a job. GOD IS GOOD! Continued prayers for a church friend facing serious illness. Prayers for Owen Searle as he undertakes a 1,000 kilometer ride through Rwanda: God bless him and all his fellow riders and keep them safe. Prayers of recovery for Eric Dragsbaek, struggling with health challenges.

Continuing prayers for Mandy Yates (daughter in law of Barbara and Ron Yates) as she recovers from surgery in Maine. Prayers for peace in Israel, Gaza, and Ukraine, and anywhere conflict is at work. Prayers of gratitude for an agreement and prayers for healing for workers and parents and student in Newton. Prayers for the family and friends of Sherborn resident Jeff Brown, who died from suicide last week, after a long struggle with depression. He leaves behind a loving wife and three school aged children. For a church member struggling with severe vertigo.

Continued prayers Pastor Bob Gray, for Chloe, our PMC team’s pedal partner; for Gloria Mendoza (Saul Mendoza's mother), Betsy O’Riordan, those sick with COVID and other diseases; for CeCe Barber; for Nancy Rigby and Natalie Barlow, both in memory care at Whitney Place; for our brothers and sisters at Bethel AME; for Nancy Weiselberg Evans as she battles again against cancer; for Marie Ann Blockcher's mom Carol; for Julie Aldridge, and Louise Hudson. 

About Us


Join us on Sunday Mornings

9:50 am on Facebook Live

and on our

Pilgrim Church Website

(music starts 9:55AM)

Office Hours

Monday - Friday

9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

T: (508) 655-1667

General Questions:

 Pastor John 

(978) 853-8439

[email protected]

Janet Walsh

Congregational Ministries

 [email protected]

Dave Tiedman


[email protected]

Cindy Sullivan

Church Administrator

[email protected]

Victoria Gaisford

Christian Education

[email protected]

Cindy Sullivan

Assistant Treasurer

[email protected]

Middle School Youth Group Director

[email protected]

Saul Mendoza

Social Media/IT Coordinator

[email protected]



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