Utah Disability Today
The official newsletter of the Institute for Disability Research, Policy & Practice
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Phone: (435) 797-1981
You received this monthly newsletter because you are a friend of the Institute for Disability. Keep reading for news, resources, events, and job openings!
Care Provider Crisis Explained on Capitol Hill

“My greatest fear right now is for Elaine's future,” said LuWenn Jones, a Cedar City parent. “We know that she will likely outlive us. If the provider system implodes and does not recover from this staffing crisis—which is the worst I have seen in my 20 years of being involved in the Utah disability community—what will happen to Elaine and others like her?"

Jones spoke out during a press conference earlier this month, joining with other families and caregivers in revealing the true severity of a staffing crisis among care providers. Visit our blog to read their stories and access video of their presentation.
Read more on our blog.
Why Paying Caregivers Well Matters

"My name is Kirsten. I love to read. I graduated from college magna cum laude. I enjoy interacting with my nephews and niece. I love being part of my church communication team working to spread information and goodwill in the community. People appreciate my smile. I also happen to have cerebral palsy, and none of the above would be possible if someone was not available to get me out of bed in the morning, help with toileting, bathing, dressing, grooming, and fixing breakfast. All the ways I have fun, and all the ways I contribute to the lives of others, would be unavailable to me."

Guest blogger Kirsten Barraclough shares her perspective on caregiving, its impact on her life, and the need for better pay.
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Early ECHO Session
February 2 at 12 PM
Register on the website.
For more information, visit Early ECHO's website.

Utah Association for Infant Mental Health Annual Conference 2022
February 3-4
Register on the website.

LCPD Annual Legislative Reception
February 14 from 3:00-5:00 PM
Register on the website.

ACRE Employment Specialist Training - Taylorsville
February 15-17
Register on the website.

Workplace Supports Training - Virtual
February 16 from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM
Register on the website.
Completion of online module required in advance

UVU 2022 Autism Conference
March 4
Register on the website.
For more information, visit UVU's website.
$75 in-person / $65 virtual

Project SCOPE Session
March 9 at 12 PM
Register on the website.
For more information, visit Project SCOPE's website.
Bookshelf filled with colorful books
Learn how to avoid caregiver burnout to ultimately make you better able to provide adequate care.

Ten caregiver from the NAMI community speak about taking care of their own mental health.

Get tips and information to help you care for your loved one with special medical needs.

The Muscular Dystrophy Association offers practical advice, recommendations, tips and resources for finding caregiving help.

The National Down Syndrome Society answers questions and provides a list of resources regarding caring for a child with disabilities.
Special Issue on Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Submit an abstract of 250-500 words to editor.ddnj@usu.edu by January 31, 2022.