Utah Disability Today
The official newsletter of the Institute for Disability Research, Policy & Practice
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Phone: (435) 797-1981
You received this monthly newsletter because you are a friend of the Institute for Disability (formerly the Center for Persons with Disabilities). Keep reading for news, resources, events and job openings!
Portrait of Frank Podobnik
Anti-bullying strategies
for schools
Following the tragic death of Lizzy Tichenor, a Black, Autistic Utah girl who died by suicide after reporting bullying at school, the Institute has joined with other Utah disability organizations in urging schools to increase inclusion and support of students with disabilities.

In this edition, Frank Podobnik, a former school psychologist and former state special education director in Montana, offers some bully-proofing advice for school leadership.
Read more on our blog.
George Joeckel records a module used in online classes.
WebAIM Course Available to 52,000+ CSU Employees
Filling out a Word or PDF document is often a frustrating experience for those who rely on assistive technology to read text, or for those who can't use a mouse. To address this issue, the WebAIM team at the Institute for Disability, Research, Policy & Practice developed a video-based online training course that launched in 2018. Today, employees at California State University's 23 campuses can all access that training.
Lighted Chair Helps Man Go to Work
The Utah Assistive Technology Program in Salt Lake City has kept Bruno Salazar in lights for four years. He received his first lighted power wheelchair from UATP at the Institute. It helped ensure that when he crossed the road in the dark, he would see to navigate, and others would see him. Recently he received another chair, another set of lights.

Those lights are an after-market modification that help Bruno navigate and stand out from his dark surroundings. He begins his commute to his Salt Lake City workplace from his Roy home well before sunrise, and sometimes he has to cross busy roads in the dark. Read more.
The DDNJ has published its first podcast. This new series of interviews with authors published in the Developmental Disabilities Network Journal adds another level of accessibility and insight to the world of disability research. Find the podcast on their website.
Early ECHO Session
January 5 at 12 PM
Register on the website.
For more information, visit Early ECHO's website.

Legislative Coalition for People with Disabilities (LCPD)
January 6 at 12:30 PM
Participate via Zoom.

ACRE Employment Specialist Training - Online
January 11-13
Register on the website.

Customized Employment Training - Online
January 11 - April 29
Register on the website.

Center for IDEA Fiscal Reporting 2022 Part B Open Door Session
January 12 at 3:00 PM
Register on the website.

2022 Disability Advocacy Day
January 19 from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Register on the website.

Workplace Supports Training - Taylorsville
January 19 from 9:00 AM to 12 PM
Register on the website.
Completion of online module required in advance

Joining Forces Conference: Parents and Professionals Strengthening Families
January 26-27
Register on the website.
Bookshelf filled with colorful books
The Sorenson Legacy Foundation Center for Clinical Excellence at USU provides ACT guides for USU students and adolescents to help improve mental health.

Learn to manage feelings and thoughts with the lifelong skill of everyday mindfulness, any time of the day.

This article is part of a series offering tips for finding culturally sensitive and accessible care for your identity or background.

This resource promotes access to quality mental health care for individuals with developmental disabilities by providing accessible training content centered around the needs and voices of individuals with disabilities.

The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP) is the most researched and best-known bullying prevention program available today. The program is designed for elementary, middle, and junior high students.

This source provides tools, publications, presentations, and videos regarding bullying prevention efforts.
Special Issue on Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Submit an abstract of 250-500 words to [email protected] by January 31, 2022.