Organizing Across Differences

photo by Nick Fewings l Unsplash

The whole point of collaboration is that you give and take from each other, and that's how you create things that are totally new.” 

Virgil Abloh.

Organizing Across Differences

by Tiona Moore, The Ripple Foundation

Our ability to organize across differences is a unique superpower in which we exercise curiosity and share values, goals, and purpose. These superpowers consist of the ability to engage and foster relationships with a mindset and narrative change focused on collaboration and areas of synergy. Rather than allow our differences to be at the epicenter of our discussion, the goal is to amplify what we have in common through the development of open dialogue.

Today's anniversary of an attempted insurrection, led by self-proclaimed white extremists with a narrow view of America, resulted in the deepened erasure of our racial differences. This moment resurfaced the many realities of America’s troubled racial history and we must now attempt to rededicate ourselves to never let hate and division prevail. 

Read full message here

Tools for bridging differences

Baha'i Consultation for structures to aviod conflict

NY Times bestselling author & award-winning journalist Amanda Ripley interviewed for her just-released book "High Conflict" where she writes about the adversarial-free methods found in the Baha'i Faith's system of governance & decision making. In this segment she is asked about this observation.

Learn more about Baha'i Consultation here

The Digenity Index

Are you frustrated by the hate and negativity? You’re not alone. That’s why we developed The Dignity Index, an eight-point scale that scores speech on its power to unite or divide. In its pilot season, The Dignity Index is analyzing political messaging from Utah’s federal congressional races. Start your own journey by taking the Dignity Pledge.

Learn more here


Increasing the ability of individuals to belong across all constituencies


In October 2019, Imagine Fox Cities (IFC), a visioning initiative focused on enhancing the well-being of folks in the region, held its first convening of more than 300 stakeholders from various sectors around the area. Throughout the day, across all discussions, one theme was central: the importance of belonging. As a result, the members of the IFC committee decided to make the promotion of belonging in the Fox Cities an initial focus of its work. This page is intended to provide information about the group’s work in this regard and more importantly, share information about how you can help to make our region a more inclusive place in which everyone who lives and works in the Fox Cities feels they belong. We hope you will join us in this important work!

See full story here

Articles for reflection

Bridging or Breaking? The Stories We Tell Will Create the Future We Inhabit

NP The rate and intensity of the change threaten to outpace our ability to adapt. This is widely experienced as stress and anxiety.

These forces are happening in virtually all parts of the world. Even our language and ideas are often inadequate to understand and develop appropriate responses to these changes. 

Read more here

We keep moving from one wrong fight to another. Here’s how to stop.

Washington Post "The new data does not mean we agree; we do not. But it does mean we are not having the right fight, the one we most need to have as a country, because we are so preoccupied with what the report calls “imagined enemies.”

Read more here

Common Ground To better understand this conflict, we conducted a year-long research project asking thousands of Americans their views of American history and national identity and what they understood to be the views of their fellow Americans. 

One of our most notable findings is that both Democrats and Republicans alike grossly overestimate whether members of the opposing party hold extreme views. We call this a ‘Perception Gap’ — the gap between what we imagine an opposing group believes and what that group actually believes.

Visit their website

The Larger Us Podcast with Karen Stenner on Why Some People Are Primed to Be Authoritarians

Listen to podcast here

Just Security Likewise, the existence of tensions within and between groups is not necessarily a bad thing – healthy tensions can lead to innovation and expanded opportunities. They can help balance the need to project urgency with the imperative of building relationships. Bill Moyer and George Lakey describe four main types of movement actors – radicals, reformers, organizers, and service providers. It is common for there to be tensions between radicals and reformers, between those working on the inside and those on the outside, and between those who focus more on dialogue and more on direct action. The challenge is how to navigate these tensions.

Full article here

Join the Conversation

“The Healthiest Cities & Counties Challenge has released a NEW health equity tool. This resource features six interactive stories that highlight the approaches and impacts of 20 communities across the nation working to improve access to food and health services. Learn more about their collaborative, community-led strategies and how you can adapt these approaches to systems change to fit your community context.”

Learn more here

Citizen Connect: a non-partisan platform dedicated to finding ways to heal our divides and strengthen this great nation.

Find upcoming events and on-demand resources using Citizen Connect – a single gateway to over 500 organizations focused on everything from election reform to restoring civil dialogue. They’re run by people who span the political spectrum – Republicans, Democrats and Independents.

Visit their website

Next City: What We’ve Learned From Guaranteed Income Pilots

Guaranteed income pilot programs continue emerging as a way to generate evidence to dispel racist tropes that politicians have used to withhold public assistance that would otherwise help the economy. How much evidence do we have and how much more do we need?

Monday, January 9, 2023

1:00pm - 2:00pm ET

Learn more here

Upcoming events

12 Jan - Measurement Cooperative Meeting – What Are We Learning About Well-Being Narratives?

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM EST

12 Jan - Legacy Unboxed

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST

14 Jan -Voices from the Past | Voices from the Present

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM EST

25 Jan - WIN Equitable Economies Cooperative – Shifting the System to a Restorative Well-being Economy

3:00 PM - 4:30 PM EST

7 Feb - The Equity Summit

Feb 7, 2023 - Feb 9, 2023 EST

7 Feb - The Promise of Cost of Gun Violence Studies in California: Findings and Lessons from Santa Clara County’s 2022 Report

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM EST

25 Feb - Work2BeWell Virtual Teen Mental Health

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM EST

WIN Network Calendar

Funding Opportunities

Ben & Jerry’s Foundation

Type: Foundation

Due Date:  Rolling

Match Required: No Cost Share

Overview: The Ben & Jerry Foundation’s National Grassroots Organizing Program offers two-year flexible, general operating support grants of up to $30,000 per year, with an average grant size of $20,000 per year, to small, non-profit grassroots constituent-led organizations throughout the United States and its territories and that are not located in the state of Vermont.

New York Life Foundation (NYLF) and Afterschool Alliance: Aim High: Supporting Out-of-School Time Programs Serving Middle School Youth

Type: Foundation

Due Date: February 1, 2023

Match Required: No Cost Share

Overview: TThe purpose of this program is to support and bolster the ability of nonprofit after-school and summer learning programs to help prepare middle school students for success in high school, college, and life. For the purpose of this program, middle school youth are defined as students in grades six, seven, and eight. Supported projects must serve a high percentage, at least 75 percent, of low-income youth, who are defined as students who qualify for the Federal Free or Reduced-Price Lunch Program (FRPL).

North Carolina Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission: Livin' the Dream Grant (North Carolina ONLY)

Type: State Funding

Due Date:  January 19, 2023

Match Required: No Cost Share

Overview: The purpose of this program is to increase the capacity and impact of Black- or Black, Indigenous, and/or people of color (BIPOC)-led, grassroots organizations based in North Carolina that advance the vision of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The funding agency works to promote an awareness and appreciation of the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Examples of eligible costs include:

  • Grant writing costs
  • Computers
  • Other equipment
  • Leadership training
  • Web development
  • Graphic design
  • Organizational development
  • Staff development
  • Speakers and facilitators
  • Filing the organization as an entity with the North Carolina Secretary of State (NCSOS) and establishing a 501(c)(3) with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
  • Needs assessments and feasibility studies

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