Photo by Lake County Black and Brown Coalition


Of a great need 

We are all holding hands 

And climbing. 

Not loving is a letting go. 


The terrain around here 


Far too 




The Gift: Poems by Hafiz,

translated by Daniel Ladinsky

Lake County Black and Brown Coalition for Health Equity on Black History Month

by William Coleman of Lake County Black and Brown Coalition for Health Equity.

As the Lake County Black and Brown Coalition for Health Equity, we are happy to speak regarding social health as it pertains to Blackness, Black culture, and the celebration of our history. 

There are so many moving parts when it comes to Blackness and to see them intersect is quite a beautiful experience if we allow it to play out authentically. As we celebrate Black history month, we must ask ourselves, do I want to celebrate the Black history that is honestly authentic or a perspective of history that makes me feel the most comfortable?

Black culture and the celebration of Blackness have consistently shown the importance and beauty in finding and sustaining joy while also acknowledging the truth in our past and present. 

We invite you to share in that duality as you celebrate Black History Month...

Read full story here

What RISE Outreach Workers are saying

"The Home Bound likes to get information to read! keeping them updated! Start 2023 Off The Right Way!"

Preston County Senior Citizens, Inc.

"The gift cards helped the seniors to purchase food for Christmas."

Raleigh County Commission on Aging

"We have been continuing to contact communities in libraries and local restaurants to connect and build trust with the community."

El Centro Hispano - Arkansas

"Sharing information in a way that is not accusatory works wonders."

Chromatic Black - National

"I think talking with people and explaining about how to protect themselves helps them to understand better!"

Preston County Senior Citizens, Inc.

"Word of mouth and connecting with Faith leadership and "Some people are hesitant to discuss COVID"

Power Up Mississippi

Stories from Communities

Social Change Chicago

One of the benefits of working with so many communities in so many contexts around is building a broad network. The festival organizers turned community service providers gave know-your-rights training to 1,000 organizations nationwide. In the deep South, they canvassed door-to-door to get out the vote. They engaged 250,000 voters across the country, distributed more than 550,000 pounds of food, and shared countless resources. This provided a broad national network of diverse activists, organizers, community-based organizations, and service providers.

“When we started working with RISE around vaccines, it felt like we had in-roads everywhere. We would get into these conversations like, ‘Do you know rural farmers in the South?’ and we were like, ‘Yeah. We were just there!’ so we were in a good position to provide introductions,” Belcore explains. 

Building connections and establishing networks gave Social Change reach; being community-directed in meeting needs helps them earn trust.

Read full story here

Need to know


RISE Communities Gathering - April 23-28Spartanburg, SC. Please forward this to your communities to save the date. More info to come

Total progress towards vaccinations:

  • Direct and Indirect Engagement - 791.1M+
  • Vaccinations - 40,243
  • Connecting to social needs - 1,376

See table below


Myocarditis after #COVID19 vaccination is rare. Heart problems are 5 times more likely after COVID-19 illness than after COVID-19 vaccination.

Visit CDC Website for more info

Learn about specific recommendations for schools, congregate settings, tribal communities, and more from CDC Website

Check out their page

Upcoming Webinars/Training 

Meet and learn at All RISE Communities Peer Exchange 02/21

Meet at Partners Strategy & Evaluation Meeting 02/16

Meet and learn at Cafecito for COW and Promotoras 03/01

For a full list of activities, click here for the calendar

Funding Opportunities

This week, we are proud to share possible funding opportunities available to our communities.

Jack and Jill of America Foundation, Inc.

Type: Foundation

Due Date: March 15, 2023

Match Required: No Cost Share

Overview: The purpose of this program is to support nonprofit organizations and public agencies that provide access to heart and mental health education and resources for prevention, detection, and/or treatment support for disadvantaged or underserved communities.

The funding agency seeks to address issues affecting African American children and families by investing in programs and services that create a strong foundation for children to thrive in the long term, including support of programs and organizations addressing underlying and root causes of social problems affecting African American communities, families, and children.

Visit our Website for more opportunities

Communities Transforming Policing Fund

Type: Foundation

Due Date: February 8, 2023

Match Required: No Cost Share

Overview: The Communities Transforming Policing Fund (CTPF) supports small and emerging grassroots organizations addressing police violence, criminalization, support for families and victims of police violence, campaigns to invest in communities and divest from policing, campaigns to erode the power of police associations, and build community-based safety strategies.

Sunstate Equipment Foundation (See locations below)

Type: Foundation

Due Date: April 1, 2023

Match Required: No Cost Share 

Overview: The purpose of this program is to support charitable efforts in communities where employees of the Sunstate Equipment Company live and work through awards to nonprofit organizations. Funding will support projects that make a meaningful impact in those communities under the following focus areas:

  • Disadvantaged children and/or adults
  • Medical aid and research
  • Housing assistance
  • Domestic violence awareness and protection
  • Military/veterans assistance
  • Care of abused/neglected animals

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