This Sunday, September 13, 2020
Live-Stream Only
10:00am Worship with Communion.
Rally Sunday! Worship TOGETHER at TLC this Sunday, September 13!
Rob Reid
Director of Music
Do come to the Rally Sunday Drive-In service this coming Sunday, September 13 at 10:00am in the West Parking Lot (Might be a good idea to arrive early). We are having a Chancel Choir Quartet in their Purple Robes join with the Praise and Worship Team to sing some of your favorite hymns (and a couple new songs, too). Sing from your car, or socially-distanced outside your vehicle! Wear a Mask!

  • Come All You People paired with Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
  • Bless the Lord My Soul (Taizé version)
  • I Come with Joy a Child of God
  • Forgive Our Sins as We Forgive
  • When We Are Living
  • I’m So Glad Jesus Lifted Me

Pastors Ed, Arthur and Grace will each share a portion of the service, and Interim Children Youth and Family Director Pete Erickson will share a Time for Children.
AND: there will be an Ice Cream Socially Distanced Fellowship Time right after the Service! So, let’s Rally Together and look into each other’s eyes! 😊 Hope to see you then!
If you aren't able to join us at TLC, this service will also be Streamed Live starting at 9:55am and play continuously throughout the Day Sunday, and thereafter at TLCGo.Live.
If you've not attended one of TLC's Drive-in services before, you'll find it very easy to park and participate. There will be plenty of "ushers" in green vests, face masks and gloves, happy to guide you to a parking spot, plus they'll be handing out bulletins and sealed communion packets of juice and wafers. Please enter the TLC west parking lot at the Harrison Avenue entrance. Bring lawn chairs if you wish to sit outside your car or in the circled areas near the "altar." Please wear face masks and practice social distancing where/when required. The audio of the service is also being broadcast (within a square block area) on FM 87.9, so turn your vehicle's FM radio to 87.9 and listen to the service while watching from the parking lot.
Live-Stream Viewer Data
Last Sunday, August 30, 2020
Estimated viewers: 332+
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166 Media Devices Linked
to TLC Live-Stream on Sunday

8 Views Sunday Live
Click on either image below to view a pdf of their reports for August 2020.
Faith, Fact and Fiction Meets at TLC
Perfect Outdoor Weather for the Book Club
Faith, Fact, and Fiction is a bookclub of TLCer's meeting the second Thursday of the month, at least prior to the COVID pandemic. Yesterday (Thursday, September 10) they gathered at the TLC west parking lot, socially-spaced and masked accordingly and began an hour-long discussion on the book, Little Fires Everywhere, by New York Times bestselling author, Celeste Ng.

The group not only discuss books, they also assist with library organization at the church and fellowship. If you're interested in joining the group, please contact Lois Nornes at 952-240-0811.
Priscilla Tonkinson reviews a chapter
L-R: Shari Olson, Sonia Rache and Ingrid Swanson (behind Sonia) listened as Mary Mahre led the discussion.
Foreground: Karen Daniels offered a thought as Marilyn Rundberg watched.
L-R: Marilyn Erickson, Priscilla Tonkinson, Barbara Vignola and Marilyn Rundberg.

This has been the weirdest summer I can remember. How about you?

First of all, nothing remained that would be safe to do---even the State Fair was quickly taken away----kids' farm animal projects, the many people who would have entered their baked goods, yummy home-made jams and jellies, and all those end-of -summer jobs that had been counted on for mostly young people.... Can you imagine walking slowly amongst the crowds on the streets and sidewalks, and wondering if the “virus” would now grab more people? Way back in the polio years when they did not have a State Fair either, it really seemed a better plan to just stay home. Well, we can look forward to next year now.

Disturbing to me are the cancelled concerts, while the musicians had counted on good audiences and applause, they did try to have “at home” events so that all that talent didn't just lie there. It's not the same though. What will happen this fall when schedules have been tossed and those concerts we looked forward to are never going to happen?

Life goes on, no matter what. I can remember the year we moved to Bloomington and my mom had just passed from Multiple Myeloma that June. Now, 50 years later, that disease has some help so that no one dies in about two years after diagnosis. I always wished my own mom could have taken advantage of anything at all to help. Here we were, newly moved to Bloomington, didn't know many people, still had no church home, and it was a sad time instead of being the adventure it could have been.

Losing one's mom or dad is traumatic. Here you are; the next generation and you may think you were prepared after illness had taken over. It seemed at the time to be a relief mostly, but I still miss my mom and all the things I could have told her or asked her through those years.

Now, it's also cold out and not too far away to our west, snow has fallen! My daughter, who recently visited from Burbank, said, “Well, let's try to be more like the Vikings we came from years ago, and bite the bullet or something.” We used to cover the annuals remaining in the yard, and try to have them just a bit longer if possible. Much of California is having a really hard time with the horrible fires and high temps. Only burned out homes remain... maybe some of them had annuals? So sad to see all the smoke and blackened, no longer livable houses... Once so beautiful.

Sorry about the sad messages in this Bird Lady attempt. Gotta get real though! Time will pass, the darned virus will go away (won't it?) and we will again be happy to go back to what should have been a lovely, long fall!

-Bloomington Bird Lady
A headline in the Minneapolis Star Tribune this past week.

Colder weather alert!
Think: (canned) chili, chow mein, spaghetti and fruit, pasta and rice, Parmesan cheese, dinner roll mix, salad dressings and puddings.

Please deliver to Door 4 behind the VEAP building (address below)

In addition to food donations, VEAP is also in need of cold weather outdoor items for the volunteers who will be helping at the intake/exit areas, such as: hand warmers, gloves and light throw blankets.
Please deliver to Door 2 (staff and volunteer entrance) also behind the building.

(behind White Castle & Wendy's on Lyndale Ave S in Bloomington)
9600 Aldrich Avenue South
Bloomington 55420
(M-F 9:00-4:30)

When we all give a little it adds up to a lot!
by Nora
Nora is 8 years old and this is her third year in the ELC Photo Club. She shot this photo at Centennial Lakes in Edina. She really like looking at reflections with her favorite part being the reflection of the sky, saying, "It's like you are looking at the sky!"
By Pete Erickson
Interim TLC Youth Minister
Confirmation and Youth Ministry in 2020-2021
Information now available at

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TLC Children, Youth and Family Listening/Learning Events
September 22, 23, 24 at 6:30 (Please attend ONE)
You are invited to share your hopes, dreams and ideas with the TLC CYF Vision Team as they discern the next phase of life in Children, Youth, and Family Ministry!
One product out of the "Holy Cow Survey Process" was the dream of greater engagement of children, youth and families. The TLC Vision Team will facilitate three listening/learning events to encourage the congregation to articulate those hopes and dreams more specifically. There will be one event for families with children (Pre-K – 6th grade), one event for families of youth (7th-12th), and one event for the whole congregation.
Here are the dates of the Listening/Learning Events:
September 22 at 6:30PM (Families with Pre-K through 6th graders)
September 23 at 6:30PM (Families with Youth 7th-12th graders)
September 24 at 6:30PM (All Congregation Members)
If you cannot make a specific date that best fits your family needs, no worries, feel free to jump into any of the dates. ALL LISTENING/LEARNING EVENTS WILL TAKE PLACE ON ZOOM. A ZOOM LINK WILL BE POSTED ON FACEBOOK AND THE CHURCH WEBSITE CLOSER TO THE EVENTS.

Please join us to make your voice heard in this formative process.
-a continuing series-
By Pastor Al Dungan
Half Year

Jesus gathered a really variegated group around him to be his disciples. And it is no different today. Disciples come in many shapes and sizes. Disciples have very different political and religious points of view. But… they all consider themselves to be disciples in various stages of belief, pretended belief or outright unbelief.

Consider the men that Jesus gathered around him. The first 4 were fishermen. Blue collar small businessmen who took a real risk when Jesus said to them, “Follow me,” because they dropped everything and did just that. One of the others was the one known as Simon the Zealot—a real extremist. The Zealots were a group dedicated to driving out the Romans using guerilla tactics with the hope of drawing the rest of the Jewish people into open warfare with Rome. Another was Levi (Matthew) a tax collector for the Jewish temple and the Roman government. In the terms of World War II Norway, he would have been considered a “Quisling” or traitor to his people. Yet another was Nathaniel who was, in the terms of our day, a dreamer or philosopher. And finally, there was Judas, who ultimately became a spy for the Sanhedrin (the Jewish ruling group of priests) and the Romans who betrayed Jesus into their hands for torture and execution.

The point is this: in spite of how we might think about how others relate or don’t relate to Jesus, many more than we might be willing to concede considering themselves disciples.

We live in a time of major divisions politically in our country and it’s hard to concede that those “on the other side” might also consider themselves disciples of our Lord. Yet, Jesus gathers all sorts and conditions of people to follow him, and who are we to judge who is or is not a “true” follower?

During the coming days, as we look toward a very important election in our country, let’s do our very best to reach out in love to those whose perception of discipleship may be very different from ours.

That’s what Jesus did in gathering those original very disparate men to serve him as disciples. And that’s what we are called to do also, even though it may be a tough thing to do.

Philosophers, zealots, quislings, rednecks—whoever. That’s the challenge I leave with you today and that I give to myself.
Since the Coronavirus closed the doors of TLC, it did not close the church! There has been a calling chain for these past months. Each volunteer has regularly called a few people off and on during this time. Thank you to the 30 members who have been a part of the calling team.
Now, we are reaching out again to invite you to be a part of this team of phone callers. If you were on the team and want to continue, or if you were not on the current chain but are interested in extending God’s love and care by connecting with other TLC members, please send an email, a text, or a phone call to Marilyn Erickson (, 952-884-2364, ext. 10, or 612-360-7066) and you will be assigned as many names as you request (1-5 is the suggested amount). A sample script will be provided.
If you are new at being a part of the Calling Chain here is a sample script.
Hello, this is ____________________. I am calling from Transfiguration Lutheran.
I am part of the phone ministry team and am calling to say hello and to see how you are doing. Do you have a moment to chat with me?
A few questions that you might use:

  • How are you doing with these days?
  • How is your support? Do you have people that are checking in on you?
  • We have volunteers at the church who are willing to help. Is there anything that the church could assist you with?

Thank you for being willing to talk with me. Would it be OK for me to call again? How often would you like a call (weekly/monthly)? Here is my phone number in case you need to reach me_____________.

Following the call, make a few notes to yourself and be sure to let the church know if there are any needs. Callers do not need to fulfill any requests they receive. Their only role is to report back to the church what the needs are. We have others who are willing and able to run errands, etc. Pastors are also available to make follow-up phone calls for those who need to speak at greater length about their challenges.

Thank you for being a part of this vital ministry!
Committees - Ministries - Small Groups
Thanks to our K3P3 group, Stephen Ministry and Welcome Diversity Team for submitting photos and stories to the TLC Weekly.
Other committees, groups and ministries, we want to hear from you! Share your stories with the TLC community.

Are you meeting?
How have you adapted your meetings to keep everyone safe?
What projects are you working on?
Send a story and some photos to and we will share your news in the TLC Weekly. Be sure to provide names of people in your photos.
TLC is closed to all visitors unless by appointment. It's important that we maintain this rule during the pandemic crisis. Spontaneous visitors, regardless of well-meaning intentions, may cause complications in the church environment or compromise the health of church staff or ELC staff and children, and, vice-versa. Any questions or concerns, please contact the TLC office at 952-884-2364 or:
Meat-Za Pie
By Ingrid Swanson
Serves 4
  • 1 pound lean ground beef
  • 2/3 cup evaporated milk
  • 1/2 cup fine, dry bread crumbs
  • 1 tsp garlic salt
  • 1/3 cup catsup
  • 1 can (4-oz.) sliced mushrooms, drained
  • 1 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese
  • 1/4 tsp oregano
  • 2 tbsp Parmesan cheese

Combine meat, milk, bread crumbs and garlic salt. Pat mixture evenly on bottom and sides of 9-inch pie pan. Spread catsup over meat. Sprinkle mushrooms over catsup. Top with cheddar cheese and oregano. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese over all. Bake at 375 for 25-35 minutes. If fat accumulates during baking, drain off.
Please Visit TLC's Memorial Garden
Since 2012, loved ones who had their funeral or memorial service at TLC now have a place and a webpage on our TLC Memorial Garden website. Please visit these saints, honor and remember them; read their obituary, the bulletin and homily, watch the live-stream archive of their service, browse their personal photo album, and, if so inclined, leave a personal message on their page.
Visit soon:
Do you ever need an extra prayer for yourself, a loved one, or a dear friend? TLC has a prayer team that prays often for members, their families and friends of the congregation. Send your prayer requests to or on the TLC website here. Your prayer needs are sent on to the Prayer Team and kept confidential – just between you, the pray-ers, and God. If you would like to be a member of the prayer team, please sign up on the yellow Life@TLC bulletin insert.
September 2020
In 1865, Swedish Lutheran Pastor Eric Norelius of Vasa Lutheran Church, near Red Wing, heard about four orphaned immigrant children in need of care with no one to provide it. Pastor Norelius drove a wagon to St. Paul, brought them to his home in Red Wing and thus began something that has spread throughout every corner of Minnesota, known today as Lutheran Social Services of Minnesota.
LSS has an annual budget of more than $98 million, received from individuals’ and congregations across the state and funding by the State of Minnesota.
A total of 25 different programs reach out in the name of Christ, to provide loving care and concern for people in all kinds of situations. With the outbreak of Covid 19 there are many people who have fallen into need.
There will be a Virtual Celebration Saturday September 19, 2020, with a Virtual Reception at 6:45PM and Livestream at 7:30PM. You can RSVP at LSSMN.ORG/Celebration or please contact TCL’s Ambassador for LSS Terry Bonertz to join the Virtual Celebration or to Donate:
Terry Bonertz - TCL’s Ambassador for LSS
Back Issues of the TLC Weekly
including this issue (Today!)
[CLICK HERE] to visit the TLC web page where you can choose to read from the past 16 months of weekly E-newsletters from Transfiguration Lutheran Church. This is also a great way to share TLC Weekly with those that don't receive it in email. Tell them to visit
It’s important to know that we can depend on financial support from TLC members. Electronic giving is fast, secure, and reduces administrative costs, allowing more of every dollar to support the important work we are called to do. You can give anytime, anywhere to specific funds with our GivePlus Mobile app (free from the app store). You can also schedule and manage recurring donations by visiting our website and clicking on TLC ONLINE GIVING icon at the bottom of any page, or [Click Here] to start the process, or contact the church office.
Free Subscriptions, sign up to be a volunteer, request care ministry and more!
Subscribe a friend to this newsletter, TLC Weekly, or subscribe yourself and others to the TLC publication, Transcripts. Interested in TLC membership? Sunday school? Our renowned TLC music program, volunteering and more are choices on this easy online TLC Request Form. Just [Click Here] or the "Sign Me Up" button on the left.

A Reconciling in Christ Congregation
A Culture of Diversity and Inclusion
Visit TLC's website at
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