News & Economic Updates
Special edition 2
March 2020
Calming advice in a chaotic environment
Our environment is changing so rapidly these days, it is imperative that I share a few additional thoughts with you prior to the upcoming GRAnderson Wealth Management Economic Update.

While the financial markets and the economy have changed dramatically (along with our behaviors), our investment strategy remains UNCHANGED. Stay the course. Have faith in the inevitable bounceback. Remember that the markets always recover eventually. Set your sights on the long term.

Let us explain:

If you had foreseen this market collapse, and if you had liquidated all your equities in mid-March, good for you! But I would be advising you right now to buy back all that stock (at the lower prices, of course), because there will be a comeback. Since you can’t see into the future, I suspect almost no one reading this newsletter liquidated in mid-February. But you can enjoy the same growth in those stocks that our hypothetical fortune-teller will. Just hold on to what you have.

You also might have some discretionary cash sitting around. If so, here’s our recommendation: Look ahead at what society is going to need to survive and recover -- and then invest in the companies providing those services. Examples: technology companies that help people work from home; and transportation companies such as airlines that perform an essential service and will continue to perform an essential service throughout this ordeal and beyond.

Resources heading your way

Speaking of discretionary income, the U.S. government is talking about cutting a check of more than $1,000 to every adult U.S. citizen to help them get through this storm. It’s up to you to decide what will help you the most, and the answer might be as simple as an infusion of some sensible, highly discounted stocks in your retirement portfolio. Let us know if we can help.

As always, call us with questions or concerns at
3 03-228-3160.

If this is your first exposure to the GRAnderson Wealth Monthly Update -- welcome! We hope you receive a valuable amount of information that will help with your investment decisions!

We also hope you will make the right decisions that will keep you and your family safe and healthy during these difficult times.


Gregory Anderson
Founder and CEO
Businesses to get relief, here are some links
If you own a business, this has probably been a particularly tough time for you. But governments on multiple levels are devising relief packages, and you should keep yourself aware of these opportunities.

For the most part, the packages are designed to make low-cost loans available. The best place to find details is on the U.S. Small Business Administration website. The loans (3.75% interest rate for small businesses) are meant to address fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable and other bills that can't be paid due to the impact of the coronavirus disaster. Click here for more information.

Another good resource is the Colorado Small Business Development Center. Additionally, Mayor Hancock of Denver last week announced an initial relief package of $4 million for businesses. Check your state and regional government websites plus chambers of commerce for additional help. If they don't have plans in place yet, they probably will in the coming weeks and months.
Serving our clients at GRAnderson Wealth
We have made some allowances at GRAnderson Wealth to accommodate the fight against the coronavirus. Like the rest of the world, we are practicing "social distancing," and we are working in a non-office setting as often as it is feasible.

We are STILL serving our clients and responding to their every need, but we are also encouraging phone conferences, web conferences, email, text-message contacts, and other use of technological tools. We would be happy to set up a phone meeting with you if you feel the need to discuss your portfolio or other investment concerns. Together, we will get through this difficult period.