My name is Matt Cable and I am going to share my journey with cancer with you. I was diagnosed with AML Leukemia in August of 2014 and relapsed in April of 2019.
In my first go-round with cancer, I endured complete organ failure and was on life support. After beating it the first time, I was taught how significant life truly was. I focused my entire life on health and fitness and decided to chase all my goals in and out of the gym. Once I focused all my energy on what I loved to do, it changed my life immensely. My story motivated and inspired others from all around the world and that is what made me happy.
After cancer, I trained at the gym like I had never trained before. I trained so hard, I wound up competing on a television series that features people from across America competing in endurance-based mental and physical challenges called The Titan Games. I got to showcase what hard work and dedication can lead to, and after something as tragic as cancer, you can still bounce back and continue doing what you love. I was personally recruited by Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, one of my idols.
Once The Titan Games were over, I was deployed for some time in Qatar. Unfortunately, during deployment, my Leukemia had relapsed and I was medically evacuated back to the States and started my treatments again, praying for remission. Not everything went smoothly this time around. I ended up back in the ICU with an infection that was targeting my brain. I am thankful the doctors caught it before it killed me. I had five surgeries in seven days to get it under control. I had a bone marrow transplant scheduled during the time my infection occurred, which then pushed the transplant back a few months. It was a little scary because it would have been deadly if I relapsed during that time. Fortunately, I didn’t.
I am now 120 days out of my transplant, living life and doing a little of what I love. My body isn’t producing red blood cells at this time and the doctors are trying to figure out why that’s happening but it isn’t stopping me from training hard in the gym while they figure it out. I’ll be competing again soon and am looking forward to it.
If cancer has taught me anything, it is to never give up and to never back down. I am stronger today than I ever was before, both physically and mentally because of my journey with Leukemia. The support of friends and family during the journey has helped me immensely and I am so thankful.
My roots are from Great Falls, Montana and I can’t imagine those families that have to travel long-distances for treatment without a support system close like I have had. I truly think the cancer patient housing facility will be a blessing to those undergoing treatment. Supporting our own through tough times is so important for any form of recovery, especially when it is cancer.