Wine industry and business leaders from all over the country came together at must! charities’ PURPOSE event on Saturday with a shared passion to give back—and give back they did—to the tune of $1,300,000.

Referred to as “the best damn party Paso has ever seen”, PURPOSE was more than fine dining, luxurious auction lots, and festive live performances (although there was plenty of that). The purpose was to harness the power of collective giving to raise the remaining funds needed to open doors on a brand new $3.2M state of the art Boys and Girls Club in Paso Robles. Mission accomplished.  

“I remember the moment I looked around and realized I was witnessing the epitome of what we do at Must! Charities: collective giving.” Becky Gray, Executive Director of Must! Charities reflects, “the simple gesture of raising a paddle has the power to change a life, change a community, and give opportunities to those who would otherwise not have it.”   

What historically has been a grassroots effort in the region, became an effort at PURPOSE that brought local Paso Roblans with out-of-towners together for an important cause. The result allowed for greater reach and greater leverage, increasing the impact to those who need it most. The tremendous success of PURPOSE gives Must! Charities increased capacity to move the needle on social issues.

The success of PURPOSE would not have been possible without the community coming together collectively: from food vendors to wineries to guests to staff to table hosts...we ALL made this happen. 

A Buck a Bottle, A Buck a Table, or a Buck a Pie or Any Combination
By pooling our resources together, we can collectively give more and give bigger. For as little as a dollar a day, or a buck a bottle or buck a table or buck a pie - you can transform lives in our community. Find out more HERE.
must! charities