Digest #167

Yow! This is my fourth year compiling a year-end summary of Santa Cruz Tech Beat Highlights 2016. (For a look-back even further -- just to refresh your memory -- check out our reviews for 2013, 2014, and 2015.)

Here's the news you need to know.

Lloyd Tabb, Looker Founder and CEO, looks ahead and offers up his best bets for 2017. Jaap Haartsen, inventor of Bluetooth and wireless expert at Plantronics, talks about where wireless is going next. Bud Colligan was recognized as 2016 California Steward Leader. (Bud, we're lucky to have you in our community.) UCSC's Office of Research spotlights inventors for their recent patent awards. This is part of an increased focus on IP portfolio management and customer services. The Santa Cruz New Tech Meetup kicks off 2017 with a serious green tech focus.

And, there's more, so scroll down and start reading!

Happy Holidays!

Sara Isenberg
Founder, Publisher, Editor-in-Chief
Santa Cruz Tech Beat


Top Stories

The year flew by! What the heck happened? Read our year-end highlights of 2016. Read this article.

Aside from being Looker's Founder, Chairman, and CTO, Lloyd Tabb is a lifelong engineer, entrepreneur and VC. Here are his predictions for 2017. Read this article.

Bud Colligan receives the 2016 California Regional Steward Award. (Thanks, Bud, we're lucky to have you in our community!) Read this article.

Twenty-two years after designing Bluetooth 1.0, Plantronics' wireless expert, Jaap Haartsen is still working to push the standard forward. Read this article.

The UCSC Office of Research spotlights six inventor/researchers for recent patent awards, part of an increased focus on IP portfolio management and customer services. Read this article.

Looker releases Data Actions, "the industry's first seamless integration of fully functional 3rd-party business processes into a data platform." Read this article.

Santa Cruz New Tech Meetup kicks off 2017 with with some serious green tech! Read this article

Registration for the 2017 Startup Weekend to be held at CSUMB on Jan 27-29 is now open for all college students and community members. Read this article.  

Did you miss the AWS Office Hours? Well, here's the video. Watch video now.    
Note: Dates, times, and locations are all subject to change. Be sure to check the event website, just in case! 

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Sara Isenberg
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