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The second day of #2019APPAM was packed with great sessions from breakfast to Happy Hour. Some attendees started their day with a High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), while most began their Thursday at the 2019 Fall Research Conference in Denver with the Membership and Awards Breakfast. There, APPAM President Matt Stagner gave the Year in Review presentation, highlighting the events and statistics for the organization for 2019.
The Breakfast also served as the best place to present the
PhD Dissertation Award to University of Virginia's Shiran Victoria Shen, the
Raymond Vernon Memorial Award to co-authors Daphna Bassok of The University of Virginia, Thomas S. Dee of Stanford University, and Scott Latham of Princeton University, and the
JCPA/ICPA-Forum Comparative Award, to co-authors Amit Patel, University of Massachusetts Boston; Hina Lotia, LEAD Pakistan; Ammar A. Malik, Urban Institute; Marcia D. Mundt, University of Massachusetts Boston; Hyunjung Lee, University of Massachusetts Boston; Muhammad Arshed Rafiq, LEAD Pakistan; and William Spelman, University of Texas at Austin.
The day continued with Super Sessions, Community Sessions and Innovation Lounge Sessions, as well as special events like the Equity and Inclusion Luncheon, the Gentrification Field Trip and the PhD Program Fair.
We ended Thursday with a very powerful Presentation by APPAM President Matt Stagner, about the importance of emotions and understanding things beyond the technocratic perspective of evaluation.
Thursday Night Poster Session Award Winners
Deborah Levison and Anna Bolgrien of Humphrey School of Public Affairs, with
Children Are Diverse People Too: ACV Methodology for Learning Perspectives of 12-17 Year-Olds
Second Place: Michael Martinez Schiferl, Tom Zolot & Larry Desbien of the Colorado Department of Human Services with
Effects of Child Support Full Pass through on Colorado Families in Need
First Place: Marlous de Milliano, Claire Barrington and Gustavo Angeles from UNC-Chapel Hill and UNC with
The Role of Coping Strategies and the Social Cash Transfer Program on Individual’s Well-Being in Malawi
Plan Ahead for Tomorrow Morning:
Start the final day of the conference with 45 minutes of relaxation during the morning’s flow yoga class. Mats will be provided and all levels are welcome.
Yoga will take place in the Plaza Building, Concourse Level, Plaza Ballroom D-F Hallway, and if you didn't RSVP there may be spaces available. Class starts at 6:30 am!
Tomorrow's Super Sessions
Saturday, 8:30 am – 10:00 am
Plaza Building: Concourse Level, Plaza Ballroom A & B
Saturday, 10:15 am – 11:45 am
Plaza Building: Concourse Level, Plaza Ballroom A & B
Saturday, 1:30 am – 3:00 pm
Plaza Building: Concourse Level, Plaza Ballroom A & B
Tomorrow's Panel Luncheon
Saturday, 8:30 am – 10:00 am
Location: I.M. Pei Tower - Terrace Level - Biltmore room
Saturday, 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Location: I.M. Pei Tower - Terrace Level - Biltmore room
Saturday, 3:15 pm – 4:45 pm
Location: I.M. Pei Tower - Terrace Level - Biltmore room
APPAM Communities:
APPAM Communities support opportunities for any group of people to meet at the conference and discuss the topics most important to them. These get-togethers, selected through a submission process, will focus on any number of shared interests or experiences, including, but not limited to, the following: race, ethnicity, gender, geographical location, methodology, or approach. This initiative builds on suggestions made by APPAM’s Diversity Committee, and other requests for additional networking opportunities in the context APPAM’s growth. No RSVP needed.
Tomorrow's sessions:
- Fintech for Financial Inclusion (F4F)
- 8:30 am - 10:00 am
- Exploring Careers in Research and Evaluation
- 10:15 am - 11:45 am
- Policy Analysts of the Coastal and Inter-Mountain West
- 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
- Chinese Policy Scholars Group
- 3:15 pm - 4:45 pm
A full schedule of the Communities can be found
Highlights from Around #2019APPAM
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#2019APPAM Podcasts
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. Check out all of the conference coverage
Preview of Saturday's Schedule
Saturday's Weather:
The weather tomorrow will be sunny with a high of 71, and some mild winds.