First Hike Fairfax 2024 Photo Contest

The popular First Hike Fairfax Photo Contest returns in 2024!

Participation is simple. Visit any of the 334 miles of FCPA Trails on Monday, Jan. 1, 2024. Take a photo to commemorate the experience and submit it online before noon on Tuesday, Jan. 2. See contest rules and photo submission link at First Hike Fairfax 2024 | Park Authority (

Prizes are sponsored by the Park Foundation in these categories

  • People’s Choice: $100 Park Authority Gift Card.  
  • Judges’ Choice: $100 Park Authority Gift Card.  
  • Director’s Choice: $100 Park Authority Gift Card  
  • Best in Show (Scenery/Landscapes): $75 Park Authority Gift Card  
  • Best in Show (People): $75 Park Authority Gift Card  
  • Best in Show (Wildlife): $75 Park Authority Gift Card  
  • Best in Show (Pets): $75 Park Authority Gift Card  

Need inspiration? Watch last year's First Hike Fairfax slideshow!

Gifts to help FCPA's most used amenity are always welcome.

Donate to Trails Today OR Help Your Parks where needed most!

Helping Fairfax County Parks

FCPF Board Chair Anita Herrera and Treasurer Rich Harpe join FCPF Executive Director Bobbi Longworth; Director of Development Margaret Thaxton, and Finance Administrator Brooke Nielsen, to present a ceremonial check to FCPA Board Chair Kiel Stone; Vice Chair Maggie Godbold; Secretary Dr. Cynthia Jacobs Carter; and FCPA Executive Director Jai Cole; Deputy Director Aimee Vosper; with FCPA Board Members, Bill Bouie, Linwood Gorham, Faisal Khan, Ron Kendall, Ken Quincy, Michael Thompson, Jr., and Jim Zook.

This $1,346,585.41 check represents FCPF funds given by thousands of donors who helped FCPA projects, outreach programs, and popular community events in Fairfax County parks during Fiscal Year 2023!

Your Gifts at Work

We are grateful for you and other park lovers who generously contributed in 2023. Your charitable donations enabled the Fairfax County Park Foundation to have a direct impact by funding many critical Park Authority programs and projects like:

Still time to make a 2023 Year-End Gift

To continue these and other important programs in 2024, the Park Foundation needs your help. Please donate $5,000, $1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50 or whatever you can. Every gift helps and is appreciated.

You can continue to make a difference for your neighbors in Fairfax County! Donate today to have a lasting impact on Fairfax County’s 420 parks and hundreds of programs.

As we welcome a new year, your Fairfax County parks are here for you!

Moment of Beauty

New Year's 2023 First Hike Photo Contest People’s Choice Award Winner

Photographed by Heidi Koolmees at Riverbend Park

Use the Park Amenity Locator to find a picturesque park near you!

Park Amenity Locator | Park Authority (

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Register for classes and find MANY other great FCPA Programs and Events online!

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