Digest #282
Direct from Florida with no prior visits to Santa Cruz, the founder and CEO of a new "plug and play smart garden" startup observes how the Santa Cruz community reflects a demand for culinary grade produce. So what does a resilient food system look like?
Baskin Engineering announces three new graduate programs, reflecting "UCSC's trailblazing, interdisciplinary legacy and our increasingly interconnected, digital future."
The UCSC Games Showcase invites the public to check out the future of games in one of the largest student game festivals in the country.
As usual, there's more, so scroll down and start reading!
Sara Isenberg
The CEO and Founder of Aeroasis talks about his startup's core mission to accelerate the transition toward resilient urban food systems. Read this article.
Baskin School of Engineering announces three new graduate programs, reflecting UCSC's trailblazing and interdisciplinary legacy. Read this article.
Want to know the future of games and celebrate game design? Attend the UCSC Games Showcase, one of the largest student game festivals in the country. Open to the public. Read this article.
Family Code Night brings families together to do computer programming at elementary schools across the county. Santa Cruz was recently the site of the first-ever Spanish Family Code Nights. Read this article.
Jenny Reardon, a leading voice in the field of genomics, was one of 15 participants invited to attend a workshop on personalized medicine hosted by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. Read this article.
Any intern can get more out of their experience by being as prepared as possible ahead of time. Here are three tips to help you succeed in a summer internship. Read this article.
The Onewheel Pint looks different from most of the other electric people-movers out there. It appears to be unstable, so getting on it requires a small leap of faith.
Read this article.
A new study of the most distant galaxies reveals that many were much brighter than expected, a finding with implications for our understanding of the early history of the universe.
Read this article.
Note: Dates, times, and locations are all subject to change. Be sure to check the event's website, just in case!
- Sat Jun 8 - Sun Jun 9: UCSC Games Showcase at Digital Arts Research Center, 407 McHenry Rd. UCSC.
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