Digest #301

There was a whole lotta buzz around Marc Randolph's (Birth of Netflix) book release. We have some newer articles that came out after we published our exclusive Q&A with Marc last week. (My favorite this week is Marc's Why I waited 16 years to write my book about Netflix. )

There was also a plenty of buzz after UCSC professor and paleogeneticist Ed Green was featured in the NY Times for the cutting edge technique he has developed in solving cold cases for law enforcement. We've got another great article about that.

In October, Santa Cruz County organizations, groups, and community members will gather together to present a wide range of events, exhibits, and discussions to mark the 30th anniversary of the Loma Prieta Earthquake. I rode out the '89 earthquake upstairs at SCO -- Santa Cruz Operation -- in a building at 1700 Mission Street that housed our Engineering and Engineering Services teams. We later moved to SCO's Harvey West Park location, and the Mission Street building turned into Long's Drugs (now CVS).

As usual we have more. Scroll down and start reading!
Sara Isenberg
Founder, Publisher, Editor-in-Chief
Santa Cruz Tech Beat

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