Digest #349
Often I start a week thinking there won't be much to report but then I'm pleasantly surprised with how much cool news we find to share. This week we have three exclusive articles that I hope you'll read.

Honey bee tech! ApisProtect is an agtech startup from Ireland in residence at Western Grower's Center for Innovation and Technology (WGCIT) in Salinas. Using big data and machine learning techniques on sensor data on hive conditions and activity levels, the company provides beekeepers with insights into what is happening in the hive to help reduce losses and improve the health of honey bees.

What's new at Digital NEST? The NESTworking space in Watsonville has reopened and welcomes back members and invites new students to come utilize the space.

The primary goal of WGCIT is "the rapid commercialization of innovative solutions that will help farmers across the state (and nation) grow more food with less resources and inputs." Dennis Donohue, WGCIT Director, shares his thoughts on finding a qualified workforce -- a new type of worker, he calls it -- that has the skills and knowledge to navigate up-and-coming technology on the farm.

And, check out the latest news from Parallel Flight Technologies.

There's plenty more. Scroll down and start reading!
Sara Isenberg
Founder, Publisher, Editor-in-Chief
Santa Cruz Tech Beat

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