Digest #351
Some members of our community are still reeling from the CZU fires. Check out drone imagery of CZU fire damage recently released by the Santa Cruz County Sheriff's office. Teams flew over 315 flights collecting photos, panoramas, and video.

The MAH (Museum of Art and History) is looking for personal stories about the CZU fire for their historical archive. For this project, award-winning Santa Cruz Sentinel photojournalist, Shmuel Thaler, and NPR radio producer and former history curator, Nikki Silva are asking locals to bring in objects and stories salvaged from their homes to the museum. There, Shmuel will photograph you and the objects you may bring and Nikki will interview you about your fire experience. Learn more and sign up here.

There's plenty more. Scroll down and start reading!
Sara Isenberg
Founder, Publisher, Editor-in-Chief
Santa Cruz Tech Beat

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