Community Organizing Newsletter

Hello everyone,

I hope everyone is enjoying this (slow) transition to fall! It is a busy time for organizing, so make sure that you keep reading about how to take action and get involved in the coming weeks.

Much is upcoming regarding transportation, housing, and important events in the Fenway. Notably, an upcoming in-person action item on the #55 Bus, an update on Inclusionary Development Policy, a meet & greet with Councilor Durkan, and more!

Thank you all for your action and collaboration!

Samira Saad

Housing Development and Community Building Co-op

Our next meeting is Thursday, October 12th from 6 PM – 7:30 PM at the Fenway Community Center (1282 Boylston St, entrance on Jersey St.)!

Last meeting, we continued our conversation on Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, the Boston policy that urges developers to do more and work harder to make sure they have a positive impact on housing justice. We focused on the Fenway Development Project, 409 Huntington Ave, and how we can influence our neighborhood!

Organizing Committee is open to anyone interested in advocacy and organizing—no experience or knowledge is necessary! Join us to explore housing policies and to learn how to effectively organize and create meaningful impact.

Fenway CDC continues working with residents, representatives, and organizations to improve access to the 55 bus route. The current service hours are from 10 AM - 4 PM.

We are aware that these service hours are inaccessible to our community and are advocating for increased service hours implementation. The MBTA did not modify the 55 in the Spring phase of the Bus Network Redesign.

UPCOMING IN-PERSON 55 Bus Coalition meeting on Sept. 21st @ 3 PM - 4 PM at the Fenway Community Center! **Please note the new date of September 22nd!

After the meeting, we will be moving to participate in the September 21st BPDA Chat with a planner session at the Back Bay Fens near Jersey Street from 4 PM – 6 PM. Join us to help improve the 55. **Please note the new date of September 22nd!

If you are unable to attend, please make sure to submit this survey!

More details!

ACTION ALERT: Chat with a City Planner! Fenway Transportation Action Plan 

The Boston Planning and Development Agency and Boston Transportation Department are continuing to host sessions in August and September to engage with residents on community needs and thoughts on Fenway’s transportation.

This is a great opportunity to express the need for increased service hours and the extension of the #55 Bus route to Park Street, or any other problems with Fenway’s transportation.

You can also submit your thoughts about Fenway transportation directly to the BPDA and BTD through this survey:  

Here is the September Schedule – let’s make Fenway’s voices heard: 


See event details here.

Support the Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act (TOPA) to allow tenants to have the right to buy their buildings and help prevent displacement. Join on any TOPA Tuesdays as we hear from MA residents, advocates, and allies on why we need TOPA now. We will have letter writing sessions, fun trivia, and music. Together we can make 2024 the year we pass TOPA!

RSVP Here!

An update on the happenings of City Council

Last month, the Boston Planning and Development Agency approved changes proposed by Mayor Wu to Boston’s Inclusionary Development Policy, a policy that requires large new housing developments in Boston to create more affordable housing either through paying into a fund or making more affordable units.

If approved, the following changes would be added to the Boston Zoning Code:

  • Applying the policy developments with 7+ units instead of 10+ units
  • Increasing the requirement for income-restricted housing in new developments

The Committee on Planning, Development and Transportation of the Boston City Council will hold a hearing on September 26th @ 10:00am to discuss the proposed changes to IDP.

You can attend the hearing in-person (Iannella Council Chamber, 1 City Hall Square) or watch online.

If you want to learn more about IDP in general and the ongoing fight to expand it, check out the website for Coalition for a Truly Affordable Boston, of which Fenway CDC is a partner. The site gives background on how past and current zoning policies affect Boston natives, how IDP can help Boston residents, and how it can be strengthened. 

Our new City Councilor for District 7, Sharon Durkan, will be having a meet & greet at the Fenway Community Center (1282 Boylston St, entrance on Jersey St.) on Tuesday, September 19th from 6 PM - 7:30 PM.

Learn more about the event here!

The Boston Transportation Department is investigating if the community would like to close off New Edgerly Rd to cars. If you are interested, there is a support letter attached to this email that you can sign and send to Chief of Streets Jascha Franklin-Hodge ( and Public Realm Director Jacob Wessel ( You can also submit comments to Councilor Louijeune (

Event: Coffee Hour with the Mayor’s Fenway Laison!

The Mayor’s Office Liaison to Fenway, Maggie Van Scoy, will be having office hours at the Fenway Community Center (1282 Boylston St, entrance on Jersey St.) on Friday, September 22nd from 10 AM - 11 AM.

Learn more about the office hours here!

The #55 Bus Coalition will be attending the office hours to discuss service improvement – come join us!

On October 5th from 10 AM - 12 PM, the Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association is hosting a meeting to discuss challenges and policy opportunities around affordable housing. 

Register for the meeting here!

Event: MAPC Indigenous Knowledge and Climate Resiliency

The Metropolitan Area Planning Council is hosting a speaker series called Rooted in Nature: Indigenous Knowledge and Climate Resiliency. There will be a series of experts from indigenous communities in Massachusetts speaking on climate resiliency and sustainability.

The first event is on September 20th from 12 PM - 1:30 PM. Learn more about the series and register for the events here!

Join Fenway Community Center and neighbors to celebrate the Fenway!

The PSC is the Fenway's only dedicated space for seniors to gather, socialize, and find healthy living programs. They work to enrich the lives of seniors with programs and activities covering a broad range: health and physical-activity-related services, arts and cultural activities, intergenerational programs, educational programs, and opportunities for civic engagement.

See their September and October events calendar!

Check out the Fenway Community Center (FCC)!

The Fenway Community Center helps local people build connections. They're mission is to serve as a gathering place to share information, deliver programs, and provide services that enrich the lives of all Fenway residents. The FCC has been an incredible partner to Fenway CDC!

See their calendar for upcoming events! Click here!

Fenway CDC was founded in 1973 and is part of a range of coalitions and partnerships to advocate for strengthening affordable housing policies, at both the city and state levels. Thank you for reading our Organizing Newsletter. Please reach out for questions or concerns.


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