Thank you to all the members of Kansas Lions who helped Friday. Although I hope I got everyone. If not please let me know.
Andover Tornado ALERT Volunteers
Saturday April 30. 2022, Dan Funke, Goddard, DG Richard Caldwell, Bel Aire, Ginny Caldwell, Bel Aire, Jacob Scarrow, Goddard Leo Club, Zach Scarrow, Goddard Leo Club
Sunday May 1, 2022, Dwight Shoup, Arkansas City, Ginny Caldwell, Bel Aire, DG Richard Caldwell, Bel Aire, Dan Funke, Goddard, Myrna Hamilton, Valley Center, Michel Hamilton, Valley Center, Perry Wiley, Wellington, Dale Rein, Burlington, Sue Dunn, Newton
Monday May 2, 2022, Dale Rein, Burlington, Dan Funke, Goddard, Mary Meyer, Madison, Lynn Meyer, Madison, DG Richard Caldwell, Bel Aire, Aaron Baily, Moundridge, Dwight Shoup, Arkansas City, Sue Dunn, Newton, Steve Cauble, Wichita Downtown, Larry Rath, Valley Center, Howard L Talbot, Valley Center
Tuesday May 3, 2022, Jerry Klutzke, Valley Center, Doyle Jones, Keats, Dwight Shoup, Arkansas City, Perry Wiley, Wellington, Danny Lovell, Wellington, Myrna Hamilton, Valley Center, Michael Hamilton, Valley Center, Lea Ann Seiler, Hanston-Jetmore, Tamera Judd, Goddard, Dan Funke, Goddard, 2VDG Pam Bilyeu, Lyndon, Jerry Bilyeu, Lyndon, Ron Black, Valley Center, Linda Black, Valley Center, Aaron Bailey, Moundridge, DG Richard Caldwell, Bel Aire
Wednesday May 4, 2022, Jerry Klutzke, Valley Center, Doyle Jones, Keats/Manhattan, Dale Rein, Burlington, Carleen Rajak, Shawnee, Deb Weaverling, ID LCI/Leavenworth, 2VDG Pam Bilyeu, LyndonJerry Bilyeu, Lyndon, Larry Bogus, Augusta, Dan Funke, Goddard, DG Richard Caldwell, Bel Aire
Thursday, May 5, 2022, Dan Funke, Goddard, Jerry Klutzke, Valley Center, Dale Rein, Burlington, Clark Lindstrum, Wichita Downtown, Larry Boggs, Augusta, Dwight Shoup, Arkansas City, Steve Cauble, Wichita Downtown, Keith Harimon, Valley Center, Larry Roth, Valley Center
Friday, May 5, 2022, Lonnie Ruth, Valley Center, Tom Stewart, Northwest, Jerry Klutzke, Valley Center, DG Richard Caldwell, Bel Aire, Bill Murphy, Northwest, Loena Murphy, Northwest, Paul Schneider, Valley Center, Dale Rein, Burlington, Sue Drum, Newton, Perry Wiley, Wellington, Helen LeBlanc, Valley Center, Dan Funke, Goddard
You all know what service is!.