Hello Paula,
What is Tangible Hope?
The name "Tangible Hope" has a special meaning to our Board and team at Tangible Hope Ministries. The definition we discovered is:
"A hope that feels real, and almost touchable, like a solid expectation that something positive will happen rather than a wishful desire".
This is what we want our friends on the inside to experience. There is always HOPE, a solid, tangible hope. We encourage them to never give up. To wrap their minds around the possibilities. We have seen many individuals released from prison when they had received a life sentence and have been behind bars for 20+ years. Inmates have had family members located after being separated for decades. Hope is full of possibilities.
When our pen pals take a few minutes to write out a card, it's received by an inmate as "Tangible Hope". Words of encouragement to never give up. A stranger taking the time to write a card or note to someone who feels so forgotten has such an incredible impact that those of us on the outside will probably never grasp.
Cards For Prisoners is a program that we developed for Tangible Hope Ministries in 2016. As we continue to grow, more programs will be added. Stay tuned! There will be more opportunities for you to show our friends on the inside and their families, Tangible Hope.
Grace & Peace,