Mother's Day is May 14th, and we at the Montgomery County Women's Center want to take a moment to acknowledge the strength and resilience of the mothers that utilize our hotline and walk through our doors asking for help.
“You are not the darkness you endured. You are the light that
refused to surrender.” ― John Mark Green
In this time of motherhood celebration, thousands of mothers and mothers-to-be across the country will spend Mother's Day in a domestic violence shelter. More than 78% of domestic violence survivors have children under the age of 18, and 68% percent have minor children with them while staying at the shelter.
In 2022, Montgomery County Women's Center provided 10,628 emergency shelter nights to 1,056 domestic violence victims. In addition to a safe place to sleep at night, survivors who are mothers have several other child-related needs such as children's counseling, safety planning, childcare, and schooling, among others.
Make a difference this Mother's Day! Honor and celebrate a remarkable woman in your life by providing a night of safety to a woman in crisis.